"As for your flawed alibi, you may not know it yet! It is your so-called evidence that tells me that the murderer of Mr. Imatake Tomo is you, Nobuichi Sakai."

Faced with Miyamoto Han's righteous words, Nobuichi Sakai roared angrily:"You say it is, but I have an alibi. Who do you think you are! You are just a second-rate writer who just debuted, and you dare to speak nonsense here."

"Mr. Detective, you don't care. I have a sufficient alibi. Are you going to just watch me get bullied? Ha~" Sai Jingxuan threatened Yokogami Sango arrogantly.

"Mr. Sai, don't be anxious. I think we should listen to what this gentleman has to say first!"Yokogonisuo was very suspicious of Sai, but because there was no evidence, coupled with his arrogant attitude, he didn't take the police seriously at all, so he immediately decided to listen to Miyamoto Han's opinion. At this time, Yokogosuo was also desperate.

"Originally, I was not going to reveal the truth, because Uncle Maori and I have already seen through your tricks." Miyamoto Han deliberately said this to save Maori Kogoro's face.

Although Maori Kogoro did not see through the truth, he was thick-skinned, and his reaction to such things was super god-level. Although he had no big answer in his mind, he still pretended that I had seen through it a long time ago, and laughed:"Of course, this trick can't hide from the eyes of a detective like me!""

"But Mr. Maori, why didn't you tell me when I asked you just now?"Yokomizo Sango, a detective fan of Maori Kogoro, asked in frustration.

"Of course, it is to allow Officer Yokomizo to solve the case on your own." Miyamoto Han directly explained the past for Maori Kogoro, and then said,"Mr. Sai Nobuichi, let me expose your so-called perfect alibi!" Without waiting for Sai Nobuichi to refute, Miyamoto Han directly began to expose his so-called alibi

"Saiki Nobuichi, your so-called alibi is nothing more than these photos, because in the photos, you and the burning word"天" are left, proving that you were already at the festival venue when the gunshots rang out. Later, when you ran into our group, you asked Xiaolan to take photos for you, just to make your alibi more complete. But were the photos before Xiaolan's really taken today? Could they have been taken last year!"

"It's an interesting statement, but these photos were taken today. If you insist that they were taken last year, do you have any evidence?"After hearing Miyamoto Han's reasoning, Sai Jing Xuanyi was shocked, but he still forced himself to calm down. He didn't believe that the other party had evidence to prove that those photos were taken last year.

"If you want evidence, of course I have it. The evidence is these photos. Lying is the shadow of the truth. People can lie, but photos can't. They only show the real side. Saii Nobuichi, please tell us why the watch mark on your left wrist in the photo is gone?"

After listening to Miyamoto Han's words, Yokogo Sango immediately picked up the photo on the table and observed it carefully. With Miyamoto Han's obvious reminder, Yokogo Sango quickly discovered the difference between the photo and Saii Nobuichi himself. He immediately looked at him with a sharp gaze.

"Mr. Shijing, do you have an explanation for this?"

"II"Sai Jing Xuanyi was questioned by Yokogo Chanwu and immediately softened,"I admit defeat, I killed Imatake Tomo."

"It's you!"Yokomizo Sango said happily after Sai Shinichi admitted it.

Then Sai Shinichi started to tell everyone his motive for killing Imatake Satoshi, which is the same as the criminal's confession in Conan's world.

"You killed someone just for this reason!" After hearing his reason, Yokogo Sango angrily grabbed Saii Xuanyi's collar.

"Humph~" Saii Xuanyi snorted coldly,"That guy Imatsuchi, he ruined my future, so what's wrong with me killing him?"

"As for the deceased Mr. Imatake Satoshi, I didn't know him, so I can't say anything about him. But as for you, Mr. Saii Nobuichi, I only see your self-righteousness, your ignorance and your lack of common sense."

"From what you said just now, every sentence is about Imatake Tomo.

You attributed all your failures to his fault, but never thought about your own problems.

The editor did not choose your work but his.

You did not strive for other ways, did not reflect on your own work, and improve your level.

You only lamented that it was all Imatake Tomo's fault.

Secondly, as a writer, what I want to say is that, Mr.

Shijing, you are really ignorant and have no common sense.

Since you want to disguise the room as a theft and murder, you should not make the things in the room like this.

An experienced thief would not make the room like this.

There is also the issue of the deceased brushing his teeth.

Uncle Maori has already said this just now, so I will not say more.


"Finally, I don't know what a work like yours can teach readers, as it is written by someone who can kill even his best friend! You are not worthy of being a writer at all. As a fellow writer, I am ashamed to be associated with you!!!"

The people present applauded, obviously agreeing with Miyamoto Han's words, and Xiaolan looked at him with admiration.

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