Conan's Strongest Inspector

Chapter 312 Shiratori bea10 into a pig's head! 【2】

Shiratori was not convinced and roared: "Mu Mu, this charge is suspicious at best. How dare you be so sure that it was faked and used to frame you?"

Mu Mu pouted: "Shiratori, I'm pretty sure that these two fingerprints were pressed by you with the corpses of two detectives. But you can never imagine that the fingerprints before life and after death are There may be a difference. Someone!"

Satou said crisply, "Yes."

"Go and get the two criminal policemen, who drew their fingerprints while they were alive~ Come."


After a while, Satou brought the fingerprints of two criminal-police officers who were handling the case three months ago.

Mu Mu looked it over, threw the three-month fingerprints on Shiratori's face, and shouted, "See for yourself. You said, this crime investigation book was written by two detectives three months ago. It was also done at that time. What is the difference between the fingerprints from the same 3 months ago, the hand you grabbed the corpse and pressed it on?"

Shiratori was publicly slapped by Mu Mu, but he didn't dare to attack, his face was pale, he picked it up and looked at it for a long time...

Then, he shook his head fiercely and said, "Nothing has changed."

"Really? Clumsy!"

Mu Mu said mercilessly: "Let the fingerprint experts in the bureau come!"

Odakiri and Shiratori looked at each other in dismay.

F*ck, such a mountain of iron-clad guilt and uncontested death has all been found suspicious by Mu Mu, and has the evidence been found?

This sucks.

There is a special fingerprint comparison expert in the bureau. After looking at it for a while, he said with certainty, "Although these two fingerprints belong to the same person, they are not from the same period!"

He picked up Shiratori's guilt fingerprints and affirmed: "These are the fingerprints of two detectives who were imprinted after they died!"


Many police officers were angry: "What's going on?"

Shiratori was like being hit by five thunders, and he was petrified on the spot: "This, it's impossible!"

"Because, a detail!"

Mu Mu smiled and pouted at Shiratori: "You probably don't know that before Shiratori died, during the struggle and struggle with the murderer, his right thumb was accidentally slashed by a hot bullet, scalding, causing There is a small deformation of the fingerprint."

He sneered and took out the fingerprints the police took on the thumb of the dead body, and then took out the fingerprints of Shiratori Yangichiro 3 months ago, and said to the police: "As you can see, there are obvious differences between the two fingerprints. Shiratori The fingerprints provided are consistent with the current fingerprints of the deceased."

He coldly approached Shiratori, who was sweating coldly, "Excuse me, Shiratori police officer, Shiratori is already dead, so how can he stand up and sign on your so-called guilt book?"

Shiratori Petrochemical ━━∑( ̄□ ̄*|||━━!

F*ck, sweat is pouring down.


The surrounding criminal police officers all heard the blue veins burst out...


You are paralyzed!

Satou clenched his fists and walked up step by step with anger in his eyes: "Shiratori, how dare you desecrate the police's body? Use dead people to fabricate evidence? I can't spare you!"

Shiratori was so angry when she saw the goddess in her heart, her heart was broken.


Pursuing the goddess is going to be yellow.

Many policemen also gathered around, planning to beat this Shiratori into a pig's head.

A colleague died on duty, and was his fingerprints forged by this Shiratori?

This makes the police out of anger.

"Hit him!"

I don't know who made a roar.

Then, at the highest meeting of the Metropolitan Police Department in Tokyo, a tragedy broke out.

Satou was the first to charge up and punched Shiratori together, beating him hard.

Nakamori Ginzou and other hot-blooded detective Inspectors also rushed up and kicked Shiratori hard.

Shiratori let out a series of screams.

"Ah, stop hitting, don't hit... my face!"

"Stop it all!"

At this moment, a majestic voice came out.

Many police officers looked back, it was Odakiri Toshiro!

When the director spoke, everyone had no choice but to stop angrily and disperse.

However, Shiratori has turned into a pig-headed bird.

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Nosebleeds, footprints, fist prints, slap prints, and heel prints all over his face, Satou's masterpiece.

Shiratori, a miserable one, collapsed in the corner with no strength.

With an embarrassed smile on Odagiri's face, he quietly took the guilt back and apologized to Mu Mu: "Haha, I, the director, was also blinded and deceived for a while. I misunderstood you Mu Mu. Guilty, it looks like there's something wrong. Shiratori, don't you apologize?"

Mu Mu refused to give an inch, and said tit for tat: "Apology? If an apology is useful, what do the police do? Since Shiratori's so-called crime was fabricated, then he has framed me. The price must be paid! In addition, since investigating my order , it was ordered by you personally, Director, do you have a B number in your heart?"


With a series of cannon-like questions, Toshiro Odakiri was in a hurry.

In desperation, he had no choice but to abandon the car to protect the coach, throw away Shiratori, the lackey, and glared at him: "Shiratori! I did ask you to get the file, but did you forge this signature and stamp yourself? Say it! "

Shiratori was stunned...

Odagiri had already taken the lead and roared: "Humph! This is obviously true, but you dare to superfluous and forge the signature? Since you have made such a big mistake, then you should all be relieved of your police duties. Back to the lowest level of patrol duty!"

Shiratori was struck by five thunders, vomiting blood on the spot, and fainted...

He worked hard to forge evidence of Mu Mu's murder for Odachi, and as a result, the benefits of stealing chickens were all lost.

He also fell into infamy, and his reputation was stinky.

Although Shiratori was kicked by Mu Mu to the point of sweeping the toilet before, but after being famous, everyone thought he was incompetent.

Now, this is a great deal of character.

Anyway, you can give up on the pursuit of Satou.

Under the disdainful gazes of the audience, no one came to rescue Shiratori, who had fainted and vomited blood, leaving him to collapse in the corner of the wall miserably. .

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