Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 382: --express delivery

The stalker saw Ying and the others turned the corner, and quickly ran a few steps, and soon came to the corner - he couldn't be thrown too much by the people in front, otherwise he would be lost.

Walking to the street corner, the stalker cautiously poked his head from the street corner and looked towards the direction where Hotaru and the others disappeared.

Then he saw Ying was squatting on the other side of the street corner with a smile, and poked his forehead with his finger when he stuck out his head.

"Ah!" Yuan Tai made a sound that was half pain and half surprise.

"Why did you follow me?" Ying asked with a smile looking at Yuan Tai's expression. "Shouldn't you be at home?"

"Well, I also want to come out and see if there is anything delicious..." Yuan Tai scratched his head and said with a smile. "Don't worry, I brought the money!"

Saying so, he took out a 10,000 yen bill from his pocket.

"Ms. Yuan, do you have so much pocket money?" Ai Haibara asked in surprise.

"It's alright haha!" Yuan Tai replied. "It's been a long time!"

"..." Ying's originally wrinkled brows relaxed. "Okay, then you come with us!"


The group continued to walk, but Yingying did not completely put this matter down.

[What happened to that little fat man? ] - Water Firefly

【Ms. Yuan? What's wrong? ] - Fujiwara

[That 10,000 yen card was given by you, right? Shouldn't a child put such a large denomination banknote on his body to spend it? Easy to throw away and useless. ] - Water Firefly

[Well, seeing that he was greedy, I gave him a little money to buy food, not much anyway. ] - Fujiwara

[Ah, ah, it really is the tone of a rich family! ] - Water Firefly


Just when Fujiwara was texting in the Tachibana mansion, Mitsuhiko, who was looking at the books he was about to throw away in the closet in the bookcase next to him, suddenly made a surprised voice. "This!"

"?" Seeing Hotaru's reply, Fujiwara came to Mitsuhiko's side after he felt there was no need to reply. "What's wrong?"

"Above this..." Mitsuhiko took out a fashion magazine from the stack of books that had not been closed after being opened. "Fujiwara-san, look at this man!"

"..." Fujiwara looked at the fashion magazine and suddenly frowned.

On the page of the magazine, wearing a purple crop top and a miniskirt, with lip gloss and eye shadow and eyebrows painted, Haibara Ai was wearing a dazzling array of accessories, smiling as she looked in the direction of the camera.

"This is Haihara-san, right?" Mitsuhiko, who was stunned, looked at Fujiwara who was also surprised, and said word by word.

"..." Fujiwara picked up the book and glanced at the issue number.

It's the June issue of this year's magazine... which means that the material should have been collected in mid-May or earlier... In terms of time, it should basically coincide with the time when this little girl became smaller, but—

Fujiwara glanced at Haibara's slightly bulging chest under the restraint of his clothes.

According to Icewine and Sherry's previous physical examination data at the organization's institutions and the current height of the two people, it is concluded that their development is basically equivalent to the development level of about 7 years old - if Sherry is 7 years old, then If it develops, it is a standard precocious puberty, but Sherry's body is quite tall when he is an adult, and there is no sign of precocious puberty at all. (Precocious puberty leads to eventual underdevelopment and short height.)

So this little girl whose figure is beginning to look like a girl shouldn't be Ai Haibara—isn't it?

However, Haibara Ai's developmental status has not been specifically confirmed. After all, it would be a crime to use a normal physical examination to confirm the development of a little girl...

At this moment, Fujiwara suddenly noticed that this page did not seem to indicate whose photo this photo was. So he turned a page forward to see if the name was written on the previous page because there was still something about this **** the previous page.

Then he saw that the previous page also only had a photo of a girl who was suspected to be Haiyuan—while the previous page was torn off by Keegan.

"..." Fujiwara frowned.

Why tear it off? To hide something?

At this moment, he realized that he didn't seem to notice Mitsuhiko who had been calling him.

"Big Brother Fujiwara?" Mitsuhiko asked tentatively again. "What is this?"

"I don't know," Fujiwara shook his head. "Let's talk when she gets back."

At this moment, the doorbell rang again.

"Leave a door for me." Fujiwara instructed Mitsuhiko and walked downstairs.


After confirming who was outside the door through the window, Fujiwara opened the door and walked out.

A little brother dressed in black and wearing a black hat was standing outside the door with a package.

"Did you deliver?" Fujiwara asked, looking at the delivery guy.

"Who are you?" asked the little brother who had communicated with Haiyuan once and claimed that he had gone wrong.

"I want to give a gift to a friend. I wonder if you can give me any advice." Fujiwara said lightly.

"If that's the case, I happen to have a suitable The little brother smiled. "I don't know if you want a gold bar or a ring. "

"I want an Atom, I don't know if you have one?" Fujiwara stretched out his hand and said.

"Here," the little brother handed a box about 30 centimeters square and 5 centimeters high through the crack of the iron gate of the orange house and handed it to Fujiwara.

"..." Fujiwara glanced at the box, then nodded. "Thanks."

As Fujiwara walked back to the Tachibana mansion, he tore open the packaging of the box, then opened the box and looked at the contents.

"Humph!" The corners of Fujiwara's mouth twitched slightly, then he closed the box again, and closed the door after entering the Tachibana mansion.


The new doctor was sitting in the clinic, sorting out the patient's documents, when his cell phone suddenly rang - judging from the ringing, it should be her cell phone that was more accurate.

"Hello?" the new doctor asked in Belmod's voice. "Fujiwara, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Did you lock that guy in Rice Flower Park?" Fujiwara asked softly on the other end of the phone. "The guy who was dropped."

"Yes, what's wrong?" The new doctor frowned.

"There is a risk of exposure," Fujiwara said. "I suggest you move that guy as soon as possible, otherwise the police may be dispatched at any time, and then find that the guy we finally put in is a fake."

"Risk of exposure?" The new doctor's face was even more puzzled. "what happened?"

"Did you give that guy a bento? Some of the classmates of the little guy who has a good relationship with Icewine caught a beetle with a bento sticker on his back while playing in Rice Flower Park!"

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