The explosion was a big mistake.

At four o'clock in the morning, there were almost no people on the street. When the surrounding residents found the explosion and reported it to the police, Gin and his group had already evacuated quickly.

Lin Jianhe was not as naive as Conan thought. He didn't know what the organization was like. He didn't know that he could find the base with just a tracker. If it was that simple, the organization wouldn't have existed for so long.

Lin Jianhe's original intention of coming this time was to teach them a lesson and catch them off guard. Gin's instant reaction was not something that ordinary people could do.

What a difficult guy...

After watching the people of the organization evacuate, Lin Jianhe didn't wait for Conan to come out from underground. She crossed the street again and came to the original transaction location. The underground was empty and there seemed to be no one.

"Strange, where is Edogawa..."

She muttered to herself. After thinking carefully, Gin and the others' reaction did not seem to be that they had discovered a suspicious person. But...

"His backup glasses were left at home, and they show that he is now in one place and motionless."

Huiyuan Ai heard Lin Jianhe muttering on the other end of the headset, and suddenly remembered the backup glasses left on the computer desk.

"Stationary? Could it be..."

Lin Jianhe's eyes fell on the lockers, and he immediately tensed up his nerves and ran to the front to open them one by one.

Until the last row of lockers, she opened the locker at the bottom and found Edogawa lying inside.

Seeing that his chest was still heaving, Lin Jianhe breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this kid was scared by Gin and hid in the locker, so he escaped like this.

"Hey, Edogawa, wake up!"

After being pulled out of the closet by Hayashi Jianhe, Conan opened his eyes slowly after a while. The moment he saw Hayashi Jianhe, he grabbed the man's arm as if in a state of stress, "Lin! Quick, they..."

"They have retreated."

"What?! What about the software?" Conan said anxiously.

Hayashi Jianhe shrugged, "Of course they were taken away, but they also suffered a lot."

Conan obviously didn't quite understand what Hayashi Jianhe said, but he did remember that he heard a violent explosion before he fainted. The moment the two walked onto the ground, Conan saw a burnt car surrounded by a cordon in the distance. He subconsciously looked at Lin Jianhe, "You didn't do this, did you?"

Lin Jianhe nodded without hesitation, "Yes."

However, according to the impact at the time, Vodka would probably have to lie in bed for half a year, while Gin, who stood up purely by his own will, should not be less injured than Vodka.

However, these Lin Jianhe did not feel it was a pity, as long as they could be humiliated and look happy, it was enough.

Conan felt frustrated because he failed to catch Gin and the others this time, and at the same time he deeply realized that he really seemed to have underestimated the organization. Gin completely saw through his mind with just a simple glance, and what frightened him most was that this person was unusually sharp. Even when he finally hid in the locker, the man had to open the doors one by one to check.

Fortunately, luck finally came to him, otherwise he would be a corpse now.

He didn't tell Lin Jianhe to listen to these words, after all, this person also reminded him before the action. He just didn't listen.

The two parted ways at the intersection. Lin Jianhe looked at Conan's obviously depressed back and sighed helplessly.

"What are you sighing for?"

"You haven't slept yet?" Lin Jianhe was a little surprised to hear Xiao Ai's voice. After all, this person hadn't spoken for a while, so she thought he had fallen asleep.

"It's already dawn, and a guy who makes trouble all day hasn't come back yet. I'm not that thick-skinned."

Hearing this person's tone, Lin Jianhe could only laugh dryly and quickly change the subject.

"That guy is a little frustrated. Although this operation seems to have gained nothing for him, it can also give him a clear definition of the organization, which will be of great help to our future alliance." Lin Jianhe said as he walked, "Itakura's software has not been fully developed, and now Itakura is dead. Gin and his team have shot themselves in the foot this time."

As she said this, she suddenly saw the cafe on the corner that had already opened, "I'll buy a sandwich and go back to eat. After eating, let's have a good rest together. You've worked hard tonight."

"Not as hard as someone else."

Huiyuan was sitting on the sofa in the living room. From here, she could see the direction of the courtyard gate through the window. She put her hands on her knees and rested her arm on the side. After she relaxed, she felt tired.

The slightly tired voice came through the headphones, as if whispering in her ear.

The car explosion outside Xianqiao Station quickly made the headlines. Because the surveillance was cut off in advance, and the organization would also block it, there was no place to find out the matter, and it could not be found on the child Lin Jianhe.

And the culprit had bought a sandwich and went home happily.


After this negotiation with the organization, life returned to peace again. Lin Jianhe and Huiyuan Ai went to school and went home every day like ordinary elementary school students.

Lin Jianhe looked sleepy every day. In order to sleep a little longer and reduce the time needed to walk to school, he rode a bicycle with Huiyuan every day and entered the school gate on time. He was almost stopped several times.

As soon as the bell rang, Huihara Ai looked at Lin Jianhe lying on the desk to catch up on his sleep, and sighed helplessly.

At this time, several members of the Junior Detective Team immediately surrounded them.

Mitsuhiko said excitedly: "Did you see the news about the vehicle explosion near Kanbashi Station a few days ago? I think there is something fishy!"

Hearing Mitsuhiko's mysterious tone, Ayumi asked in confusion: "Didn't the news say that it was caused by the spontaneous combustion of the vehicle?"

Mitsuhiko immediately put on an unfathomable look and analyzed: "According to the news report, the explosion occurred in the early morning, when there was no sun. How could the vehicle spontaneously combust?! And according to the nearby residents at the time, they heard two huge explosions!"

Genta squinted his eyes "What do you mean by that? I don't understand at all."

"I think it's very likely that this is a terrorist attack! Because the police couldn't find any clues, they reported it as a spontaneous combustion incident in order not to cause panic!" Mitsuhiko said very seriously: "Besides, it's been several days since the incident happened, and the owner of the black car hasn't shown up!"

"I suspect this is a terrorist attack! The car must have been bombed by terrorists!"

Mitsuhiko's analysis was very clear, and Lin Jianhe, who was sleeping soundly beside him, suddenly sneezed very loudly.

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