Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2544: Did the 2 really have no holidays?

"Magic..." Judy recalled the humanized group scene she saw before, "At that time, the sky was just about to completely darken, and it did meet the nighttime condition, but the lights on the river bank were very bright, and the other party was wearing clothes before and after. That black suit was the same color as the black crow, and there was no contrasting white or other colors in the whole process..."

"It doesn't have to be exactly the same method, there may be changes in some places, or other methods may be used, such as magic props such as mirror cloth," Conan said firmly, "In short, it is definitely not an unsolvable puzzle. , is just a cover-up to deceive our eyes!"

Judy nodded, then frowned again, "So, the magician you mentioned, would you..."

"The magician I'm talking about is Phantom Thief Kidd. We met outside the Maori Detective Agency before, and he performed this magic trick for me. It can be considered that I watched the special performance alone," Conan smiled, determined Said, "I don't think he has anything to do with that organization. Kaito Kidd has been active so far. He has never murdered or set fire. He also likes to return things after stealing. He is just a thief who likes to pretend to attract people's attention.... ..」

Judy: "..."

She remembered that Conan also had the title of "Kid's nemesis", so that while being the nemesis of others, she believed that the other party would not be a villain who murdered and set fire, and at the same time maliciously commented that the other party was a thief who likes to catch people's attention... ..

This relationship is really complicated.

However, if it is an opponent's evaluation, it is still worth listening to. After all, sometimes, an opponent may understand a person's essence better than a friend.

"And those magic methods, many magicians know a little bit, but I have some guesses about the identity of that person tonight..." Conan turned his head to look at the stern of the cruise ship, his tone was not very sure, but he said it out, "I think he It should be Rucker's Bar."

"Huh?" After being taken aback for a moment, Judy also turned her head to look at the stern of the cruise ship, frowning and remembering, "That man was holding Daniel's face, although the face was damaged, but he still couldn't see the face below. The person who turned into a pure black person should be the effect of the special drug in their hands, and it is also difficult to see his appearance... But in terms of body shape, it may indeed be raki..."

"Mr. Judy, you should still remember? In the previous bank robbery, the rake was trapped in the bank just like us. After controlling the robber, he walked out of the bank, just under our watchful eyes, Disappeared in the crowd," Conan guides Judy recalling, concluding, "That guy must be very good at using this kind of cover-up, so I thought it might be him who boarded the boat tonight, but Rake was in that organization His status doesn't seem to be low, and I'm not sure if he will be sent out to do such a dangerous thing. After all, this is an encirclement jointly set up by the FBI and Miss Nicola. People who board the ship will be caught if they are not careful. Such a dangerous mission..."

"He has done very risky things before!" Judy interrupted aloud, and when Conan looked at her in surprise, she explained seriously, "It was when the organization set up a trap to kill Xiuyi before, Kame The car Long, Xiuyi and I were riding in was chased by them, and Lakjiu's car was right behind, and he jumped onto the roof of our car to interfere with us..."

Conan was a little surprised, "Wait, wait! In this way, as long as you sit in the car and shoot at the roof, wouldn't he be easily injured? Even if it's hard for you to hear his footsteps clearly, as long as two of them keep going Shooting from the roof of the car in different directions can easily hit him..."

Judy's tone was a bit resentful, "But have you ever thought that when we were shooting blindly in the car, he could reach the top of the driver's seat at once and shoot down from the roof of the car, killing the driver of our car?" officers, let our car stop and fall into their encirclement..."

Conan: "..."

Such a crazy but practical idea.

He really didn't expect it just now!

"That's what he intended to do. Xiuyi almost flipped over after he jumped on the roof. Cameron and I were surprised why Xiuyi didn't sit in the car and shoot. When Xiuyi fell to the roof, he has reached above the driver's seat, then listen to him

I didn't know what he was planning until the two of us talked," Judy said. "Fortunately, Xiuyi realized his intentions in time, and stopped him by jumping on the roof of the car, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"That guy is really vicious." Conan said with emotion.

Lakjiu's doing this is equivalent to putting himself in a dangerous situation, exposing his own vitals to the opponent, and at the same time hitting the opponent's vitals directly.

This seems to be a life-changing method, but in fact, the chance of winning with raki wine will be higher.

If Mrs. Judy and the others didn’t react, they were complacent about the discovery of being able to shoot upwards, injuring or killing each other, and if they moved a little slower, the rake could reach the top of the driver’s seat and directly point towards the driver of the car. People shoot.

The driver of the car sits between the seats and the position is fixed. Lark estimates the position and shoots from top to bottom. The driver will definitely hit the bullet. When shooting, he fired several shots into that small area, and the driver was absolutely dead.

In comparison, the three people in the car were not so easy to lock the specific location of the rake wine. It was like fighting a blindfolded person with no advantage at all.

Once the driver dies, the car will not be able to drive stably on the road. At this time, it will be difficult for the two people in the car to remove the driver's body from the driver's seat, and they will not be able to stop the car from stopping, and will fall directly into the encirclement.

As long as Lakjiu shoots and kills the driver, he can leave the roof of the car in the chaos and return to the top of the car of his own people who are chasing behind.

The balance of victory between the two sides was tilted towards the side of rake from the beginning.

Of course, no matter how high the chances of winning the rake are, it is also a risk. When moving on the roof, you may be shot by the people below, and you also bear a lot of risk.

It's cunning and ruthless, and it can put your own safety at the same time. He thinks "sinister" is the most suitable evaluation.

Then he and Shuichi got into a fight in the car, and he knew Jeet Kune Do just like Xiuyi,” Judy thought of Shuichi Akai, and the more she thought about it, the more sad she became, and she chose to skip those details and go straight to the key points, and then, Our car drove forward, but we were still entered into their pre-set ambush area, and Xiuyi, who was on the roof of the car with everyone else, was almost shot by a sniper..."

Conan was surprised again, not only surprised that the three of them had encountered such a dangerous situation, but also surprised by the behavior of organizing the sniper, "If Mr. Akai and Lark were fighting in the car, the distance between the two should be very close, and the sniper shot very quickly. Might accidentally hit the raki, no?"

"That's right, but they did it anyway," Judy continued, "After Xiuyi realized something was wrong in advance, he dodged the shot and quickly returned to the car. He thought it would be easy for a sniper to shoot him. The fuel tank of the Chinese car, just in case, let us get out of the car as soon as possible. It turns out that he was right. The sniper on that line did blow up the fuel tank of the car, just like today, the car exploded... "

Conan knew what Judy was trying to say, "The raki was still on the roof, right?"

"That's right, his teammates seemed to have no regard for his life," Zhu Dai recalled, "but Xiuyi always felt that the operation was led by Lark, that is to say, it was probably him own decision..."

Conan: "..."

He remembered that Mr. Akai did confirm with Ms. Rena Mizumu, and that night, Ms. Rena Mizumu also said that Lark seemed to want to kill Mr. Akai, and asked Mr. Akai if there was any festival between the two of them before...

Mr. Akai always recalled with a sleepy face, saying, "It seems not, and now he also wants to ask, is it true that Mr. Akai and Lark have no festivals? If there is no festival, is there any deep hatred?"

"In short, he may carry out some dangerous missions. This time, the person who boarded the cruise ship to **** the hard drive may indeed be him, and if this is the case, this time the operation is likely to be led by him, which is somewhat similar to the last time. This time One action is also the kind of ... a very effective dangerous move ... probably this is the feeling," the fastest update on the whole network, Judy expressed her feelings seriously, and her expression quickly eased, "If this

The first time was his plan, and I felt a little more relaxed. Last time, after Xiu led us to jump into the river and fell into the river, we still couldn't get rid of the pursuit, and fell into their pre-designed ambush circle... ."

Conan: "..."

There are traps?

I feel that it’s really not easy for Mr. Judy and the others to That time was really dangerous, if we were not careful, we would have died, Xiuyi didn’t dare to relax the whole time, so he took us out of danger, even so , We got hurt too, it was a very dangerous and scary guy. "Judy looked in the direction of the cruise ship and smiled wryly, "Although it's a bit disappointing to think so, but if this time it was planned and led by Lark, I don't think it's uncommon for us to fail miserably, but it's not so sad. And if that's the case, I have the confidence to enlighten Nicola."

Conan looked at Judy and said softly, "When everyone was sending the wounded off the boat, Miss Nicola was at the end. I stood on the shore and saw her secretly carrying her back to wipe her tears..."

Nicola used to hate her father very much, but she may not hate her so much after that. She very much hopes that her father can correct the mistakes she made, and this time she comes to Japan, she really hopes to get her father's missing clues, I can understand how much hope she has for this plan, and how much she suffered after the plan failed. When I was frustrated in front of that organization for the first time, I was extremely depressed, "Judy She looked worried for a while, and then sighed, "And Nicola suffered a much greater blow, this time the plan failed like a joke, and seeing so many people hurt because of her failure, she will definitely It's even more sad... If you tell her that she met a terrible one when she came here, she will definitely feel much better in her heart."

Conan nodded, "Actually, I also feel a lot more relaxed. If it's the guy who makes the FBI investigators feel encouraged, at least it can show that the organization doesn't necessarily have a lot of troublesome guys, and it doesn't mean that the strength has become much stronger. Right?"


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