Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 906: pit bull belmode

Sawada Hiroki eavesdropped on the call, and when he hung up, he reminded him directly from his mobile phone, "Godfather, be careful when you go out, the two people from the FBI are still watching outside."

"Don't overhear me cough... call."

Chi Fei endured the unpleasantness caused by his cough, and sent an email to Pusheng Caixiang.

[Bring a few friends to LineClub to play, and arrive before 8pm. If there are suspicious people inside or outside the club, or if there is an abnormal situation, send me an email and tell me, don’t wear black, and don’t be found out about your purpose. ——Raki]

After sending the email, Chi Feichi didn't wait for a reply, and carried Feimo, Feichi, Wuming, and Xiaomei to the table so that the four creatures could see the computer screen before typing on the computer:

[Feimo, Xiaomei, Wuming, you stay at home to create the illusion that I am at home, Noah pay attention to remind: go to the bathroom around 9 o'clock in the evening, turn on the bathroom light, put a tub of hot water in the bathtub, and put the hot water in the bathtub after half an hour. After the water is drained, turn off the lights in the bathroom, turn on the lights in the bedroom around 10 p.m., and turn off the lights in the living room three minutes later. The time doesn’t need to be too precise. 】

Without Hiruki Sawada's reminder, he would not forget the two FBI agents outside the apartment.

Judging from the surveillance situation, Shuichi Akai and two people squatted in the area of ​​Dr. Agasa's house. The FBI's focus was definitely on Ai Haibara. Judy had contact with several foreign faces today, and she should be scheduling personnel to prepare for a showdown.

In addition, since last night, two people from the FBI and two people near his apartment and the Maori Detective Agency have been monitoring and have not left.

The FBI is probably worried that Belmod is playing 'a trick in a trick'. It seems that it wants to attack Haibara, but in fact, it is to transfer people away and attack him or someone from the Maori Detective Agency, although Shuichi Akai sees Huiyuan. After Yuan Ai's photo, I will feel that this possibility is unlikely, but this possibility must also be taken into account.

Arranging manpower here and the Maori Detective Agency can also prevent Belmod from using the safety of these people as the final lore card.

In short, in the past few days, the FBI near his apartment and the Maori Detective Agency will not withdraw, and the surveillance will continue until the FBI and Belmode decide the winner.

Belmod must know the FBI's arrangement, and asking him out tonight is just a gamble to see if he can trick him.

If he is careless because he has a cold, because he has not acted recently, because the weather is calm on the bright side, or if he does not notice that there is FBI surveillance nearby, then, according to his habit, he will leave the apartment directly with his face, and find people nearby who have a lot of traffic. place, such as a station or a shopping mall, disguise, change clothes, hide in the crowd and leave, arrive at a place where another car is parked and drive, and then drive to the meeting point.

In this way, the two people monitoring outside will find that he went out in the middle of the night, followed him all the way to a certain place, and then was fooled by him with the disguise technique, losing his tracking target.

What would the FBI think if a person who had a severe cold at home went out in the middle of the night and sneaked into a shopping mall or other places to escape tracking?

Usually it's fine, but it's unreasonable for him to suddenly run out in the middle of the night when he doesn't go out for a long time with a cold.

The FBI will speculate that he must have something important to do, even if he is dragging his body with a severe cold, it is still something that cannot be followed and discovered.

Once he is suspected and stared at, even if he is locked by the FBI, it will become very inconvenient to act in the future.

But since he knew that there were FBI people monitoring nearby and the current situation of all parties, it was easy to break the situation——

Don't openly walk out the front door and create the illusion that he is always at home.

"I understand, Godfather, it's just to let the surveillance people think you are at home, right?" In the computer, Sawada Hiroki lowered his voice, "Don't worry, I will remind them when the time comes."

Chi Feichi's eyes flashed, and his voice was very soft, "Noah, cough, record my voice..."

Ta-Q-Bin is not only the most joyful existence, but also the most prone to pitfalls.



On the rooftop of the apartment where Chi Feichi lived, a rope was ejected toward the roof of the apartment building next to it, and the cone at the top was wrapped around the railing twice and then clamped.

A black shadow pulled the rope and quickly passed through the middle of the two buildings. When it was about to reach the roof of the end, the taut rope suddenly broke. The rope in the black shadow's hand quickly stretched, and the black shadow fell all the way to the third floor of the building.

After the shadow turned into the window of the safety passage on the third floor, he took out a lighter and lit the rope, and cleaned the traces on the window sill.

A gray-yellow flame lit up on the rope, burning upwards quickly.

After doing all this, Sombra turned around and walked towards the elevator, at the same time reaching out to cover his mouth, coughing while pressing his throat.

Chi Feichi put on the face of a middle-aged man, dressed like an ordinary office worker, and only after stepping into the elevator did he relieve the urge to cough.

Bullshit Belmod!


A silver-gray car was parked on the street in the high-end apartment area of ​​Cupido Town, and two foreign faces were sitting in the car, paying attention to the movement of the apartment next to them.

A middle-aged man in a suit hurriedly walked across the pavement, bowed his back slightly, put his mobile phone in one hand to his ear, and said nonchalantly, "Yes, yes, section chief... I'm on my way..."

The two foreign faces paid attention, looked away, and continued to stare at the apartment next to them.


A cheetah delivery car stopped in front of the apartment. After the deliveryman got off the car, he went around to the cargo box, took a box, and walked into the apartment where two foreign faces were watching.

In the car, the person in the passenger seat whispered a few words into the earphone, opened the door, and pretended to follow the delivery man casually.

On the first floor of the apartment, there is a glass security door that needs to be verified by swiping a card. The deliveryman holds the box and finds the number 1102 on the display of the doorbell intercom in front of the security door and presses it.

"Jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle!..."

The doorbell rang for a while before the intercom was connected. The young man's voice was a little hoarse, "Here is the Chi family, ahem, who is that?"

"Is this Mr. Chi Feichi from No. 2 on the 11th floor?" the deliveryman said, "I am the deliveryman of Cheetah Delivery Service. Here is a copy of your delivery service, which needs to be signed by me."

"It's me...ahem...but I didn't order anything."

"Ah, but..." The delivery man lowered his head to confirm the printed order, "It is indeed something delivered to you."

"Then please leave the storage mailbox at the door... Cough, sorry, I'm not feeling well."

"Okay, no problem, then I won't disturb you, you have a good rest."

The deliveryman waited for the intercom to be cut off, turned around and went to the mailbox at the door, looked up to find the cabinet marked 1102, put the delivery service in, and closed the cabinet door.

The foreign-looking man stood in front of the walkie-talkie, pretending to look for the floor, and after the delivery man turned to leave, he used the reflection of the glass safety door to stare at the delivery man as he got into the car and left, and whispered into the earphone, "Mr. Akai, the person has left. ."

"Understood, keep watching, there will be a shift change at five o'clock tomorrow morning."

On the headset communication side, Akai Shuichi breathed a sigh of relief.

When he heard that it was a delivery service for Chi Feichi just now, he couldn't help but cheer up.

The woman in Belmod can be disguised, and they have to guard against it. What if they pretend to be a delivery man and kidnap Chi Feichi?

Although unlikely, be careful.

Fortunately, it seems that it is a normal delivery service, and it has nothing to do with that woman.



The street where LineClub is located is full of cars from guests.

In one of the cars, Chi Feichi put on Lack's disguise and wore a mask. After Pu Sheng Caixiang and the two young women came out of the club and walked away, he took off the earphone plugged into his left ear and pulled on his hat. , get off and enter the club.

Belmod really did a good job of digging a hole.

The drive from his apartment is forty minutes, plus the time to disguise halfway, observe if anyone is following, and confirm whether it is safe near the meeting place, it is about an hour.

It was agreed to meet at the club at 9:30, so he must go out at 8:30 at the latest.

If a TA-Q-BIN delivers to his apartment building after he leaves the house, and the deliveryman rings the doorbell and no one answers, the FBI, which is watching outside the apartment building, will find that he is not at home.

The TA-Q-BIN may be a lottery ticket from a certain company, or an invitation letter with a gift from a certain company.

As long as you take the Ta-Q-Bin delivered to him today in advance, put it into the Ta-Q-Bin delivery vehicle that left Kato-cho after 6:00 PM, and wait until 9:00 PM when the delivery staff of Cheetah Ta-Q-Bin is ready to finish today's delivery and check the delivery items. , you will find that 'missing dispatch' his delivery service to his apartment after nine o'clock.

In this way, even if he suspects that the delivery of the delivery service is suspicious when he is going out, go to investigate the sender, the sender will respond - 'Yes, we delivered it to you', go and investigate the Cheetah Delivery , the courier will also respond - 'Sorry, the reason why it was delivered so late is because we missed it, and we sent it to you when we checked it at night.'

Everything just looks like a coincidence.

And the FBI will keep an eye on him and investigate him secretly. Even if he finds out that he is a member of the organization, it will not do anything against him immediately, but choose to go long-term to catch big fish. In this way, when he finds out that he is locked by the FBI At the time, I'm afraid I don't even know when I was locked.

Fortunately, he was prepared, and asked Hiroki Sawada to record a few pieces of his voice at home. They were all commonly used dialogue recordings. When necessary, Hiroki Sawada could cut and synthesize them to deal with emergencies.

Belmod actually wanted to use Ta-Qi to trick him? nonexistent.

After Chi Fei entered the club late, he saw a touch of silver in a person's head at a glance. He walked to the table and noticed the cigarette smoking the gin sitting leisurely at the table with his legs crossed. The movement of sitting down stopped, and he changed to the chair farthest from the gin and sat down.

Gin looked sideways: "..."

Explain, what does this disgusting gesture mean?

Belmod, wearing sunglasses and a long black trench coat, watched Chi Feichi sit down with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "The cold is serious, Lack."

Chi Feichi gave a 'um', and there was no further text.

Gin reached out and put out his cigarette in the ashtray on the table, "Belmode, you should have said it straight, called me and Lack, what's the matter? He looks like he's not far from dying. ."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Don't bully him for not wanting to speak.

"I'm sorry, Lack, I didn't want to bother you," Belmod took out a poster and put it on the table, "but there is something important..."

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