Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 987: - whereabouts of the instructor

After eating and drinking, it is almost 9 o'clock. Before the park closes at ten o'clock, everyone plans to use the last time to play together the most famous project of this amusement park - the roller coaster [Super Snake]

"It's true that we played together at the amusement park a few times," Chiba sighed a little while looking at the roller coaster that was about to line up in front of them. "But if it's a roller coaster, it doesn't seem to be there yet?"

"Well, when I went to the roller coaster before, I ate a lot at noon, so I didn't dare to do it - I was afraid that I would vomit if I accidentally ate too much." Miyano Shiho seemed to remember Something a little embarrassing, but in the end, it was covered with a light smile. "But this time, I can meet the roller coaster in the best condition."

"I'm also looking forward to it," Qianyu nodded. "Honestly, I've always wanted to see if a little bit of calibration with the features of this thing would help my performance on it - like not being so scared, not being so dizzy or anything like that."

"Don't think about cheating with this kind of thing, honestly come and enjoy the roller coaster with me," Shiho pinched Chiba's hand after confirming the position with his naked eyes, but Chiba grabbed it after that. "What are you doing?"

"No, I just want to grab it," Qian Yu's original expression was quite serious, but she suddenly laughed. "I don't know why, I just want to hold your hand."

"Satyr, is the girl's hand so fragrant and soft?" Miyano Shiho also laughed, adjusted his posture, and changed his posture to holding hands with Chiba. "Okay okay, then I'll satisfy you."

Just when they were immersed in such an atmosphere, Shiho suddenly realized that Chiba was stunned for a moment—it wasn't that she was acting abnormal in other ways, but she suddenly noticed that Chiba's breathing was a little quicker. "What's wrong?"

"My mentor just sent me an email to ask me where I plan to apply later." Seeing that Qian Yu had been discovered, she never concealed her expression. "He said he wanted to continue developing my potential in fracture mechanics."

"I remember you said before that the mentor you are talking about is..." Shiho recalled it for a while, and then quickly remembered the name. "The head of the ICL mechanical engineering department, right? It's like Gordon?"

"Well, Professor Williams," Qianyu nodded. "it's him."

"But, it's impossible for you to go to England now," Shiho Miyano frowned. "If I can really go to Imperial College, I will definitely choose to pull you to MIT, and we can just live together." (MIT and Harvard are next door)

"It doesn't seem like what he meant between the lines was to let me go back to London," Chiba expressed her concerns. "I feel...he seems to want to leave the ICL, so let me be in no rush to decide where to go."

"Really??" Miyano Shiho couldn't hide the surprised look on his face - as the lover's mentor, she was still very clear about this professor.

Gordon Williams, head of the mechanical engineering department at Imperial since 1990, and in 1992 promoted the reform of undergraduate teaching. In the early days of the reform, Qianyu, who had just entered the school at that time, was a benchmark representative of undergraduates, and he completed all the courses with excellent grades in two years, which became the best refutation of the professor's question about [classwork pressure] in the curriculum reform. In March 1994, only two months after Qianyu graduated from Imperial College and returned to China, the Royal Society voted to accept Professor Williams as a member of the Royal Society.

And it is such a British scientific treasure, but at this time, he has to leave the ICL where he has worked for many years?

"What's going on?" she asked.

"I don't know, the professor didn't say anything, but asked me..." When he said this, Qian Yu's expression was very strange. "He asked me how the climate and people in Asia are like."

"He's coming to Japan?" After thinking about it, Shibao shook his head in disgust. "I didn't say it, but the engineering disciplines in China have been somewhat tight in recent years. It's hard for me to imagine which big boss would offer what kind of treatment to poach the treasures of Imperial College. Dongda? Donggong University? "

"He knows that I can't stay in Japan, so if he wants to come to Japan, he can't say he wants to continue to guide me," Chiba shook his head. "Besides this, I think about...competitive mechanical engineering in Asia...

"Nanyang Technological and Singapore National... The old brand is the old brand, but the professor is engaged in fracture mechanics. I feel that the combination of production, education and research is not in line with the national conditions of Singapore Electronics. And if I remember correctly, the professor usually likes to stay in the country. Soak up the sun on your own estate - not an easy thing to do in Singapore.

"Hong Kong University, I didn't talk about the light of Asia thirty or forty years ago, but the problem is that it is too close to the Far East and suffers from the siphon effect. In addition, the geographical environment is similar to that of Singapore. I don't think professors will like it here. "

"National Tsinghua University and National Jiaotong University, the two giants, one south and one north, caused by the arms race in higher education during the North-South divide decades ago, have attracted the vast majority of educational resources even now... Rich, very Very rich! But the problem is that the native language is Chinese, I think the professor will be very uncomfortable in this kind of place."

"The *** National University in Seoul is taught in pure English. It is said that the treatment of top scholars there is very good. Maybe the professors just come here to get money to spend leisure time... However, the mechanical engineering foundation of this place is very good. A little bit? Could it be that the professor intends to be their savior?"

"I feel that each one has its own problems," Shiho sighed and expressed his Isn't there an option that works everywhere? "

"Anywhere is a good option, where we can't go," Qianyu spread her hands. "But actually for me... I feel that the next few upstarts in the past few years will do. The research direction of fracture mechanics is not something that a famous school can handle. What it needs is scientific research funding and technical equipment."

"I think English-taught places would be better," Shiho also sighed. "Japanese, Chinese, Korean... If teaching needs to take care of these language barriers, efficiency will inevitably be affected."

"Is this okay? If you really want to study the knowledge in those classes when you are studying for a doctorate, it will be too late. As long as the professor is still the English-speaking professor, I think it will affect me..." Said When they got here, Chiyu suddenly came back to his senses. "Wait a minute, I remember that in your medical field, those words seem to be..."

"Well, salute to the great medicine," Miyano Shiho's face was very bad, as if he remembered something very bad. "With all these things in place, it takes the work of two languages ​​to learn one language."

"Then you were so ambitious in learning Swedish back then?" Qian Yu squinted

"Swedish is also a Latin language, so how can it be compared with the languages ​​in Asia!"

While they were chatting like this, the Super Snake Roller Coaster team moved forward again—for them, it was the last time.

Because it was their turn to board the roller coaster.

However, Chiba seems to have discovered something more interesting than the nature of the roller coaster she is about to ride.

"Shiho," Qianyu glanced behind her, and then suddenly showed a somewhat subtle expression. "Behind us, look at those two people..."

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