Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 851: - Sign of Destiny

[No. 14, the bottom is fierce] - this is the general comment on the top of the sign paper (different from the general sign, this part is engraved on a small wooden sign, and this small wooden sign holds the sign paper like a paper clip top.)

[The clouds are scattered, the air is cold and fresh, and the stars are shining on the winter night. ] - this is a poem

And below, is the judgment of fortune and the detailed prediction of each sub-item.

Fortune - [The divine wind will blow away the clouds, and then present the eternal starry sky. Confusion and trouble will disappear like clouds. As long as you say it out loud and pursue it hard, the star of hope will eventually appear. 】

Desire——【Overall, it is successful, but not quite as expected】

Career——【will be more successful, but you need to pay attention to the physical risks brought by work】

Trading——【The result is harmless】

Treating people——【You have to do your best to do it】

Illness——【You need to take all the responsibility】

Love - [the hearts are connected, the thoughts are connected, everyone is like relatives]

"Is this sign's word okay?" Qian Yu raised her brows. "The three items of wishing for career and love are positive, while illness and treating others are negative. I thought it would be a result of interpretation such as Xiaoji or Su Xiaoji."

"Anyway, the general review above is not important, the judgment is the key, so as long as this sounds good." Haibara Ai didn't care about this, but also opened her own judgment. "Well, it seems to be Zhongji?"

[He who warms people, is not a treasure of gold and silver, is a human being] - signing a poem

Fortune - [You can rely on knowledge, courage, money and determination, not nobles, prayers or lovers]

Wish——【Failure is a step before success】

Career——【Nothing goes wrong, you can do great things】

Buying and selling——【There will be no major setbacks, you can get benefits】

Treating people——【You will be treated gently】

Diseases——【You can deal with personal affairs from outsiders with malicious intentions, but beware of nearby knives】

Love - [Hope and Disappointment are twins, forever accompanying]

"This autograph," Qian Yu's mouth twitched. "Is it really Zhongji? How do I feel that you are the culprit!"

"God knows," Haibara Ai was also dissatisfied with such a sign. "In every sense, I don't like these words, especially the comments in those key areas."

"At this time, we have to resort to omnipotent atheism," Qianyu folded her arms and looked at the sign paper in Haibara Ai's hand. "There seems to be a branch for hanging negative signatures here. Do you want to hang it?"

"There is also a saying that you should leave the sign paper at home until the day you make the wish, right? After all, the content of the sign paper is the judgment of this period of time." After hesitating for a while, Haibara Ai decided to The papers were collected.

At this moment, Haibara Ai's mobile phone received a text message.

"By the way, just like me, you made a wish before the lottery, right?" After reading the text message, she suddenly asked. "What is your wish?"

"Ah?" Qian Yu was stunned. "I... my wish just now was... to have a good ending with you. But why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"Xiao Lan sent me a complaint, which seems to be from a certain Edogawa's death-defying behavior." Looking at the phone screen, Haibara Ai's expression was a little subtle.

"What did he do?" Qianyu suddenly reacted after asking here. "No, what did he wish for?"

"His wish was to capture Kaito Kid!" Haibara replied with a mournful smile.

"Pfft!" Qian Yu also laughed. "Conan, although strictly speaking, there is no problem with making a wish, but when compared with Sister Xiaolan's wish, he immediately looks like a... IMHO, he will go live with Kidd, after all, a Sherlock Holmes wants to What is the girlfriend doing, is Moriarty unattractive?"

"Okay, the difference between you and him is just ten steps and a hundred steps, it's just that you're not as serious as him and can be anytime anywhere." Haiyuan sadly nodded Qianyu's forehead. "If you want to be a qualified boyfriend, you are still a lot worse!"

"I know, I know!"

While they were having fun like this, Qian Yu's face suddenly became serious. In the next second, Hai Yuanai heard his phone vibrate. "Tachi, you... received a text message? Whose?"

"The text message from Officer Nakamori, let us go to a nearby place by ourselves." Qian Yu looked at the pocket where she put her mobile phone, and pouted. "This... is it intended to make us a special soldier?"

"Let's go then?" Haibara Ai asked.

"Let's go." Qianyu nodded, and like Haibara Ai put the paper sign in her pocket.


"Yes, following Mr. Kudo's suggestion, we decided to use you, the children, as the core line of defense against the phantom thief Kidd," Officer Nakamori looked at the three children sitting across from him, in this way, in order to deal with adults The tone of voice is telling - this is also Mr. Kudo Yusaku's instruction, asking him to treat these first-year elementary school children with the attitude of high school After all, you should also know that Kaitou Kidd is facing You can't cross-dress like we do. "

"So, you will also stay away from the treasures at that time, so that Kaitou Kidd can get the treasures by disguising as you?" Chiba replied after a little thought.

"That's definitely not possible, I have to be here, but in exchange, I will hide with you now with the treasure - as long as Kidd's eyes are still in the Museum of Modern Art, we will never be found. Hold on By the next day, our defense plan was successful." Officer Nakamori shook his head, indicating that this was his bottom line.

"Let's ask first, is the [Egg of Memories] under your control now?" Conan suddenly spoke. "If it's under your control, I would also like to have the opportunity to preserve your biological traces - such as palm prints and the like."

Different from the common fingerprints, what Conan asked for by name this time was the palm print—if this Nakamori police officer was pretending to be the phantom thief Kidd, then he was probably already prepared for the test, such as preparing it in advance for use. Magical props to fool other people to check in terms of fingerprints or something.

But few people would prepare for something as rare as a palm print—if Kidd was going to be examined, his palm print would be preserved as unique biological traces as his fingerprints. Even if they failed to capture Kidd this time, the biological traces that could be used to lock his identity in the future were already under the control of the Metropolitan Police.

"No problem," Officer Nakamori agreed readily. "Anyway, I'll take you to the place where you are going to hide now. After dinner, I will take you to hide together."

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