Hearing Nana’s scream, everyone immediately followed the sound to the gate, and saw a corpse appear in the originally empty water tank.

“This is… Mr. Asahi Katsuyoshi! “Someone recognized the identity of the body!

“That was… The playing cards of the Nine of Spades, sure enough, Murakami Sho is here. Twilight’s eyes sharpened, and he also noticed the spade nine in the pocket of Xu Shengyi’s chest.

“Not only that!” Gao Yuanzhao “fiercely” pressed the elevator button, but the door showed no sign of opening.

“It seems that this exit can no longer go out! Kogoro, go and see the emergency escape route before. ”

“I’ll run over!” The anxious Conan is indeed one step faster.

Twilight also took out his mobile phone to get in touch, but found that the signal showed that it was outside the circle.

Everyone also began to scatter to find out, but found that most of the places that could go out were sealed.

At this time, the entire undersea restaurant seems to have become an undersea coffin.

The emotions of everyone present also began to agitate, and even though Takato Teru and Twilight gathered them together as police officers, the language of these people gradually became intense.

“It’s all your fault!” Minoru Renko pointed at Kogoro and yelled, and the rest of the people followed suit, accusing Kogoro one after another.

“Snap!” Suddenly, a small paper ball hit Renke Minoru’s finger, and the other party screamed in pain and covered his finger.

“If you are so rude, I will definitely break your finger!” After a warning, Gao Yuanzhao stood up and scanned everyone.

“No matter who the murderer is, since this confined space has been set up, you must be prepared to be hunted by me. You don’t have to worry about that. ”

Listening to the murderous words in Gao Yuanzhao’s mouth, where did these ordinary guests dare to say anything else, even the most arrogant Renke Minoru just now was beaten, and he did not dare to talk back.

Seeing Gao Yuanzhao stand out for himself, Kogoro was still a little moved, and just wanted to say something, but saw that Gao Yuanzhao had already looked over.

“There are four men there, you and Twilight take the two to search the entire restaurant, I will stay on the side of the girl and the child, in order, it should be Miss Nana next.”

“Yes!” Not only Kogoro and Twilight, but even the other four men over there exploded together, which shows that Gao Yuanzhao’s previous performance was a lot of deterrent.

After the searchers went out, there was only a girl left in the hall plus Gao Yuanzhao and Conan, and Xiaolan was a little puzzled about Gao Yuanzhao’s murderous aura before, and she didn’t know how to open her mouth when she wanted to ask.

“In high school, Kogoro was actually very withdrawn, except for a few very good friends, so it was easy to be isolated, and I protected him like this at that time, whether it made sense or not, I would use this trick to scare people!”

Thinking of the past, Gao Yuanzhao also laughed, “It seems that I am a little used to it.” ”

Hearing this, the doubts in Xiaolan’s heart were eliminated, and she was full of curiosity about the high school life of Gao Yuanzhao and others.

“Really? You have such a good relationship, you can talk to me…”

“Snap!” At this moment, all lighting went out. But the colorful nail polish on Miss Nana’s hand glowed with fluorescence.

“Miss Nana, don’t walk around in danger!” When Conan saw this situation, he didn’t know the seriousness of the situation and immediately spoke up.

But Conan is a child, cute and cute, there is no deterrent at all, how can Nana, who can drag racing, obey.

“Ugh!” Nana screamed and ran around.

Someone with his ear in the dark also seemed to notice this situation and raised the knife in his hand towards Nana.

“Ugh!” There was another coarser cry, followed by the sound of “ding” metal hitting the ground.

“Brother Zhao…” Conan, who had been able to adapt to the darkness a little, only to find that at some point, there was a tall figure standing next to Miss Nana, it was Gao Yuanzhao.

After a while, the lighting came back on, and everyone realized that the person who Takato had caught was none other than Sawaki Fair.

“Mr. Sawaki, why are you!” Kogoro who ran in saw this situation, how could he not understand the situation, but it was just a little unbelievable.

“I don’t know anything…” Sawaki wanted to quibble, but Takato Zhao just squeezed it “gently” and couldn’t say anything in pain.

“Do you need me to check the fingerprints on the knife?”

It turned out that the metal that had fallen to the ground before was a kitchen knife.

At this time, Sawaki Fair did not quibble, but used a resentful tone to tell the actions of Nana Koyamauchi, Asahi Katsuyoshi, Minoru Ninko, Hiroki Tsuji and others one by one.

In fact, except for Nana’s serious hit-and-run, most of the remaining things are paranoid conjectures under Sawaki’s fair perfectionism.

In Sawaki’s fair words, these people are trampling on his dignity as a bartender.

However, this crazy behavior has made people unable to raise any sympathetic thoughts, and Twilight looked at the current environment.

“Then, next, wait for the police to find out about our situation and rescue us.”

“Is it? It’s late! Sawaki gave a morbid smile.

“Bang!” Gao Yuanzhao heard a faint sound of glass breaking, and things turned out exactly as he expected.

“What do you mean!” Kogoro looked at Hosawaki Fair, only to find a small remote control slipping from his hand.

“This is…” without waiting for everyone to react. The rushing sea water has rushed into the hall from all directions.

Gao Yuanzhao was still fair to Sawaki at this time, and directly took Xiaolan’s hand.

“Hold your breath, don’t get washed away!” Suddenly, he felt that there was also a person hanging on the right, and it turned out that Miss Nana grabbed Gao Yuanzhao’s arm under the emergency response.

The sea water washed over the tables and chairs, forming a whirlpool that rolled people up.

Gao Yuanzhao stood in place holding one on the side, motionless.

His clothes were originally weight-bearing, and today Gao Yuanzhao specially adjusted the weight a little higher.

When the three of them were completely immersed in the water together, Takato Zhao lifted Nana up, and then began to throw the weight on his body.

Perhaps it was because she held her breath underwater for too long, Xiaolan couldn’t bear it a little, closed her eyes, and her face became in rare pain.

Seeing this, Takato no longer hesitated and kissed him directly.

Although Xiao Heishu’s transformation did not give him the ability to breathe in water, it greatly improved his lung capacity.

It is conservatively estimated that it can survive underwater for more than 8 minutes, even considering that it is necessary to “cross the gas” now, it will take 4 minutes to fold in half.

So Gao Yuan Zhaobin was not in a hurry to float, but kept kissing Xiaolan until she opened her eyes embarrassedly, and then slowly floated up with her.

“Brother Zhao, you saved Xiaolan again, thank you so much!”

“You’re welcome, but it’s too early to save this situation!”

It turns out that there is a ceiling above, if you continue to stay here and do not find another way, normal people will definitely die.

It was precisely this crisis that everyone did not notice the difference between Gao Yuanzhao and Xiaolan.

But Conan is also big-hearted, his life is not guaranteed, he can even notice….

“Officer Twilight, Uncle Māori, Brother Terui, Sawaki Fair is gone”

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