As the instigator, Shiraishi Takeshi naturally didn't know about the two policewomen, Yumi Miyamoto and Naeko Miike, because he lived in the left city of Tokyo, and the place where Rena Mizunashi met Gin was in the right city, and the two places were far apart.

In order to meet his old friend Gin, Shiraishi Takeshi could only run all the way. At most, he would get a few tickets.

In the wireless headphones, the voice continued to think

"What's wrong? Gil, we agreed to meet at eleven o'clock!" Gin's voice was low and hoarse.

"I'm very sorry, there was a suspicious car following me, so I got rid of it just in case!" Mizuno Rena said with a smile

"It seems that I am right, Gil, you are very likely being targeted by the FBI!" Gin said in a low voice

"Hmm - is that so? It seems that after completing this mission, I can go back!"

Mizunashi Rena said playfully:"So, can you put the Beretta pistol you put in the door back into the holster? Gin……"

"If you shoot me because of your wild guesses, there will be no way to get rid of DJ!" Mizuno Rena added with a smile


Shiraishi Takeshi raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and slowly stopped the car on the side of the road:"My old friend, since you want to get rid of someone, then that person - I will protect you!!"

Gin's voice sounded in the wireless headset:"Humph, whatever, anyway, we have spies within 500 meters around this building. If any suspicious car approaches, they will be noticed immediately!"

Then, the"click" sound of the pistol being put into the holster was heard.

"The time is 2 p.m., the location is Eddie P. I will guide the DJ to that location as the interviewer.……"Mizuno Reina said calmly

"That's it, Kiel, I'm waiting!"

Another woman's voice rang out:"To bring the prey into the center of my field of vision and make my blood boil, ah ha ha ha……"

"Oh, Shanti and Colen are here too. It seems like this is really foolproof!"

Mizunashi Rena chuckled and said,"Then I'll leave it to you. Although our efforts may not be known to others, if we fail, the news will spread immediately.……"

"Humph! Regardless of success or failure, we must not be discovered by the world. When that time comes, I will personally solve all the problems. This is how the organization does things!"Gin snorted coldly.

"Yes, that's right."Rena Mizuno nodded.

"Well, time is almost up, let's finish the job quickly, don't give me a chance to help, okay?" Another woman's voice rang out.

"Vermouth is here too!"

Shiraishi Takeshi licked his lips playfully,"Should I take you back as my RBQ, or slowly defeat you and conquer you in every aspect? Forget it, conquering a woman is more exciting for me."

"Humph, the hair monitor on Rena Mizuno can still function for another day. I don't care who and where the so-called DJ and Eddie P are. Anyway, Rena Mizuno's whereabouts are all under my control!"

Shiraishi Takeshi thought so, and suddenly someone knocked on the driver's window.


Bai Shiwu was stunned for a moment, turned his head and saw two female traffic policemen in traffic police uniforms with red cheeks, panting, looking unfriendly and angrily at the car window.

"These two... let me think about it, aren't these two young traffic police officers, Yumi Miyamoto and Naeko Miike!"

The next second, Shiraishi Wu understood why the two of them were staring at his car so fiercely.

Because the window glass of Shiraishi Wu's car was produced by the system, he couldn't see anything inside from the outside.

"Sister Yumi? Could it be that the owner of the car is not in the car?" Miike Miaozi asked breathlessly.

"This, huh, huh... that should be it! Never mind him, speeding in the downtown area over 100 mph, speeding close to 50 mph, a fine of 50,000 yuan, Miaozi, post the ticket!"Miyamoto Yumi panted, staring fiercely at Shiraishi Takeshi's car


Miike Naeko nodded obediently, stretched out her hand to stick the ticket on the windshield of the car, then slapped the front of the car hard with disdain, and snorted coldly:"Hmph, what's the big deal, isn't it just a Lincoln sports car? Is it necessary to drive so fast!"

Inside the car.

Shiraishi Takeshi frowned, his face serious.

Originally, when Miyamoto Yumi and Miike Naeko knocked on the car window, Shiraishi Takeshi was planning to come out and chat with them for a while, but at this moment.

Vodka's cold voice suddenly came from the wireless headset:"Brother, the spies outside have discovered the situation. A red Beetle car is very suspicious. It has been circling near here. The driver is a foreign woman with big-framed glasses and short golden hair!"

"Is she the only one?" Gin asked coldly

"Yes!"Vodka responded

"Humph, it seems that she is a greedy little mouse! Let the people outside take care of her.……"Gin said coldly

""Wait!" Vermouth interrupted playfully.

"What's wrong, Absinthe, do you know him?" Along with Gin's cold voice, there was also the sound of the gun's safety being opened.

"Yes, I went to see her secretly a few days ago. She was just a poor little mouse. Wasn’t there a reckless and ignorant young couple from the FBI? I was the one who killed them. But I didn’t expect that the little girl would become an equally reckless and ignorant FBI agent like her dead parents!"

Vermouth said playfully, opened the car door, and walked out.

The heels stepped on the ground of the underground parking lot, making a crisp"click" sound.

"Gin, leave her to me. I am bored right now. Don't worry, I will be there on time this afternoon!"

Seeing Vermouth's figure in the parking lot, Shanti finally couldn't help but said,"Gin, wait a minute, what are you doing? Are you really willing to let this woman go alone!"

"Let her go, after all, that gentleman trusts her very much!" Gin said lightly.

"Humph!" Xiangti snorted coldly.

""Okay, Shanti, Colen, you two go over there and get ready. The weather in the afternoon is not very good and it is likely to get worse. Go over there and get used to it first. Don't let it affect our plan!" Gin said coldly.

"Don't worry, the weather forecast says it won't start raining until 2:30 in the afternoon!" Mizuno Reina said with a smile

"This is the best way!"The sound of a car starting up was heard in the underground parking lot.

"If I remember correctly, that person should be FBI agent Judy! Looks like there's trouble!" Shiraishi Takeshi laughed meaningfully.

(I made up for the chapter I missed yesterday!)

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