Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 553: - intruder

"I always think there's something wrong, what do you think?" Chiba, who was playing blackjack with the rest of the detective team, pulled a card out of the deck, and put one of her up cards and one of her dark cards. After that, he wondered about Haibara Ai who was beside him.

"If you're talking about Sister Xiaolan, yes." Haibara Ai glanced at Qianyu's two clear cards, and then signaled to everyone that she didn't plan to continue to draw cards.

"Sister Xiaolan?" Conan, who was sitting on the other side of Qianyu, frowned, and then he looked at Mao Lilan, who had just returned to the observation hall. "What's wrong with Sister Xiaolan?"

"See for yourself." After glancing at Mo Lilan, who was sitting alone at a table, after confirming that her current expression was not quite right, Qianyu turned her gaze back to Mitsuhiko who was thinking about whether to draw the cards. "This thing I describe to you is much paler than yourself."

"But..." Conan's helpless voice came after Mitsuhiko drew a card, and then expressed frustration that his card had burst. "I don't see anything wrong..."

"Ah?" Qianyu and Haibara Ai both looked at Conan with a ghostly expression, and then looked at Maurilan.

Obviously, Mao Lilan is in a preoccupied state now, and her eyes are slightly swollen.

"Her eyes are swollen," Qianyu replied. "When crying, the eyelid tissue will be slightly congested, although it is not obvious, but her eyes are indeed swollen now than when we saw her in the morning. And you don't think that Sister Xiaolan rarely sits alone like this now. ?"

But to be honest, the detail Chiyu saw was indeed a bit too embarrassing for Conan - seeing the slight congestion of the eyelids at this distance does require very good eyesight.

"I saw her makeup on her eyes just now, and she obviously cried, and even an idiot can see that her mood is not right now." Haibara Ai lightly touched Conan's knife. "If she's really okay, she's either chatting with Sister Sonoko or doing something else, and she definitely won't sit like she is now."

"Ah?" Conan then looked carefully at Maurilan again. "Uh... it seems that something is wrong."

"You're too insensitive," Haibara Ai glanced at Conan. "Like a piece of wood."

"I know, I know," Conan turned back with an uneasy expression. "But it's really strange that Sister Xiaolan is unhappy! She should usually be very optimistic."

"..." Qian Yu didn't speak, because he was looking at the expression of Mao Lilan that he had just intercepted - he read out the loss.

At this moment, everyone had completed the draw, and Haibara Ai's blackjack became the biggest of them all.

"Otherwise, shall we let Sister Xiaolan accompany us to explore on this airship?" Ayumi suggested. "We haven't seen this airship systematically before!"

"Have you not taken a closer look at this airship?" Qian Yu raised her eyebrows, and then she came to her senses. "Wait a minute, don't you want to go to any power zone?"

"Yes!" Ayumi nodded. "It was blocked over there before, so we couldn't get through! But I went to see it today, and it wasn't blocked there!"

"Go and ask her," Hai Yuan said indifferently. "I guess Sister Xiaolan should agree."

In fact, this is also Chiyu's opinion - although Mao Lilan doesn't seem happy now, if she is allowed to accompany them, she should be able to turn her attention to them, and then somewhat ignore the troubles she is thinking about now.

As for whether Sister Xiaolan will agree... Her character contains a helpful element, and this level of demand will definitely satisfy them.


"What's this trap in front?" Yuanta pointed to a trapdoor that could be pushed open at the top of the ladder not far away. "Is it a storage room or something? Can we go up there?"

"No," Maurilan looked at the words above, and immediately dismissed his thoughts. "That is the passage to leave the airship and go to the airbag area that is connected to the outside world. Now we are flying in the air, so it is very dangerous to go out!"

"Uh..." Yuan Tai looked bewildered. "Then it's better not to climb out..."

"If you go out now, you will probably be reprimanded," Chiba said while looking at the movable board. "Look at the latch on the movable panel - the latch on this is unlocked, which means that there may be staff working outside, and if you go out, it is likely to be blocked by the staff head-on, and then be scolded back. .

"Let's go somewhere else..." Mitsuhiko suggested. "It doesn't seem like this place is suitable for adventure, doesn't it?"


In the bathroom of the TV room, Ai Haibara was sitting on the sink, applying makeup to Maurilan who was half-squatting.

"Hey, Xiao Ai, you seem to be really good at make-up?" Ma Lilan was so surprised looking at Haibara Ai's fairly stable hands. "It's much better than the one I just drew."

"Sister Xiaolan, did you cry just now?" Haiyuan Ai asked her while drawing. "Does this makeup look like crying flowers?"

"It's I just thought of some sad things." Mao Lilan showed a formal standard smile - the kind of person who is not a child like Haiyuan Ai can see it at a glance Found a dead smile with a worried mind. "By the way, what about those children?"

"It should be in the observation hall," Haibara said lightly. "It should be around the astronomical telescope or the jewelry booth now. Anyway, both Tachibana and Edogawa are there, so there shouldn't be any trouble."


At the same time, Qianyu sighed and walked behind Mitsuhiko, Motota, and Ayumi, looking at the movable door not far away.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Qian Yu sighed, looking at Yuan Tai and the others who seemed extremely excited. "You guys deliberately threw away Sister Xiaolan and then used the hide-and-seek interface to sway Conan or something. Are you planning to go out through that movable door?"

"We just saw a staff member come out from there, so there should be no one there!" Mitsuhiko said proudly. "Trust me, there must be no one over there!"

"Are you sure there's no one over there?" Qian Yu frowned and looked at the trapdoor. "Perhaps there are other work mates out there? Are you really planning to show up and take a look at the risk of being reprimanded?"

"It's really dangerous to go out..." Qianyu sighed.

Just as Qianyu sighed, the trapdoor opened, and a man dressed in black ignored the ladder next to him and jumped down from the two-meter-high trapdoor.

It's strange to jump down instead of climbing a ladder, and Chiba couldn't understand another thing - what kind of staff in Japan can hold a submachine gun and wear a combat uniform.

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