Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 665: - take refuge

"Is it another threatening letter?" Fei Yingri said as she looked at the seven or eight letters that Kuri Shan Lu brought in front of her. "I think at least two letters should be," Kuriyama Green nodded. "The tone of the two letters was very rude, almost . . . rather rude."

"It's okay," Fei Yingli didn't seem to care about these things. "In our line of work, it is possible to face such risks every day, isn't it? Well, let's open other letters first. Maybe there is something in it that needs our attention."

Having said that, she lowered her head again and started to organize the information - even if she was not afraid, but the Seven Samurai who was the main defense force in the Hakata Yan case was now the only one left, and the news did make her a little worried. Therefore, even in order to preserve the evidence that she has obtained that can be used as a defense, it is necessary for her to integrate these things and hand them over to the young lawyers who have not assumed such responsibilities before.

But before she could really start sorting out, she suddenly heard a scream from Kuriyama Green. "what!"

"What's wrong?" Fei Yingli raised her head, only to find that a letter had been thrown to the ground by Li Shanlu, who was holding one of his hands with a painful expression.

"I don't know," Kuriyama Green's grabbed hand trembled like this. "pain!"

At the same time, Fei Yingri saw the blood slowly flowing out from the gap in the hand that Kuriyama Green was covering. "You're bleeding, don't tell me..."

With such a solemn expression, Fei Yingli carefully picked up the letter thrown by Kuri Shanlu, and fixed her gaze on the somewhat rigid shape of the envelope opening that had been torn apart by a small piece. "This is……"

In the opening of the torn envelope, the metallic flakes were clearly visible.

"Blade?" After pulling out a thicker pair of gloves, Feiyingri cautiously tried to tear open the envelope again. This time, she succeeded: with a "click", the letter on the envelope fell to the ground, with a blade stuck to the place where the envelope was torn. " this the blade stuck to the opening of the envelope?"

This practice is quite dangerous. Anyone who is not on guard will use force in this place when tearing the letter, which also means that it is easy to be cut by the blade hidden here.

"How could this be?" Kuriyama Green's expression was quite incredible. "To actually want to hurt you in such a way..."

"We should take you to the hospital first and call the police," Fei Yingli carefully looked at the blood stains on the blade. "Our hand habit is the same, that is to say, if the envelope on which the signature is written is used as the front, both of us will definitely choose to open the letter from the same direction. If you are contaminated with something like a poison or a virus, it will be bad if it penetrates into your body from the wound."


"What?" Kogoro Mori asked in such a worried tone over the phone. "Officer Mumu, you mean Yingri..."

"Yes," Officer Mumu nodded. "So I personally still hope that you can provide her with some help - although you are separated, I know you should still be willing to do such a thing, right?"

"Let me think about it..." Mouri Kogoro replied noncommittally. "In any case, I think I'd better come to the Metropolitan Police Department first... Her office is definitely not safe now."

"Well, do I need to talk to the concubine on the phone to discuss it?" Officer Mumu asked.

"No need, I'd better trouble the police department to protect her first, and I'll talk about other things after I get there." After thinking for a while, Mouri Kogoro said this.

After hanging up the phone, Kogoro Mouri lay down on the back of the armchair he was sitting on, quietly looking at the list of wanted criminals on the wall.

After pondering silently for about half a minute, Kogoro Mori sat up. "Lan, can you hear me?"

"Dad, are you looking for me?" Soon, Mao Lilan opened the door of the office on the second floor, looking at his father curiously.

"Pack up the most important luggage," Kogoro Mori said calmly. "I'll send you and Conan to Dr. Li's place to settle down first."

"Huh?" Mao Lilan was taken aback. "why?"

"Just do it, and I'll tell you the reason later." Kogoro Mauri waved his hand, signaling Maurilan to stop wasting time on this.


Metropolitan Police Department, meeting room

"I don't think there should be any major problems," Officer Mumu said to Rikuriyama and Fei Yingri as he sat on the chair with the checklist sent from Rice Flower Central Hospital. "We found no known infectious virus on the blade, so I don't think there should be any dangerous virus added to the The blood is just this... Miss Kuriyama alone. ."

"That's good," Fei Yingli nodded. "In this case, since our confessions have been recorded, then we should go back first?"

"Well, please wait a few more minutes for the concubine's lawyer..." Officer Mumu was about to dissuade her, but the door of the conference room was opened.

"Husband?" Fei Yingri looked at Kogoro Mouri at the door in surprise. "How could you..."

"I'll take you to Dr. Agasa's place," Kogoro Mori said briefly. "Your office is no longer safe. In contrast, there is at least enough space in Dr. Agsa's side, and it is not so well-known."

"Why should I..." Fei Yingli was about to refute, but was interrupted.

"I'm not discussing with you," Kogoro Mori said with a cold face. "Do you know how critical the situation is now? Hand over all your work first, and then go to Dr. Akasa's side to avoid the limelight! As for Kuriyama... If you can't find a suitable place, come here too, I There should be enough space."

"Then..." Fei Yingli was a little uncomfortable with the strength of the other party. After a while, she didn't refute anything, she just put forward her own request. "I might need some of that stuff."

"Don't need those documents from the office—" Kogoro Mouri said this, but noticed the flickering in Feiyingri's eyes, and finally changed his tune. "At night, you can go back secretly to get the minimum necessary materials, but now the first round of things you bring back should be mainly your household necessities, understand?"

"I understand." Fei Yingli finally nodded after taking a look at the Band-Aid on Kuriyama Green's hand. "I'll be as vigilant as possible."

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