The next morning

In order to complete yesterday's record, Tatsuno and his friends came to the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Division 1.

Since the case was related to Eri Kisaki, Maori Kogoro and Conan, who were not directly involved in yesterday's incident, also came.

After Tatsuno and his friends finished their records, Inspector Megure nodded and said, "Okay, let's stop here. Thank you for your hard work!"

Seeing this, Maori Kogoro hurriedly looked at Inspector Megure, "Inspector Megure, may I ask what will happen to those three criminals later..."

Tatsuno and his friends also looked at Inspector Megure, wanting to hear Inspector Megure's answer.

Inspector Megure reached out to adjust his hat and said seriously, "Under normal circumstances, they should be imprisoned for about 3-5 years... But don't worry, after the three of them are released from prison, I will definitely send someone to monitor them for a while."

"Inspector Megure..." Maori Kogoro gently clenched his fists and said nothing.

As a former policeman, he knew how troublesome it was to be targeted by such criminals.

But he also understood that what Inspector Megure could do for them was probably his limit.

Ryuno and the others also looked at Inspector Megure with complicated expressions.

Obviously, Inspector Megure also understood that judging from the motives of these three people for committing crimes this time, they would most likely take revenge on Eri Kisaki and Ryuno and the others after they were released from prison.

According to the regulations, unless there were special circumstances, Inspector Megure actually had no right to "send people to monitor" these people after they were released from prison.

To put it bluntly, he decided to do this entirely because of his friendship with Kogoro Mori and Eri Kisaki.

Just when everyone was silent, Eri Kisaki frowned and thought: "It may not be 3 or 5 years... If they find a good lawyer during the trial and perform well after entering, they may be able to come out soon."

Hearing this, Xiaolan looked at Eri Kisaki worriedly, "Mom..."

Kogoro Mori and Inspector Megure also looked at Eri Kisaki worriedly.

If the three are really determined to retaliate against everyone after they are released from prison, it will be very difficult.

After all, the police can't keep monitoring these three people.

For a moment, the office was silent.

"Don't worry, although I said that just now, there shouldn't be any lawyer willing to defend them. After all, I am also a lawyer~" Eri Kisaki said with a smile.

"But mom..."

Before Xiaolan finished speaking, Tatsuno said: "Don't worry about Xiaolan. At most, you can let Auntie live in our house for a while before the three of them come out, and then I will find some bodyguards for Auntie~"

Hearing this, Eri Kisaki covered her mouth and laughed: "Hahaha~ Tatsuno, Auntie is very grateful to you, but you are exaggerating~"

"No, it's not an exaggeration at all! Eri, don't worry, I will protect you!" Maori Kogoro turned his head and looked at Eri Kisaki, his expression was very serious.


Seeing that everyone was so worried about her, even Maori Kogoro was uncharacteristic, Eri Kisaki couldn't help but be moved.

Soon after, everyone walked out of the Investigation Division.

As there was still a lot of work to do, after leaving the Metropolitan Police Department, Kisaki Eri said goodbye to Tatsuno and the others and took a taxi to the law firm.

Maori Kogoro also said goodbye to Tatsuno and the others and prepared to return to the office.

At this moment, Xiaolan remembered the text message sent by Sonoko in the morning, "By the way, Dad. I almost forgot to tell you that Sonoko told me this morning that the airship will set sail at 10 am the day after tomorrow. Don't forget!"

"I know."

"Conan, Sonoko specifically said that you can call your friends to come together~"

"Okay, Sister Xiaolan."


After listening to Xiaolan's words, Tatsuno suddenly thought that along with the 'airship', there seemed to be a terrorist organization called 'Red Siamese Cat'.

If nothing unexpected happens, he should be able to hear about this organization soon.

As for the three criminals who wanted to kidnap and film the video... According to Inspector Megure, the three of them will be transferred to the court the day after tomorrow afternoon.

If nothing unexpected happens, Xiaolan and others will be on the airship by then...


My "alibi" - GET DAZE~


That night

Metropolitan Police Department Conference Room.

Toshiro Odagiri, Director of the Criminal Division of the Metropolitan Police Department, and its Counselor Uno Tadayoshi sat on the stage with solemn expressions.

The audience was full of police officers and media reporters.

"After 21:50 today, the National Tokyo Institute of Microbiology in Nishitama City was suddenly attacked by 7 armed men. The group subdued two security guards and coerced the on-duty researchers to invade the high-security laboratory."

"A few minutes later, the group detonated a plastic bomb and escaped from the institute."

After speaking, Counselor Uno Tadayoshi looked up and leftThe police officers in the audience raised their hands to ask questions.

The counselor did not call on anyone to speak, but scanned the many police officers in the audience and continued: "The laboratory that was bombed contained a very dangerous bacterium! It is currently speculated that the bacteria should have been taken away by the criminal group!"

"If infected with this bacterium, the mortality rate is as high as 80%. So far, there is no complete treatment method!"

Hearing this, a female reporter immediately asked loudly: "Is it possible that the explosion may cause bacteria to leak?"

"No, due to the huge power of the explosion, even if there are bacteria left, they should have burned out long ago. This has been clarified to the director of the institute." Counselor Uno Tadayoshi nodded.

Another reporter immediately raised his hand and asked: "What is the purpose of this criminal group?"

"It is not known at present, but the possibility of a biochemical terrorist attack cannot be ruled out." Counselor Uno Tadayoshi shook his head.

After hearing the possibility of a "biochemical terrorist attack", everyone in the audience whispered to each other.

Seeing this, Criminal Minister Odagiri on the stage also said: "Therefore, we would like to ask for your assistance. In order to avoid unnecessary panic, please limit the content of the report to the 'explosion incident', and do not involve topics such as 'bacteria' and 'biochemical terrorist actions'."

As soon as this was said, everyone in the audience immediately understood that the Metropolitan Police Department was going to carry out 'reporting control' and temporarily block some information.

Just as everyone was about to continue asking questions, a police officer suddenly came to the middle of Minister Odagiri and Counselor Uno with a laptop and asked the two to look at the computer screen.

Coincidentally, at this time, the phones of the people in the audience also rang one after another.

Two seconds later, a police officer in the audience stood up and said: "Minister! I heard that the criminal group just issued a statement of crime on the Internet!"

Minister Odagiri nodded, and then read the statement of crime on the computer screen.

——"We, the Red Siamese cats, have attacked the National Tokyo Institute of Microbiology and successfully obtained the killer bacteria. Within seven days, we will launch the next operation, please wait and see."

After hearing this statement, the voices of the people in the audience suddenly became chaotic.

If everyone had a glimmer of luck just now - 'Maybe the criminal group did not take away the killer bacteria'.

After hearing this statement of crime, everyone was panicked.

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