Conan's other self

Chapter 35 Detonating a skyscraper (6)

Because all the calls to Kudo's house were forwarded to this phone a few days ago, Maplehara didn't speak first.

"Is Kudo Shinichi at home?"

came a voice that had used a voice changer.

It's not the kind of voice changer made by Dr. Ali, but a very ordinary one that can be distinguished at a glance.

Fengyuan hesitated for a moment, then pressed the button-shaped voice changer on his chest and said directly: "I am."

This is Kudo Shinichi's voice.

Hattori Heiji has heard it on TV before.

Suddenly hearing Kudo Shinichi's voice from Maplehara, Hattori Heiji was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to speak subconsciously, Conan's hand had already covered his mouth.

Maplehara turned on the external speaker.

"I was the one who stole the explosives from the Toyo Explosives Depot."

Conan and Hattori looked shocked.

Feng Yuan said nothing.

"As expected of Kudo Shinichi, you are so calm." The person on the other end of the phone sighed, "Let me see, can you just tell me your mobile phone number?"

Maplehara directly reported Conan's mobile phone number, and then said: "What do you want to do?"

"That's so easy." The sound of paper and pen rubbing against each other came from the phone. "Very good. Now take your mobile phone and come to Tsumukkawa Green Park. I'll show you something interesting."

"If we don't go quickly, those children will die."

The phone hangs up.

They couldn't help but ignore the other party's use of a voice changer. Conan didn't hesitate, jumped out of bed, took the solar skateboard invented by Dr. Ali and ran out.

He didn't even remind Fengyuan to call the police, because he knew that Fengyuan liked to call the police.

Maplehara was indeed calling the police.

Hattori Heiji had a lot of question marks in his mind. He had already given up the idea that "Maplehara was Kudo", but this guy stopped pretending at all... He could actually make Kudo's voice.

But this idea had just revived, and Conan's behavior gave him a blow in the head.

However, he couldn't stop thinking about the information he learned on the phone. Although his mind is now full of Kudo, he still understands his priorities.

So seeing that Maplehara had just answered the call to the police, Hattori Heiji jumped up and ran out after Conan.


Hattori Heiji watched in stunned silence as Conan ran away at lightning speed on his skateboard, his whole body messy in the wind.

This speed is too unscientific!

It was impossible to catch up by running, and he was not familiar with this area and did not know the location of the green park.

So Hattori Heiji ran to the highway and stopped a taxi with his body.

There were other passengers in the car.

However, his sharp eyes and unquestionable tone still made the driver choose to follow his heart, and he stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Tsukasa Jinchuan Greenland Park.

Conan arrived first.

Dr. Agasa's invention, combined with his superb skateboarding skills and his familiarity with the nearby roads, allowed Conan to win the race.

But that's not the point.

After arriving at Greenland Park, Conan looked around.

It was a weekend afternoon, and there were many people in the green park. Conan glanced at it but could not find anyone suspicious. However, the only remote-controlled toy airplane flying in the sky caught Conan's attention.

Conan quickly noticed something tied underneath, so he looked around again and noticed two children. A few steps away, a pair of parents were watching. One of the children had a handle-like remote control in his hand.

"Hey!" Conan ran over quickly, "How did this plane get here?"

"A bearded man gave it to us——"

"None of your business!" Another kid interrupted, standing in front of Conan, "This plane belongs to us!"

Seeing that their child seemed to have a conflict with the child who suddenly ran over, the parents also came over.

Conan was almost dying of anxiety.

He wanted to grab it directly, but the child who spoke after him seemed to realize it and deliberately stopped him, and there were also parents nearby. After hesitating, Conan decided to talk about the bomb directly——

"Give me that!" Hattori Heiji snatched the thing over at once.

"Hey! You guy!" The child's father approached angrily.


"Don't get in the way!" Hattori Heiji yelled.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

Ignoring the frightened adults and the frightened and crying children, Hattori Heiji ran away with Conan while controlling the remote-controlled toy airplane.

"What should we do now?"

"Control it over the river," Conan hesitated, looked at the river beside the park and said, "I have a way to detonate it in the air."

It is impossible to put it down and slowly dismantle it. After all, the bomb may have a timing device or a remote detonation device.

Because of the roar just now, almost everyone in the park was looking at Hattori Heiji, but he didn't care at all. He quickly came to the river and then controlled the remote-controlled plane to fly over the river.

There were no boats and no one around.

"Higher!" Conan shouted.

Although he was confused about how Conan was going to detonate the bomb, Hattori Heiji obediently cooperated.

In the peripheral vision of Hattori Heiji, Conan adjusted his foot strength-enhancing shoes and kicked against the selected stone.

Hit the bullseye.

There was a loud bang, accompanied by an orange flash and thick black smoke, and the remote-controlled aircraft exploded into pieces in the air.

Although they kept a safe distance, Hattori and Conan couldn't help but hide their faces.

The park was quiet for a moment, and then the chatter started.

"Hey! Kid, what's going on?" Hattori breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

"See you later-" Just as he was saying this, Conan's cell phone rang.

Conan, who knew that Maplehara had left his own mobile phone number, immediately realized that it might be the bomber's call, so he made a mute gesture to Hattori Heiji and answered the call.

Hattori Heiji bent down and put his ear close to it.

"what on earth do you want?"

"Why isn't Kudo Shinichi here?"

Conan then remembered that he forgot to turn on the voice changer, and regardless of Hattori Heiji's presence, Conan touched the bow directly.

"He thinks it's enough to send you here to be my opponent, right?"


Conan's hand stopped just in time.

"Well, listen carefully, there will be another bomb that will explode at one o'clock." The voice on the phone continued.

"A little after one o'clock?" Conan and Hattori were stunned for a moment. They looked at the time and found that it was only about ten minutes before one o'clock.

"The location is the square in front of Mihua Station. Since Kudo Shinichi didn't come, I'll leave it to you to find it.

"Wait a minute!" Conan didn't have time to think too much and said in a cute tone, "That's all you said. How can I, a kid, guess? Give me some more hints!"

"Isn't there another person here?" The voice on the phone rejected Conan's cuteness, "That's it! If you don't go quickly, someone might take the bomb away."

The phone was hung up.

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