The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.


"Why aren't you talking?"

After Gu Xuanyuan called her, Ye Xian came back to her senses.

She shook her head: 'No, I can't tell him the real number of scoops.'

"I have 88 scoops now!"

Gu Xuanyuan asked casually: "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

Ye Xian's heart skipped a beat, and she hesitated again.

Gu Xuanyuan saved her, and now Ye Xian lied to him, and she felt a little guilty.

'This girl, wasn't her acting good the first time?'

'Now she's just about to carve [I'm lying to you] on her forehead. ’

Seeing that he didn’t answer, Gu Xuanyuan changed the subject: “Your leg is injured, what are your plans next?”

“I advise you to find a place to hide.”

For the treasure hunt mission, if you quit early, the card weight will be halved.

So Gu Xuanyuan didn’t suggest Ye Xian to quit.

Seeing Gu Xuanyuan suddenly change the question, Ye Xian also found that she might be exposed.

‘He didn’t even pursue my lying. ’

‘Maybe he doesn’t care, what are you thinking about? ’

Shaking his head in his mind, he threw away some useless thoughts.

Then he answered: “I plan to meet up with Sister Nie first, and then talk about it later, what about you?”

Gu Xuanyuan also said his plan.

"Of course I'll continue to look for someone to steal the cards!"

"It's impossible to find cards. I'll never find cards in my life."

"I'll let you go this time. If I see you again next time, you'll be robbed of everything by me."

"I'm leaving."

After saying that, Gu Xuanyuan pretended to not care about Ye Xian and turned away.

Looking at Gu Xuanyuan's back, Ye Xian was furious.

'Leaving? '

'He just left like that? '

'Does this guy have nothing else in his eyes except cards? '

'I'm such a beautiful woman, and I'm injured. How many people want to encounter such a situation but don't have the chance. '

'He just left like that! '

Seeing Gu Xuanyuan walking further and further away, with no intention of looking back.

Ye Xian couldn't help it: "Gu Xuanyuan!"

'Roar, I thought this girl was a stubborn person. She almost left. ’

Gu Xuanyuan turned around and smiled, “I know what you want to say, you want me to carry you, right!”

“20 scoops, no bargaining!”

Ye Xian was a little touched when she heard the first sentence, thinking that this guy had a change of heart.

But when she heard the second sentence, her face suddenly darkened.

“Pay first, then service, if you don’t want it, I’ll leave.”

Since Gu Xuanyuan said so, Ye Xian could only agree.

She took out two [10 scoops] cards and said unhappily.

“Here are the cards, why don’t you come over!”

Gu Xuanyuan immediately flattered, “Okay, Miss Ye, I promise to provide attentive service.”

He arrived in front of Ye Xian, carried her on his back, and set off to the agreed place for her and Nie Xiuying.

At the same time, [Friendship] also changed to 53.

After walking for about 10 minutes, neither of them spoke, and they were very silent all the way.

Gu Xuanyuan occasionally picked up a few [1 scoop] cards.

"Pick up again, who said I won't look for cards in this life?"

Ye Xian said with a hint of sarcasm.

Gu Xuanyuan was also not tolerant: "If you weren't such a burden, I would have chased people and monsters all over the ground."

Ye Xian was unhappy and directly strangled Gu Xuanyuan's neck.

Gnashed his teeth and said: "Who is a burden? I paid for it."

Gu Xuanyuan begged for mercy: "Yes, yes, I said the wrong thing, let go!"

Ye Xian was relieved to see Gu Xuanyuan give in.


"If you really want to grab the card, you should send me to the designated place quickly so that I can meet up with Sister Nie."

Gu Xuanyuan really listened to the advice and didn't pick up the card anymore.

He met other people on the way, but he didn't put down Ye Xian to chase.

Soon they arrived at the agreed place of Ye Xian and Nie Xiuying.

Gu Xuanyuan gently put Ye Xian down.

"Don't move here, I'm going to grab the cards."

Seeing Gu Xuanyuan turn around and leave again.

Ye Xian cursed Gu Xuanyuan in her heart again.

But she said aggrievedly: "Can you bear to see me waiting here alone?"

"If a classmate or a monster comes, I'll be finished."

Gu Xuanyuan smiled wickedly when he heard this.

"20 scoops, I'll wait until Nie Xiuying meets you."

Seeing Ye Xian's angry look, Gu Xuanyuan felt quite cute.

He wanted to tease her even more.

"Don't want to give?

Then I'll leave, I can get 20 by robbing anyone

scoop, it's already fair. "

Ye Xian bit her lip. Although she was a little reluctant, she still took out 20 scoops and handed them to Gu Xuanyuan.

Gu Xuanyuan took the card, smiled with satisfaction, and then sat down next to Ye Xian.

The two were silent for a while, and no one started the conversation.

Gu Xuanyuan began to close his eyes and comprehend the Taoism in his mind.


Ye Xian hesitated again and again, but decided to ask Gu Xuanyuan about the long-distance run yesterday.

Thinking of starting a topic to get closer.

Then ask Gu Xuanyuan why he could withstand Yao Peng's two punches and how to break the formation.

But when she turned her head to look at Gu Xuanyuan, she saw that he closed his eyes and rested again.

So she stopped thinking about it.

Muttered in her mouth: "Am I so annoying?"

Not long after, Nie Xiuying arrived at the agreed location.

She saw that Ye Xian was injured and Gu Xuanyuan closed his eyes and rested.

Very surprised.

"Gu Xuanyuan?

Why is he here?

Are you being held hostage? "

He immediately aimed the longbow in his hand at Gu Xuanyuan.

Nie Xiuying's voice woke Gu Xuanyuan from his lucid dream.

'Another day without enlightenment, so uncomfortable!'

Only then did he look at Nie Xiuying.

Ye Xian hurriedly advised: "Sister Nie, don't do it, I'm not being held hostage."

Then he roughly described his experience.

After hearing this, Nie Xiuying realized that she had misunderstood Gu Xuanyuan.

"I'm sorry, just now..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Xuanyuan waved his hand and interrupted: "I paid, no need to thank me."

Then he looked at the time and stood up.

"The transaction is over, I'm going to grab the cards, take care of yourself. "

After saying that, Gu Xuanyuan turned and left.

Ye Xian looked at his back and felt a little disappointed.


Nie Xiuying saw Ye Xian staring at Gu Xuanyuan's back.

She couldn't help but sigh: 'This girl.'

She interrupted: "Everyone has left, why don't you chase them?"

Ye Xian realized that she had lost her composure and her face turned red.

"Sister Nie, what are you talking about?

I was just thinking about something."

Nie Xiuying was too lazy to pursue it. It was not easy to talk about such things.

Ye Xian said excitedly to change the subject.

"Sister Nie, look what I picked up."

She showed her cards.

The top one was [1 barrel].

Nie Xiuying was shocked: "You killed a level 3 monster?"

Ye Xian explained: "I picked it up. I only killed one level 1 monster in total. ”

“I have a total of 148 scoops here, how many do you have, sister Nie?”

Nie Xiuying then took out her own cards.

The top one was a bloody [20 scoops].

“I have 74 scoops here, and I spent a lot of effort to get these [20 scoops], and I killed a level 2 monster.”

“Since [1 barrel] is here with you, there should only be [50 scoops] in the body of the level 3 monster.”

“The two of us have reached the most basic standard, and we just have to be careful not to let anyone rob us.”

“With me here, no one should be able to do anything to us two.”

Archers, when everyone’s blood and qi are sealed, the threat is definitely the most terrifying.

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