Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 807: - children's time

While the adults were discussing the case, the children were flipping through the papers.

"It seems that there is nothing strange about their achievements," Qian Yu frowned. "It seems that no old teacher has a uniformly negative opinion of these four people, and even new teachers rarely have a uniformly negative opinion of their opinion."

"Hikaru Soma's grades are also very stable, staying at the top of the class." Seeing this, Conan sighed. "Maybe we can't find any valuable information at all."

"There are too many old men over the age of 49 in the academy," Ai Haibara held a file bag and handed it to Chiba. "If it is like this, I am afraid that in the end, I can only create a lot of incomplete and ambiguous relationships."

"Don't worry, I think I might be able to find it." Qian Yu took the file bag, but she was not in a hurry at this time. " there any information here?"

"Yeah, after a lot of information, they were very obedient and sent all of them to us." Haiyuan Ai nodded. "How are you going to use it?"

"Have some fun," Chiba said, throwing two pieces of Swiss candy into his mouth—since he started using auxiliary units to operate large units or perform high-load calculations, candies that were just snacks have become necessary supplements. "Um...give me some time."

Having said that, he picked up another bunch of photos - some were men, some were women, but in fact there were only two people in the photos, a man and a woman.

The man is Hikaru Soma, and the woman is Hikaru Soma's mother.

The face recognition module carried by the auxiliary unit can not only check whether the two pictures are the same person, but more importantly, it is also equipped with a basic kinship algorithm, which can use the descriptor-based EigenFace3S preloaded into the auxiliary unit in advance. The algorithm-trained program quantifies and analyzes 2D and 3D images, and finally gives the result of the operation.

What he has to do now is to combine the faces of all the male teachers over the age of 49 in the academy with Soma's mother, and then compare them with Soma.

However, there is no matching result... Of all the teachers and ordinary employees under the name of the Domoto Conservatory of Music, none of them matched Hikaru Soma. It is even somewhat ironic that among all the candidates, the one who has the highest match with Hikaru Soma is a young teacher-Pu and Qingzheng, born in 1963, to be 31 years old this year.

He's even a month younger than Soma, which has been ruled out in every sense...

Confused, it was like being blindfolded in the dark, unable to find the direction of hope.


That night, at the entrance of the Domoto Concert Hall—beside the entrance to the concert hall, a three-row sedan was parked there. There were five people sitting in the car: Officer Mumu, Kogoro Mori and his wife, Mori Lan, and Conan.

"As of now, this is the only way," Officer Mumu nodded. "Brother Maori, someone will sit with you in the VIP area provided by Miss Suzuki, and we are lurking on both sides of the stage-according to the concubine's lawyer, if the murderer's purpose is to attack Yamane Ziyin at the concert And Chiso Lala, the murderer will definitely give Yamane Ziyin and Chiso Lala great attention at any time. Under such circumstances, we strive to lock down the potential murderer as soon as possible, and try our best to prevent the attack from happening. Stop the opponent. If the opponent has already started early..."

Speaking of this, Officer Mumu glanced nervously in the direction outside the car window, and then whispered to Kogoro Mouri's family again.

"If that happens, I have already told them that one of the pistols will be temporarily equipped with you, and if necessary, you will be the main attacker."

"Me?" Kogoro Mouri was taken aback. "Twilight..."

"That's it—don't worry, most of the time you're a supporting role, and I asked you to assist just in case." Officer Meguro signaled Kogoro Mouri not to react so much. "And didn't you try it at the shooting range before? Your marksmanship is still so terribly accurate."

"Well..." Kogoro Mori's expression was a little subtle. "But... it's still a little strange, after all, I'm just a detective now."

Although they have even imagined the possibility of a bad public killing such as a shootout here, they will soon realize that they still underestimate the opponent - but the underestimation is not the degree of the opponent's insanity, but the opponent. The speed of the strike.


"What?" Officer Mumu was taken aback.

"Yeah," Domoto waved his expression quite solemnly. "We already received Lian Zihui's transfer here two hours ago with someone accompanied, but we haven't seen her until now."

"..." Officer Mu Mu frowned, and immediately turned to look at Fei calmly," Fei Yingli's face was also very ugly. "Qiu Ting Lianzi...if she is the target of the other party's murder If it is, then the other party can do it before, so this attack should be the same as the previous attack, with the hope that Miss Lizi will be disabled and eventually unable to participate in the concert as the ultimate goal. "

"But, why is the other party so persistent?" Kogoro Mouri pondered. "Ms. Lianzi can only sing that song during the time of Amazing Grace, and no matter what, she can't shake Qiancao Lala's status as the lead singer."

"Maybe this song is the most deadly," Conan suddenly woke up from a dream. "Maybe this is the problem!"

"You mean that the murderer planned to attack Chikusa Lala and Yamane Ziyin during the process of "Amazing Grace", so the fact that Miss Lizi sang this song happened to prevent him from continuing to implement the previous plan?" Kogoro Mouri immediately I understand what Conan means. "But, why is it amazing grace, is there anything different about this song? What are the conditions that can be borrowed at times of amazing grace but not at other times?"

"Just in case, check this as a possible investigation direction," Fei Yingli's thinking was very quick. "Amazing Grace, and the two pieces before and after this song, all three of which match the four who died - I remember right they made a piano quartet, right, look at them Have you performed or planned to perform these three songs, especially in the training camp that Hikaru Soma participated in before his death. If they have an intersection, it can be determined that the murderer chose to perform in "Amazing Grace" It's really unique to do it, and Amazing Grace will really be the time for the killer to do it."


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