Hearing the system's suggestion, Tatsuno immediately opened the skill mall.

Found the A-level skill just mentioned by the system - electronic device deciphering.

Its skill description is simple - [can hack, control independent electronic devices.]

Tatsuno immediately spent 10 Destiny Coins to exchange this skill.

Suddenly, he had a lot of hacking knowledge about electronic devices in his mind.

After a simple operation, a scrolling text finally appeared on the display: "Brave police officer, I have to praise your courage..." Finally, a

few useful words appeared -

"Mihua Central" seems to be Mihua Central Hospital.

After disposing of the bomb here, go to Mihua Hospital to deal with the bomb over there.

As for the prisoner who caused him to fly around in the middle of the night looking for bombs....


The next morning

, Officer Shiratori of the Metropolitan Police Department searched a class with a

fax and walked towards Officer Twilight by the window as he walked: "Police Department, I received another strange fax this year." "

Is it true that there is only one number written again, and what number is coming from this year?" Officer Twilight turned his hands behind his back, seeming to be used to it.

"No, it's not! this time it's a code word.

After Officer Shiratori finished speaking, he glanced at Officer Twilight a little nervously, and then read the contents of the fax:

"We are a group of Round Table samurai, all stupid and cunning police pay attention."

"At noon and 14 o'clock today, we will use the heads of our comrades as a spark to ignite the celebration.

"If you have the ability, just stop us."

"We'll be vacating seats at number 72 and waiting for you." The

conversation between Officer Shiratori and Officer Twilight aroused the curiosity of everyone around, and everyone gathered around in unison.

After listening to Officer Shiratori's narration, everyone thought quietly for a while, and the classroom instantly fell silent.

Soon after, Officer Twilight took the lead in breaking the rare silence: "What does this mean? All of you, do you have a clue?"


Department, I think this may not be a prank!"

"And there are no numbers this year, maybe... Prisoners will strike this year!"

Officer Sato bowed his head and uttered his guess.

After listening to Officer Sato's speculation, Officer Twilight frowned.

After a long silence, he finally spoke: "Don't rule out this possibility! Sato, you continue to follow up on this matter, I will report this matter to the above."

After saying that, Officer

Twilight walked to the phone and dialed an internal phone: "Chief, I'm Twilight, just now..." After

a moment, he hung up the phone.

Turning to all the staff, he said, "The section chief thinks that this is not a simple prank, and the sender is likely to be related to the explosion four years ago."

"He's gone to ask for help from other departments, and he's asked us to start the investigation now." "

Anyone who has no case at hand, come here!" "


the crowd discussed around Officer Twilight.

Soon after, a call came from the landline, and Officer Twilight immediately picked it up.

"Yes, I see.

Under the gaze of everyone, Officer Twilight put down the phone: "The section chief has contacted the people of the security department, and they also think that this is not a simple prank.

"Next, we're going to work on this case with the Mobile Team of the Garrison."

"All members, immediately go to the conference room to assemble!" After

hearing Officer Twilight's words, everyone cheered up and immediately stood up straight: "Received!"

At the same time, inside an old house.

After the transfiguration, Tatsuno sat on his back in his chair and stared unkindly at the bomber who had been tied into rice dumplings by him.

In order to let the system help find the damn guy in front of him, he spent 5 Destiny Coins!5!!"

Lao Tzu will let you know today why the flowers are so red!" The

more Tatsuno thought about it, the more angry he became, and directly kicked the bomber in front of him, and then joked: "We are a group of Round Table samurai


?The bomber on the ground looked at the strange man in front of him in horror, and the mouth blocked by the towel also made a sound of unknown meaning.

Ten minutes ago, he was about to drive to the Cup Mall, ready to see his masterpiece with his own eyes.

You can avenge your fellow officers and expose the hypocritical officers.

Will they sacrifice their lives to know where the next bomb will go off,

save themselves or save others in the face of death?

After opening my eyes again....

Looking at the prisoner in front of him, Tatsuno continued to quip: "Oh, I almost forgot. Your mouth was blocked by me with a towel~"

After speaking, Tatsuno looked at the clock on the wall, it was already ten o'clock.

He stood up and looked at the prisoner on the ground: "Meeting is fate, the weather is good today, I will take you to sit on your favorite Ferris wheel." Hearing

this, cold sweat broke out on the prisoner's head, his body kept twisting, and his mouth kept wailing.

At this time, Tatsuno took out the newly purchased black cat mask from the system and put it on his face.

Then he took out his gun, pointed it at the prisoner's head, and said softly: "Shh~ little sound." Otherwise, you will say goodbye to this beautiful world now~" The

prisoner looked at the muzzle of the black hole hole, immediately quieted down, and let Tatsuno carry him into the car.

Tatsuno opened the door and got into the driver's seat.

He touched the steering wheel in his hand, and for some reason, he suddenly wanted to drive fast.

He remembers that his driving skills exploded from Kenji Hagiwara.

In the original book, Kenji Hagiwara is a drag racing maniac, and the driving skills of Zero are said to have been taught by him.

Don't... This thing also has a heritage?"

Tatsuno smiled and shook his head.

Let's first send this prisoner a "good experience" that will last a lifetime.

Thinking of this, Tatsuno released the clutch, stepped on the gas pedal with his right foot, and drove towards the cup mall.

Looking at a car flashing in front of him, the prisoner sitting in the co-pilot subconsciously glanced at the speedometer.

"Well, what about the speedometer's pointer? eh? the pointer is the end?!! The prisoner's

face immediately turned pale, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

Seeing the prisoner so happy, Tatsuno decided to work hard to show the prisoner his true level.

Speeding? Continuous red lights? Spinning drift? Instant braking? Ejection start?

Huh! Play is real!

At this time

, next to a police car on the side of the street, two traffic policemen were stunned to look at the car flying sideways at the intersection in front of them.

"Hurry, inform the headquarters!" "

Is he in a hurry to reincarnate!!

"... "

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