In a utility room of Mihua Department Store.

The middle-aged man covered his neck in pain, and asked in a weak and hoarse voice: "What do you want to do?!"

Kamiya Minazuki pulled a chair over, sat on it and said: "What do I want to do? What do you want to do? You made a bunch of fake smoke bombs to scare us and treat us as idiots? Tell me, what is your purpose? "

The middle-aged man pretended to be confused and said, "Ahem, you What are you talking about? How could I scare you? This is all done by the masked man who tied a bomb to my body. I don't know anything. I am just an ordinary person who wants to survive and seeks your help. "

"Masked man? Bomb?"

Kamiya Minazuki smiled contemptuously, pulled the bomb off the middle-aged man, and threw it on the ground.

"Why don't you let it explode and try? If it really explodes... If you can't make it explode, I'll let you go. If you can't make it explode, I'm sorry, today I'll let you explode right where you are.

Kamiya Minazuki took out a collar bomb and put it around the middle-aged man's neck.The middle-aged man did not believe that the collar Kamiya Minetsuki put on his neck was a bomb.

After all, who could easily pull out a bomb?

And the middle-aged man felt that his plan would not be discovered. The criminal method was perfect, there was no evidence and no witnesses.

The middle-aged man couldn't understand why the guy in front of him, who called himself a famous detective and named Kamiya Minazuki, could beat and threaten people at will.

The middle-aged man I swear that when I get out, I will definitely sue Kamiya Minetsuki and put him in jail.

But the most important thing now is to get out of here.

The middle-aged man said aggrievedly: "I didn't know these bombs were fake. That guy was in the toilet. After knocking me unconscious, he tied these fake bombs on me and I was terrified. Of course, I didn't care whether these bombs were real or not, but did what that person said. "

Kamiya Minazuki had no evidence at all , was the fake bomb on the middle-aged man his doing?

But according to the law of science, if there is only one suspect, the murderer is definitely this suspect!

Kamiya Minazuki stood up from his chair, rubbed his fists and said: "Oh, you are still stubborn? It's okay, we can slowly Come."

The middle-aged man saw Kamiya Minetsuki approaching him step by step, and said in fear: "I warn you not to mess around, there are so many people here, they will all come at a shout!"

Kamiya Minetsuki said with a wicked smile "Thanks to you, everyone on this floor has gone to see the excitement of the thirteen pieces of clothing, and no one wants to be around a person with a bomb tied to his body, and your hoarse voice now, can Can you shout? Hehe..."

The middle-aged man tried to shout, but his throat was injured and he felt severe pain when he tried to shout, so he couldn't shout much.

The middle-aged man was so scared that he used his hands and feet to back away. He hit the wall and could not retreat. He said with sweat on his forehead: "You are breaking the law now. If you are caught by the police, you can't even be a detective. If If you let me go, I will never tell the police!"

"Even if you tell me the truth now, I won't let you go. I'll beat you up first."

Kamiya Minazuki He grabbed the middle-aged man by the collar and pushed him against the wall, then bent his left arm and hit the middle-aged man in the stomach with an elbow.

The severe pain in his stomach made the middle-aged man feel like he was going to His eyes were bulging out, and he kept retching and coughing.

But this was just the beginning.


Outside the Mika Department Store.

At a window of the hotel opposite, a sniper rifle was aimed at the entrance and exit of the Mika Department Store.

Chianti asked impatiently: "Hey, how long do we have to wait? Is it really okay to make such a big fuss for a ghost that we don't know whether it exists?"

"Don't worry, there is reliable news that the man who looks like Akai Still in that department store, I must see with my own eyes whether that guy is a ghost or not before making a judgment. If I know that this guy is not a ghost, then..."

Gin pointed his pistol at Gil beside him: "Then I can only make you a ghost, Gil!" Gil argued: "How could he still be alive? I personally shot Shuichi Akai with a gun, Gin, and he fell right in front of you. It's raining."


He said coldly: "Not in front of me, but through the monitor. At that time, you still had a chance to do something, right? Kiel!" Kiel asked back: "Tamper? Please tell me how to tamper? In the beginning, the reason why I called Akai to Laiye Mountain was because you ordered me, Gin! And you were also the one who ordered me to shoot him in the head. In the end, Akai's head also bled, and you saw the whole process of him falling in a pool of blood through the camera installed on me. After you rescued me from the FBI, my actions have been under the surveillance of the organization. It is harder than climbing to the sky to collude with Akai privately, and tampering is simply impossible. However, unless one of us can predict the future and have a god-like mind, whether it is me or him, it may be possible to do so. You should stop speculating and be happy that the natural enemy has disappeared." Gin showed a cold and cruel smile: "Yes, I am trembling with excitement now, because if he is still alive, I can kill him again!"

Gil continued to argue for himself, "It seems that you still doubt me. What about Golden Malt? He fired a rocket in the end. I heard that the body was blown to pieces. This can't be faked. If I have a problem, doesn't it mean that Golden Malt also has a problem?"

Gin snorted coldly and said, "Golden Malt can't have a problem, because the rocket he fired in the end was just a temporary impulse, and we didn't confirm Akai Shuichi's body at that time. What if he tampered with the body?

You don't need to confuse Golden Malt with you. He is a psychopath. Whether there is a rocket or not, the result will not change, because the initiative is in your hands.

But you are different. You met with Akai Shuichi and killed him in order to prove your innocence and loyalty to the organization.

Now there is information that Akai Shuichi appeared in this department store, so as the executioner of the shooting, you will definitely not be able to escape the responsibility!"

Gil felt very tricky.

She had originally thought that dragging Kamiya Minetsuki in would alleviate Gin's suspicion of her, but it turned out to be useless.

If the Akai Shuichi in the department store was real, then she would really be at the end of her rope.

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