The two of them returned to the shore one after the other. Conan and his team had been looking for them for a long time. When they saw them swimming back, a group of people hurriedly surrounded them. Ayumi's eyes were red, and she looked at them with tears in her eyes, "Ai, Jianzuru... Why did you go so far to swim? We are very worried about you..." "You swam too far, and it's a dangerous area ahead. What the hell are you doing..." Conan also looked at them seriously.

Mao Lilan also squatted down, "Next time, don't run so far away. Everyone is worried about you."

Huiyuan looked at everyone without saying a word. The expression on her face was not as rich as what Lin Jianhe saw just now. She just stared at Mao Lilan intently.

Lin Jianhe touched her hair and laughed embarrassedly a few times: "Sorry, we were competing in swimming, and the result was..."

"Don't do this again next time."

After teaching the two a lesson, a group of people also prepared to go back to the hotel to rest. They booked a restaurant in the evening and had to go out for dinner later.

On the way back, Lin Jianhe glanced at Huiyuan Ai. She folded her hands behind her and pretended to speak casually: "Why do I feel that you care about Xiaolan a lot?"

"Really?" Huiyuan Ai answered very straightforwardly, as if admitting, but also as if denying, "You should think about how to meet my requirements now."

"What do you want?" Lin Jianhe's attention was really attracted.

Ai Huihara snorted, "Let's see how you perform."

Sure enough, Huihara knows how to torture Hayashi Kaku.

Hayashi Kaku and Ayumi Huihara live in one room, and the other boys live in another room. After returning to the room, Ayumi and Huihara prepared to go into the bathroom first to wash off the sand and mud on their bodies.

When the two of them were ready to go into the bathroom with their spare clothes and towels, Ayumi looked at Hayashi Kaku and asked in confusion: "Aren't you going to take a shower?"

Although Hayashi Kaku now lives with Huihara, they usually take showers separately. The relationship between the two of them is complicated because of some feelings, and there is no way to be as frank as friends.


She was afraid that the scars on her body would scare Huihara and Ayumi.

She shook her head, "The bathroom is too small, you guys take a shower first."

So even when changing clothes, she tried to avoid it, and rarely wore short-sleeved shorts. After all, it is very difficult to explain that a child has so many scars on his body.

Before entering the bathroom, Huiyuan carefully glanced at Lin Jianhe, looking thoughtful.

After washing, the group prepared to go to the restaurant for dinner. Huiyuan may have had some heatstroke while swimming in the afternoon. She felt dizzy and had no appetite, so she didn't plan to go down to eat.

"Are you really okay?" Lin Jianhe always felt that Huiyuan was very abnormal today.

Huiyuan lay flat on the bed with her eyes closed, and replied softly: "It's okay."

When they arrived at the restaurant, the children of the detective team and Xiaolan had already arrived. Seeing that only Lin Jianhe and Ayumi came down, Mao Lilan couldn't help asking, "Where is Xiaoai?"

"She seems to be a little unwell, so she didn't come down to eat." Lin Jianhe replied.

"Did she choke on the water while swimming?" Mao Lilan said worriedly.

"I don't think so..."

At this time, Ran Maori smiled, "But Jianzuru and Xiao Ai have such a good relationship, let's bring some food back for her later, otherwise she will be hungry at night."

"Well, thank you, sister Xiao Lan."

After sitting down, Lin Jianzuru still missed Huiyuan a little. Although she didn't say it, she seemed to be able to guess some reasons.

Not long after she sat down, she suddenly noticed a petite shadow on the beach outside the French window on the opposite side. Huiyuan, wearing a burgundy top and shorts, was walking on the beach. Lin Jianzuru recognized her at a glance.

"I'll go out for a while."

Lin Jianzuru got up and walked out of the restaurant. Everyone looked at her hurriedly leaving, all with a puzzled look on their faces.

"Why do I feel that your detective team is full of problem children." To Sonoko, Huiyuan Ai is a cold little girl who is difficult to deal with, and Lin Jianzuru is a child who acts unpredictably. There is also Conan who likes to pretend to be an adult and play detective games.

"You're so rude, Sonoko-san!"

"Mizuru-san isn't weird! She just likes Ai!" Ayumi retorted.

——Hey hey...

Conan's face was filled with black lines. Sure enough, only these kids would say such things without making people feel weird.

Lin Jianzuru ran to the beach and saw from a distance

Huiyuan sat by the sea, the sea breeze blew her short brown hair, and the girl stared at the dark sea as if she was worried.

The sea at this time was no longer as blue and clear as it was during the day. Instead, it was shrouded in a bottomless black, which was full of oppression.

As if she had heard Lin Jianhe's arrival, Huiyuan looked at the sea and spoke slowly, "People like dolphins because they are sunny and cheerful, walking with the sun, dazzling... and I am like a shark in the deep sea, a shark that escaped from the cold and dark seabed."

"If you are a shark, then what am I?" Lin Jianhe smiled and sat on the beach hill, looking at the stars in the sky, and said without thinking: "I never think of myself as a dolphin."

"...You are all brave and selfless people."

Hearing this, Lin Jianhe sighed and looked at her with a helpless smile, "Stupid, I am different from you. The environment I grew up in has prompted me to be a brave person no matter what, even brave enough to face death. "She looked at the endless coastline in the distance and shrugged. "Everyone is destined to die when they are born, but I have to accept this cruel thing since I can remember. I don't know when I will die, maybe the next second, or maybe tomorrow..." "I also want to be a free-spirited person, but I can never be truly free-spirited. It's like a lonely boat sailing on this vast ocean. I can't find the end, nor the way forward. I always want to let myself carry a lot of things..." "I also want to live well... But I don't know what the meaning of living is." As she said, she lay flat on the beach, letting the sea breeze blow on her cheeks, and her silver hair fluttered in the wind. She laughed easily, and the whistling sound of the sea breeze seemed to swallow her voice, so she shouted loudly: "... Until I met you!" "What?" Huiyuan looked at her, her eyes full of surprise and surprise. "In fact, in my heart, you are the bravest person and the brightest light." Lin Jianhe did not look at her, but looked at the starry sky above his head, and said slowly: "A place like the organization is a complex of darkness, killing, betrayal, suspicion... But you are different. In such a place, you just do every experiment with peace of mind. Even in the face of difficulties and a long road, you never give up..."

"Perseverance, courage, and indomitable..."

"Because I am watching you, I know. You are that kind of person, a hard-earned ray of moonlight in this vast ocean."

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