Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 981: - reasoning to your liking

"That special cell phone received a text message!" Kudo Shinichi picked up the cell phone his secretary gave them. "This... is not the client's information, but a message from the secretary. He gave us a relatively remote address, and asked the uncle to take a detour and put us there before preparing to report to the client, and then be alone. Go to the castle to report."

"This kind of willful request is really full of conspiracy..." Chi Yu didn't seem surprised by this, got up from the seat and opened the sunroof of the car. "It is also fortunate that we rented a more interesting car this time, otherwise it would not be easy to get it."

"What do you want to do?" Although he didn't dare to turn his head, Kogoro Mouri still realized what the children behind him seemed to be doing.

"I asked a friend to bring me something," Qianyu looked out through the skylight, as if waiting for something. "As for the reason... IMHO, those people behind us may not be the same as the client, but a third party with extra careful thought!"

"Really?" Kogoro Mouri's expression was a little nervous. "I thought those were the client's backup measures..."

"But it's obviously not this time." After thinking about the key points, Qianyu no longer thought that those were really sent by the client. "These people are just hanging behind us all the way, monitoring us from a distance, but do we still need them to do this kind of thing? The positioning device in your wristband is enough. So there is no doubt that these people are more likely to be Sent to monitor by other stakeholders - they don't have the means to lock down our location like a client, but want to control the situation.

"If you want proof, my friend was also behind our car before, so I can observe the condition of the car following us without suspicion," Chiba continued. "There were five people in that car-if the purpose was to prevent us from going to the police, where would we need so many people? We just need to let the client detonate the bomb as soon as possible. There is no doubt that the other party's car was sitting in the car. So many people are needed to do things that must be done by so many people, like killing our mouths cleanly.”

Strictly speaking, this is not a logical closed loop, but what Chiba needs is just an excuse to prevaricate the past - in fact, he knows that the reason why the other party is not good is that his auxiliary unit receives the occupants of the car behind him. From their call records, I learned that the other party was talking intensively with a woman.

Just as they were communicating like this, something suddenly flew into the car from the sunroof of the van they were riding in.

"What!?" Kogoro Mori was taken aback.

"It's my prop, don't worry," Qianyu adjusted the incoming drone to the off mode, then put it on the seat next to her, ready to welcome the second drone. "With these drones, at least we will have a certain advantage in intelligence gathering capabilities. In addition...

"Uncle, I'm ready. Go to the place that the secretary explained and put me and Kudo down."


At 7:50 p.m., in an unremarkable warehouse.

"Da-da-" Heavy footsteps sounded on the concrete floor, and a man wrapped in a coat appeared at the door of the warehouse.

"Mr. Secretary," the figure wrapped in the coat made Chiba's voice. "According to your request, we have come."

"The person who came, should be Mr. Tachibana?" A strange voice that had never been heard before sounded in the warehouse. "Excuse me, isn't Detective Kudo here?"

"Of course I'm here too!" Kudo Shinichi's voice also began to echo in the warehouse. "But since it's a little unnerving here, I'll hide for now."

"Oh!?" The unfamiliar voice seemed startled. "It turns out to be like this, disrespectful and disrespectful, we will come out to meet you right away!"

As if linked to his voice, a strong light projected from the direction of the warehouse door, projecting Qianyu's unusually strong figure on the warehouse wall.

"..." Qianyu, who was standing in the middle of the warehouse, turned around and looked in the direction of the warehouse door she had just entered.

The car that had been following them before was heading straight towards the warehouse gate.

A man stuck his head out of the passenger's car window and aimed the black muzzle at Chiba.


Meanwhile, the Red Castle Hotel in Wonderland.

"It's really hard for you, Detective Maori," the secretary opened the door with a smile. "The client is waiting for your return."

"..." Kogoro Mori narrowed his eyes slightly. "I thought you would be with those two little devils, but I didn't expect you to be still here."

"There will be special personnel over there to contact the two detectives and ask about some details in the process of solving the case," the secretary's smile was still impeccable. "As for this, you and the client must report the most critical and core parts of the case in person."

Saying so, the secretary took out the remote control and pressed it in the direction of the screen. "Sir, here comes the Maori detective."

Following his Ito Suehiko appeared in front of the screen almost exactly as when he released the mission in the morning——but, although the person was still the same, Kogoro Mouri felt that the morning's quest was very disturbing. The image that feels unfathomable, but now it makes people a little sad.

If those children's judgments are correct, the guy who is sitting upright is probably already arranged in this position long ago. Even if he wants to sit upright, he can't do it, right?

"Good work, Detective Mori," Suehiko Ito's voice seemed a little hoarse. "However, I still have to work hard for you to tell me your investigation results as soon as possible. After I finish speaking, I will immediately remove your ID and pay you a high commission."

"What you want us to investigate is the truth about the shooting of Nishio Shoji in late April this year, right?" Kogoro Mori said straight to the point, while walking towards the screen from the door, while the secretary was close Followed closely behind him, as if ready to meet every need he might have. "As for the imperfect criminal experiment on April 4th...I probably have some eyebrows, but since the police haven't verified the results, I don't think I need to say anything about a case where the murderer can't be found. It's great that this case remains headless as it is now."

"Interesting, Detective Mori," Suehiko Ito's voice contained a slight smile. "You are indeed a Sherlock Holmes-like detective who has both reasoning ability and human affection. Then, what is the truth about Nishio Masaharu's case?"

"You did this, right?" Detective Maori said after taking a deep breath. "Mr. Suehiko Ito, it was you who fired at Shoji Nishio, killed him, and then fired at the room where he was in a short period of time, emptying the remaining bullets, right? "

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