The situation was tense, but the situation was tense.

There was an undercurrent in the Rice Flower Department Store.

Conan was looking for the scarred Akai disguised by Toru Amuro among the crowd.

When Conan went downstairs, he met Judy and Camel again.

Judy stopped the hurried Conan and asked, "What's wrong? You look so flustered?"

"Teacher Judy?" Conan didn't expect Judy to stay here.

Judy squinted at Conan and asked, "Are you looking for the same person as me?"


There are six members of the organization inside and outside the Rice Flower Department Store now. Conan is very worried that Judy and Camel will meet the members of the organization and get into danger.

After looking around, Camel said, "Just as that person's message said, this place is indeed a dangerous place and it is not advisable to stay for long."

Conan asked curiously, "What kind of message is it?"

Judy replied, "Shuichi left a special message for me."

Conan was surprised and said, "Did you see him?"

Judy shook her head and explained, "No, when I left my seat in the underground coffee shop to answer the phone, he quietly wrote a message on the back of the coaster."

Conan has confirmed that Shuichi Akai, disguised as Okiya Subaru, is in this department store.

Because the message on the coaster could not have been written by Scar Akai, disguised as Bourbon.

Judy turned to ask Camel: "By the way, why do you say it's dangerous here? The bomb incident should have been resolved."

Camel replied: "Because I saw a sniper-like figure at the window of the hotel opposite the department store, and a black Porsche 356A parked right below."

Judy's face changed: "Gin?!"

Because Conan had learned the information from Kamiya Minazuki, he was not surprised.

Judy immediately realized that the Black Organization knew that Akai Shuichi was still alive and planned to assassinate him with a sniper.

Judy hurried to find Scar Akai.

"Teacher Judy, don't go!"

Conan wanted to stop Judy, but he was still a step too late.

Conan said to Kamal anxiously: "Hurry up and stop Teacher Judy. There are a total of six members in the organization this time. If Teacher Judy is exposed to their sight like this, she may be killed!"

Camal was also shocked: "Six people?"

"That's right! Hurry up and stop Teacher Judy!"

Camal understood the seriousness of the matter and immediately chased after him.

Kamiya Minetsuki leaned against the window, holding a cigarette in his mouth, looking at the Chianti ready to snipe through the window, and the Porsche 356A below.

Now Kamiya Minetsuki was waiting for the protagonist to appear.

Judy found Scar Akai walking in front with a hat, and shouted: "No, Shuichi! You can't go out! They are going to snipe you, Shuichi!"

Just when Judy wanted to chase after him, Shuichi Akai, disguised as Subaru Okiya, collided with Judy and knocked Judy to the ground.

Shuichi Akai extended his hand to Judy: "I'm sorry, are you okay? But if there is any fault, we are half and half, right? You were also wrong for not paying attention to your surroundings."

Judy looked at Subaru Okiya in front of her, and felt a familiar feeling. She held his hand and stood up with the help.

Shuichi Akai asked in a pretentious manner: "You look like you are looking for someone."

Judy came back to her senses and rushed out again to look for Scarred Akai.

Amuro Toru had walked out of the exit with Shuichi Akai's face on his face and entered Chianti's sight.

Chianti said excitedly to the radio: "Here we go! Found the undead! To the left of the front entrance! Right next to your car, if you want to confirm it, hurry up! Gin! My finger on the trigger is beating anxiously now, and it will soon be out of control!"

Gin also saw Scarred Akai, and Gil, who was sitting next to Gin, was worried and his heart was beating wildly.

Just when Gin was about to give an order, Vermouth, wearing a helmet and riding a motorcycle, drove to the side of Gin's car.

Kamiya Minetsuki saw this scene and frowned.

"The troublemaker is here."

Seeing Vermouth appear, Kamiya Minetsuki guessed that Vermouth should explain to Gin that the scarred Akai was disguised as Amuro Toru.

Kamiya Minetsuki took out the G22 sniper rifle, which is a sniper rifle with high accuracy and average performance.

Kamiya Minetsuki set up the sniper rifle and aimed at Vermouth's motorcycle: "I can't let you guys mess up the show. How can the play be interrupted in the middle?


Kamiya Minatsuki pulled the trigger and directly hit the screw on the rear tire of Vermouth's motorcycle.

The whole wheel rolled away.

Vermouth's hair stood on end: "Sniper?!"

Vermouth abandoned the motorcycle and quickly rolled to the side of Gin's car.

At the same time, the sound of the gunshot instantly caused a big commotion.

Gin's eyes flashed with cold light.

Gin thought it was the FBI who fired the gun, so he ordered Chianti: "It seems that they have discovered us, Chianti shoot and kill Akai Shuichi! Sniper them when you see the FBI!"

Chianti, who had been unable to hold back, aimed at Scar Akai's head: "Go to hell, Akai Shuichi!"

Chianti pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew out of the chamber and rushed away.

However, Scar Akai suddenly squatted down, and Chianti's bullet did not hit Scar Akai, but hit the passerby behind Scar Akai.

"How is it possible? "

Chianti, who was extremely confident in his sniping skills, was in disbelief when he saw that his sniping failed.

Gin asked: "What's wrong, Chianti?"

Chianti said with a grim face: "The sniping failed, I don't know where Akai Shuichi went! He should have left in the crowd!"

Gin denied: "Impossible, Akai Shuichi will return to the department store, Vodka, drive to the back door of the department store, we will go in to find Akai Shuichi! Chianti, you continue to stay where you are, Cohen, you immediately go to the elevator on the first floor and try to find Akai Shuichi!"

Vodka stepped on the accelerator and drove directly to the back door of the department store.

While driving, Vodka asked: "Brother, why are you so sure that Akai Shuichi will return to the department store?"

Gin explained: "There are too many people here. With so many people, Chianti fired a shot. For the safety of these people, Akai Shuichi will not leave in the crowd, but return to the department store. "

Gin suddenly took out an injection and injected it into the arm of Gil beside him.

Gil immediately fainted.

Vodka asked doubtfully: "Brother, why don't you just kill her? Since Akai Shuichi is still alive, then Gil is a traitor."

Gin said coldly: "As a traitor, she also has the value of a traitor. We can dig out the information we want from her."

Vermouth, who was alone on the street, was confused.

She didn't have time to tell Gin that the scarred Akai was actually pretended by Bourbon.

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