Officer Takagi's words instantly changed Himuro Reiji's face.

After seeing Himuro Reiji's reaction, Conan continued: "Then you continue to put mental pressure on Numao and manipulate him to act according to your wishes. He is a timid person by nature, and he is even more obedient to your words and dare not refute. In addition... Officer Chiba."

Hearing that Maori Kogoro called him, Officer Chiba immediately responded: "In the past, when Mr. Himuro was arrested, there was an unconfirmed murder case."

"At that time, two thieves broke into the credit union store in Beihua-cho 2-chome without permission, and a guard was killed."

After Officer Chiba finished speaking, everyone looked at Himuro Reiji.

Noticing everyone's gaze, Himuro Reiji casually said, "Come on~ You want to pin this unrelated case on me?"

Conan ignored his rebuttal and continued to slowly explain his reasoning:

"The two criminals at that time were you and Numao, right?"

"You called Numao to this building and told him on the phone that the death of the guard that year had been discovered by the police."

"So, when he suddenly saw a patrolman yelling at him, what do you think would happen?"

After listening to the reasoning of 'Mouri Kogoro', Inspector Megure and others also understood what happened.

No wonder Numao Shingo came to this abandoned building that had been prepared for demolition, and no wonder someone happened to call the police to report that there was a suspicious person near this building.

All this... was done by Himuro Reiji to kill Numao Shingo!

Hearing this, Himuro Reiji said disdainfully: "All this is just your guess, right? What evidence do you have, Detective Maori~"

Before Maori Kogoro could speak, Officer Takagi on the side said: "Whether it is Numao's phone or the phone you dropped in the department store, they have all been recovered by our police!"

"As long as we investigate the call records of the two phones, we can prove that this is a case you committed."


As soon as Officer Takagi finished speaking, Officer Sato's phone in his pocket rang.

After seeing the caller ID on the screen, Officer Sato immediately picked up the phone, "Yes, I'm Sato... Yes, okay, I know."

After hanging up the phone, Officer Sato sighed, "There is no way to investigate the call records. The internal data of the two phones have been destroyed..."

"What about the voiceprint recognition result of the call that said Numao was in the building?" Conan asked.

"The voice of that call has also been processed and changed..." Officer Takagi whispered.

Hearing this, Himuro Reiji's slightly nervous and panicked expression suddenly disappeared.

He snorted disdainfully and said jokingly: "You have worked so hard on your investigation. This is really the best entertainment program!"

"The story you just made up is so reasonable. You are worthy of being the famous detective Mr. Maori Kogoro~"

"But if you don't have any evidence, you can't sue me at all!"

Himuro Reiji arrogantly stretched out his hand and patted Inspector Megure's shoulder, "Mr. Officer, please teach that crappy detective a lesson!"

After mocking Maori Kogoro again, Himuro Reiji said goodbye to everyone and walked towards the door with a big laugh.

Seeing this, even Inspector Megure, who has always had a good temper, clenched his fists in anger and waited for Himuro Reiji who was about to leave, "Mauri, what are you going to do?!"

Just as Himuro Reiji was about to walk out of the door, a broadcast vehicle suddenly drove over and stopped in front of everyone.

At this moment, Maori Kogoro's voice also came out: "It's not over yet, Himuro, don't leave in such a hurry."

The next second, the door of the broadcast car suddenly opened, and a female host in a white formal dress came down with a microphone.

——"Today's GOGO broadcast will change the scheduled itinerary. We came to the scene specially to play the wonderful reasoning of the famous detective Maori Kogoro for the audience!"

In the astonished eyes of the crowd, Conan said: "There is no time to lose, let's start quickly~ Miss host, where were you and what did you do around 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon?"

Hearing this, the female host was a little confused, but still answered: "We were in the Kitabu Department Store at that time, preparing for a public recording activity."

"I see, so before that, in order to smoothly shoot the program, you should have asked the audience to cooperate with recording a recording, right? Can you play it live for us to listen to?"

"Okay... Mr. Takahashi, please!" The female host turned her head to the side and ordered.

As Inspector Megure and Reiji Himuro looked on in confusion, the equipment manager, Mr. Takahashi, began to play the recording from yesterday afternoon..

——‘TEST, TEST! We are testing the microphone now. Is there any sound? Tanaka, in the headset…’

After listening to the recording for a while, Himuro Reiji said disdainfully: “Detective Maori, what are you doing? I can’t hear anything at all!”

Hearing this, ‘Mauri Kogoro’ said: “Mr. Takahashi, please help me remove all the surrounding noise now and keep only the main voice.”


After operating the equipment for a while, Mr. Takahashi stripped away all the environmental noise in the recording.

After doing this, Mr. Takahashi played the recording again from the beginning.

——‘TEST, TEST! Now in…’

Unlike before, after the female host’s voice ended this time, a man’s voice was clearly heard by everyone.

——‘The police are running to catch you. He is now in front of the building! Hurry up, Numao, and escape to the roof! If you are caught this time, you will really go to jail… No, you will definitely be sentenced to death! ’

‘Goodbye, you betrayer~’

As the last words of Himuro Reiji in the recording ended, everyone present stared at Himuro Reiji.

This recording is the ironclad evidence that Himuro Reiji used the phone to kill Numao Shingo!

Himuro Reiji looked at the police officers around him who were staring at him and gritted his teeth.

The next second, knowing that he couldn't escape, Himuro Reiji roared and took out a knife from his pocket, "Damn it! What a joke!"

After saying that, he rushed towards Tatsuno, who was not far from Maori Kogoro, with a knife and put the knife on Tatsuno's neck.

Tatsuno: "?"

Seeing that he had successfully hijacked the hostage, Himuro Reiji grinned and said, "If you don't want me to kill this person, get out of the way quickly!!!"

Inspector Megure and others: "..."

Conan: "..."

Originally, when everyone saw Himuro Reiji take out the knife, they were very nervous.

But when everyone saw who the hostage was that Reiji Himuro was holding, they instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

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