Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 693: - Museum of the Middle Ages

Matsumoto Kiyoshi sat in his office, looking at the casualty report after the last police operation.

"It's a shame," he sighed. "That operation ended up being a mess - only a few bodies were left, and how much did we pay?"

"39 people died, 12 people were seriously injured, 18 people were slightly injured, and 1 person was suspected to have died." He didn't seem to realize that Matsumoto Kiyotaka was just sighing, and his new subordinate Yu Jianyu also said the same.

"Suspected of death?" Matsumoto Kiyocho raised his eyes and looked at the other party. "How is this going?"

"The person who is suspected to be dead is... Mr. Kuriya, the former chief," Kazami Yu also said after hesitating for a moment. "We couldn't find his body."

"You mean the valley is zero?" Matsumoto Kiyotaka's eyes suddenly sharpened. "The body could not be found, how did you confirm his death?"

"Because he was held by Kiichiro Numabuchi in front of other people..." Kazami Yuya said, and made a gesture to support his neck. "He took off his head like this, and put it on his neck. Although it is said that Numbuchi Kiichiro may be a monster with tenacious vitality, but... Mr. Furuya will definitely not survive such a situation, so we Register him as a suspected death and hand over his belongings to the family."

"..." Matsumoto Kiyocho was silent.

"Let's investigate again," he said. "Although he planned such a failed operation, at least he did sacrifice his life on the front line against the forces of darkness, and his body deserves the respect of all of us - we need to bring him home ."


September 5th, the first day of school, after school.

"Haunted?" Qian Yu was stunned.

"Yeah, haunted!" Ayumi nodded nervously. "The armor of that art museum is said to move by itself at night!"

"Walk around by yourself?" The T-70 that she made flashed in Qian Yu's mind for the first time, but then she felt that this possibility is really unlikely. "Are you sure it's not an urban legend, or they direct and act to attract tourists?"

"No, at least it's definitely not an urban legend," Ayumi hurriedly shook her head. "And the museum itself is open for free, so there's no need to attract tourists!"

"That's probably for other purposes," Chiba shrugged. "There are many purposes other than money. If this phenomenon occurs, the possibility that the museum itself spreads rumors must be given priority."

"However, if our juvenile detective team investigates there and finds that it is indeed a forgery by the museum itself, as long as we report it to the media, maybe it will even be published in the newspapers!" Mitsuhiko said with a smile. "And if it's really faked by the museum itself, our actions will certainly not be too dangerous!"

"How are you going to get in?" Seeing that not only Ayumi, but also Mitsuhiko wanted to do something special, Qianyu felt a little big-headed - if only one of the three children had this idea, then they would Maybe they can digest it internally, but if both of them have such thoughts... then the remaining Genta may have been seduced by similar thoughts.

Going to take an adventure at a closed art gallery at night...however it sounds, it's a thankless feeling.

"Really, I don't recommend you to go." Thinking of this, Qianyu sighed again. "It's a waste of time and useless, and it will leave a psychological shadow on yourself in the end."

"Got it..." Ayumi looked at Qianyu with a rather aggrieved expression, and finally nodded. "Let's not go."

But obviously, Chiyu underestimated the gang's desire to act.

10:20 that night.

"Okay, if I see Ayumi, I will definitely contact you," Qian Yu said respectfully to the person across from him on the phone. "Okay, then I'll hang up first."

Putting down the phone, Qian Yu sighed. "These guys..."

"Ayumi isn't here either?" Haibara Ai stood behind him and asked a little worriedly.

"Yes," Qianyu nodded. "I just asked casually just in case, but they didn't really go there... what should I do?"

"What do you think?" Haibara Ai asked rhetorically. "Is it possible to expect them to come back on their own?"

"Then you're at home—" When Qianyu said this, she knew what the other party was thinking when she saw Haibara Ai's expression. "Alright alright……"



"Why did they go there?" Dr. Li asked with a frown while driving the Beetle.

"Yes," Qian Yu said helplessly, sitting in the back seat. "I want to ask this question too... By the way, what about Conan?"

"Shinichi," Dr. A Li smiled wryly. "He's not as free as you. Xiaolan hasn't slept yet, so he can't come out."

"I've actually always been curious, why he lives there—is it because he wants to be with his sister Xiaolan day and night?" At this moment Huiyuan Ai suddenly asked.

"Uh," Dr. Li was at a loss for words. "this……"

"It's not really for this, is it?" Qianyu had no idea in this regard at all, but after seeing Dr. Agasa's hesitation, she suddenly realized that this matter is not that simple. "Hey...Using this excuse to live in...the house of someone who is not officially dating, this is just... perverted?"

Haiyuan Ai glanced at him, but in the end she just pouted a little unhappily and looked out the window.

"No, no," Dr. Li hurriedly shook his head. "It's because Lan's father is a detective, so he thinks he might be able to get more information if he lives there... You know, at that time he thought the detective would definitely be able to collect a lot of information about a large organization like yours, Then you can follow the trail to find you, and then find a way to change back."

"Pfft..." Qianyu's first reaction was to laugh outright, and finally she used the auxiliary unit to hold back her expression. "This... this... how could it be so simple to get bigger... He wouldn't think that he would find a few little guys at random, and then he would be able to follow the vines and continue to look up, and then he would catch Yaoyan from the top of the structure. Department?"

"Yeah, now it seems that the original plan was quite taken for granted, but at that time we were limited to this." Dr. A Li's face was full of a wry smile.

"Forget it, let's not talk about that, I just checked with their parents and they still haven't come home, so I think they may have entered the gallery - although I don't know how they got in after closing. of."

Outside the car window, the image of the art museum has gradually emerged.

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