Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 698: - hallucinations

"God made you paint this picture, right?" Yusaku Kudo didn't seem to be affected by Neviah's movement of looking behind him, he just asked. "God guides your actions?"

"Yes, the purpose of my existence is to execute his will." Neviah nodded.

"Then, did what happened at that time look like what was in the painting?" Yusaku Kudo asked again. "You killed that demon?"

"Of course," Neviah continued to nod. "He's a devil, and I'm an angel of vengeance, isn't it my duty? That's why I punished him with the long sword of justice."

"Is that the sword you drew in the painting?" After Kudo Yusaku finished speaking, he was quite intently looking forward to Nviah's answer. "Where is that sword?"

"It's right here," Neviah seemed to have heard some funny question, and motioned Kudo Yusaku to look at the table between them, and at the same time he made a posture of raising his sword on the table. "This is the slayer weapon that the Lord gave me."

Kudo Yusaku curled his lips, but he was still full of admiration. "Yeah, as expected of the emperor... I mean the sword that God gave you."


Gregory stood in the activity room, looking at the mentally ill people who were focusing on their own affairs—apparently these were mildly ill patients who were not so serious.

Just then, he noticed a well-dressed man pushing a trolley with food and beverages past him. As if noticing Gregory's gaze, the man stopped.

"Do you need anything?" He introduced the goods on his trolley with such enthusiasm. "Biscuits, juice, or... serotonin reuptake inhibitors?"

"Seeing that you are so familiar with this name, you must be using this thing often, right?" Gregory raised his eyebrows and responded like this. "But I'm sorry, I have to let the nervous system absorb some more so that the girls who apply for the application will not be forced to work overtime like social animals because of me."

(Serotonin reuptake inhibitors have two effects, one is an antidepressant, and the other is a treatment for premature ejaculation...)

"Hello, I'm Ikeda Liushui, a psychiatrist at Cuphu Hospital." The man introduced himself to Gregory and extended his hand at the same time. "A survey of people with disabilities is here."

"Gregory, the diagnostic department of Rice Flower Central Hospital, is also a senior consultant in forensic medicine of the Metropolitan Police Department." Gregory did not respond. "There is no need to shake hands, everything is simple."

"Sorry," Ikeda Liushui showed a helpless smile. "Maybe it's been too long with these patients, and you know, they tend to have some kind of paranoia... If you can't be nice enough to them in every way, they might be fussy and think you're not nice."

"So it's your business to deal with these guys. I'm only responsible for dealing with the diseases that can kill them." Gregory shrugged. "By the way, how long have you been here to investigate?"

"It's not too long, compared to my life. But for other doctors, it's been a long time." Ikeda Liushui glanced at the patients behind him and sighed. "Before there is a rigorous quantitative system, we can only subjectively analyze their behavior patterns for the time being, and this requires long-term tracking and feeling, so I will stay here for a long time. If we don't summarize well, then It must be because we weren't looking carefully enough, and it's often because we're not close enough to them. Just close enough, even a blind person can know what they're thinking."

"You're not the same as those high above," Gregory showed a rather curious expression. "Really, compared to those psychiatrists who claim to be top-notch patients, maybe you're the one who has the passion and can do something."

"What about you?" Ikeda Liushui asked Gregory this question. "What is your attitude towards the patient?"

"Unlike your side, my patients will lie on their own initiative, and they are not even as cute as those examination reports." Gregory curled his lips. "So what would you do if you were me?"

"Let others endure their lies and focus on those things that tell the truth," Ikeda Liushui's expression seemed to have found a soulmate. "Honestly, I even had friends who switched careers as veterinarians because of the same problem - they were even better at self-reported symptoms than my patients because they didn't tell lies and When people get there, they complain that we have opened a lot of holes in them."

"You... very impressive," Gregory looked at Ikeda Liushui. "Really, you are completely different from those people."

"It's an honor," Ikeda Liushui stretched out his hand again. "So this time?"

Gregory hardly hesitated any longer and held Ikeda Liushui's hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Ikeda," at this moment, someone started to call out the surname of Ikeda Liushui. "I'm here to get the medicine!" After the latter simply said goodbye to Gregory, he walked to the window to receive the You and Mr. Ikeda seem to be having a good time chatting, you are a medical lover ? At this moment, the curator Ochiai, who personally manages the art museum in front and also bears the name of the director of the mental hospital, walked up to Gregory. people. "

"I'm a forensic doctor sent by the Metropolitan Police. My main business is a doctor..." Gregory said.

"Excuse me, sir, you don't consider him your comrade, do you?" Curator Ochiai asked casually. "For example, did he mention that he was a psychiatrist at Cuphu Hospital or something?"

"You mean, he's the patient here, delusional?" Gregory was taken aback.

"Yeah, he's been here for six years." Curator Ochiai nodded, and then he realized what Gregory's response meant. "Sir, you must understand that many patients here have paranoia, and for the same reason, they have thoroughly studied their words and deeds. You must be extremely vigilant about these things, otherwise you may find yourself playing the piano to the cow. "

"..." Gregory looked silently in the direction Ikeda Liushui was leaving-although he was a little embarrassed, he had to admit that he seemed to have a lot of similarities in the way of thinking with this paranoid.

"Although you're not delusional, your problem is just as serious, isn't it?" At this moment, the female voice that made Gregory smell discolored sounded.

On the ping-pong table not far away, a rebellious blond woman was looking at Gregory with a rather aggressive gaze.

Just as she finished speaking, a ping pong ball passed through her body.

Gregory had a look of fear on his face.

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