After a day of hard work, the doctor was completely immersed in the development of the game. Although Conan came, he still sat in front of the computer and typed the code after inviting Conan in.

Conan sighed on the sofa, "Doctor, I'm really desperate! Tomorrow is my birthday, and I promised to go to the movies with Xiaolan all night tonight. What do you think I should do?"

The doctor clattered on the keyboard and answered casually, "You deserve it. Who told you to agree?"

"I didn't react at the time!" Conan complained, "Xiaolan asked me to watch a movie, and I agreed without thinking. It was only after hanging up the phone that I remembered that I contacted her as Shinichi."

Seeing that the doctor was still typing code and ignoring him, Conan begged, "Doctor, please help me think of a way, I really can't refuse. Lao Baigan has expired again, I really don't know what to do."

"Huh? Lao Baigan?" The doctor's movements suddenly stopped.

Seeing this, Conan asked hurriedly, "What's wrong, Doctor? Have you thought of a solution?"

"No, I suddenly remembered something." The doctor turned to look at Conan and said, "Yesterday I took a business order, and the other party gave me a gift, which is a bottle of Lao Baigan."

Conan was disappointed, "Isn't Lao Baigan ineffective? I tried it last time."

"No, no, maybe it's different this time!" The doctor stood up and took out the Lao Baigan he received yesterday, "This bottle of Lao Baigan is said to be a special edition and not for sale. Except for the unchanged alcohol concentration, the concentration of other ingredients has increased several times."

Conan immediately became excited, because he knew very well that the active ingredient in Lao Baigan was not alcohol, but other unknown ingredients. If the content of other ingredients in this bottle of Lao Baigan has increased several times, then maybe it will work...

"Hurry, let me try!" Conan couldn't wait to drink.

The doctor stopped him, "Shinichi, don't be too anxious! Have you forgotten how long you lasted when you turned back? Your date with Xiaolan is at night. If you turn back now, you may not last until then."

After listening to the doctor's advice, Conan also realized this problem.

"Okay, then wait a little longer and drink when you are about to meet Xiaolan. If you really turn back, everyone will be happy. If you can't turn back... I can only call Xiaolan and tell her that I can't go."


At dusk, Dr. Agasa's car drove out, and Yeyue and Miyano Shiho saw this scene in a car in the distance.

"Finally out, Edogawa Conan hasn't turned back to Kudo Shinichi yet." Shiho, wearing a blue baseball cap, sat in the co-pilot and said, "He probably wants to go to the date before turning back to Kudo Shinichi to avoid wasting time to recover."

Yeyue drove behind the doctor from a distance and followed him all the way to the vicinity of the Beika City Building. In order to avoid being discovered by Conan, Yeyue parked the car in another parking lot.

Xiaolan had been waiting at the door of the Beika City Building. Yeyue and Shiho bypassed her and sneaked into the building from another entrance. They watched Xiaolan from a distance and waited for Kudo Shinichi to meet her.

"This is for you." Yeyue took out a black box with a pair of earphones connected to it by a thin wire. He handed one of the earphones to Shiho.

Shiho was stunned, and immediately reacted, asking suspiciously, "Eavesdropping? Who did you install the eavesdropping device on?"

Yeyue replied, "Of course it was Xiaolan. I hid the eavesdropping device in her bag. Because Conan is too vigilant, installing the eavesdropping device on him will definitely be discovered. Anyway, they will meet each other, so it doesn't matter who you eavesdrop on."

This eavesdropping device was made by Yeyue through the [Design Drawing] skill plus the [Technology Creation] skill.

"Eavesdropping on girls, you are really a pervert..."

"Okay, then don't listen to it, just throw it in the trash can."

"There's no need, this is a special case."

Shiho took the headphones and put them on, and Yeyue also put on the headphones, and listened to Xiaolan's movements together with Shiho.

"Shinichi is so slow, will he break the appointment?" This is Xiaolan talking to herself.

As a comprehensive commercial complex, the Beika City Building has a variety of stores and facilities, which is very suitable for young people to date. Especially on weekends, there are a lot of young people in pairs today.

Xiaolan looked at the couples coming and going, and remembered what Sonoko said, and her pretty face blushed, "Sonko said that the young people who come here are all dating

couple, then me and Shinichi... no no no, how could that be possible, Shinichi and I are not a couple! He and I are just friends, I see he often forgets his birthday, so I come to remind him, yes, that's it. "

When Shiho heard what Xiaolan said, she realized that the men and women walking nearby were basically in pairs. Looking at herself and Yeyue, the two of them were wearing the same pair of headphones, just like a couple listening to music together...

When she looked at Yeyue, Yeyue also happened to look over, and the two of them looked at each other.

"Don't think about it! We are accomplices, not lovers. "Yeyue emphasized again.

Shiho was speechless and rolled her eyes at him to let him experience it himself. But then Shiho found a problem. You told me not to think about it, how do you know what I'm thinking? Unless you also...

The two of them eavesdropped and observed the situation. They saw Conan and Dr. Agasa enter the building together and then run to the public toilet. Not long after, a young man wearing a blue baseball cap appeared. It was Kudo Shinichi.

Obviously, this guy successfully transformed, and wearing a hat was also to conceal his identity.

Shiho immediately took out a pen and paper from his body and wrote it down, "At 19:15, the drug took effect. Dr. Agasa didn't come out. It's probably just in case, so that when Kudo Shinichi wants to change back, there will be someone to take care of him..."

Shiho was muttering to herself, and suddenly found that the baseball cap on her head flew up. The sudden change made her terrified. When she looked up, she saw that it was Yeyue who took off her hat.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, I just don't like your hat, so I confiscated it! "Yeyue threw the hat into the trash can.

Shiho's head was full of question marks. Is this a mistake? Didn't you give me this hat when I went out? Why do you dislike it again?

"My hair is so conspicuous, what if the organization sees it?"

"How can there be so many people in the organization? Do you think the members of the organization are like Gin, who are full and go out for a ride every day? Stop talking nonsense and continue eavesdropping."

Shiho can't be fooled anymore. Who can tell me what happened?

At this time, Shinichi had gone to meet Xiaolan, "Sorry, Xiaolan, I'm late because I'm too busy."

It was not until then that Shiho realized that the baseball cap on Kudo Shinichi's head was also blue...

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