"Be careful!" X3Just

as Tatsuno was thinking about how to use the adult's "mature" means to settle this small conflict next, Kudo's reminders came.

Watching the children who were obviously taller than themselves punch Tatsuno, Yuanzi and the others couldn't help but get nervous for Tatsuno.

The moment the reminder ended, the picture of Tatsuno being beaten in everyone's imagination did not appear.

Under everyone's surprised gaze, Tatsuno easily grabbed the fist that was coming at him with his hand.

Looking at the child in front of him, who was more than a head taller than him, Tatsuno suddenly didn't know what he should do next.

As an adult, you can't beat up a schoolboy, can you?

Aren't I just an elementary school student now???

thinking of this, a weird smile pulled out at the corner of Tatsuno's mouth.

At the moment when everyone was stunned, Tatsuno grabbed the collar of the child opposite with one hand, twisted it reflexively, and directly came with a fierce over-the-shoulder fall.

The whole action flowed without the slightest delay.

After putting the child down, Tatsuno recalled the feeling just now.

His brain and body, as if he had practiced this movement countless times, did not have the slightest stutter.

Just the comprehensive quality of grade C and judo of grade D are so powerful.

What about the abilities above the D and C levels!?

It seems that life will become interesting in the future~

Just as he was constantly thinking, a soft snort of pain broke the silence for a moment.

Looking at the child lying on the ground and humming, a trace of unbearability flashed in Tatsuno's eyes.

No matter what, his mental age has long been an adult, and bullying a child is really a little guilty.

However, Tatsuno is not worried, as the saying goes, practice makes perfect.

Hitting once is also fighting, and hitting twice is also fighting.


of this, Tatsuno stared at the child on the ground and grinned.

The people on the side did not notice Tatsuno's expression at the moment.

They were also immersed in the scene just now.

In the next second

, I don't know who ran first, and the remaining bad boys all scattered and ran back, seemingly afraid that Tatsuno would also "poison" them.

At this time, a male teacher shouted and ran over to this side: "Dazhi!! what are you doing again? How many times have I said that you are not allowed to bully junior students!" After

the teacher arrived at the scene, he did not care about Dazhi on the ground, but directly checked the situation of Tatsuno and the others.

After finding that the children were fine, he breathed a sigh of relief and began to ask everyone what happened.

After listening to Shinichi Chengfu's colorful description, the teacher smoothly pulled up Dazhi on the ground and asked him to apologize to Xiaolan and Xiaohuangdog.

At this moment, the system in Tatsuno's mind suddenly moved.

[The system is successfully started, the task module is loaded]


After school, Tatsuno and Sonoko walked together, and Sonoko kept asking Tatsuno questions like a curious baby.

Shinichi thought for a moment before asking, "You used judo techniques when you defeated that man, right?"

Tatsuno nodded, and then said, "Speaking of which, it seems that we haven't officially introduced it yet, right?"

"My name is Shinichi Kudo, please advise."

"My name is Mauriland, please advise." Thank you so much just now!" "

My name is Sonoko Suzuki. You knocked him down at once, so awesome!"

After saying goodbye to several people, Tatsuno returned home and began to study the system in his mind.

A moment later, a data panel appeared in his mind.


System: Under Force (Novice Protection Period

) Host: Takeda Tatsuno

Age: 6

Strength: C Speed: C Stamina

: C Reaction: C Spirit: C (Standard data for adult men in this world: C)


: Karate

: C

Judo: D

(skill entry level: E)

Daily Mission: 1. Interfere with one person, after success, according to the intervention result and the situation of the interventionee, the reward system backpack will be issued

: Manual X1


Tatsuno clicks on the instruction manual in the backpack, there is only one line of words in it: All interpretation rights belong to the system.

After reading it, the instruction manual disappears.

Faced with the description of the system task, Tatsuno was a little confused.

What is interference? What is the situation of the person being intervened? Dumb riddles, right?

No matter how much he asks the system, the system never responds.

However, Tatsuno is not too anxious, anyway, there is still a lot of time before the official plot of the original book begins, just try it slowly.

In any case, since there is a system, presumably life in the future will be full of fun!


A week later

bored, bored, helpless....

Tatsuno lay on his desk, looking vacantly at the math problems written by the teacher on the blackboard.

In any case, he is also an adult who has been educated by a flower grower for many years.

Move out the 5+3 grade of the topic and let yourself do it, after completing the question, the teacher will also break his fingers to explain to everyone....


After school, Tatsuno immediately packed his bag and prepared to try the trigger conditions of the system task again.

At this moment, Xiao Lan's childish voice came: "Long Ye, after school, let's go home together!" Since

the previous help to Xiao Lan and the others, Long Ye's relationship with several people has become much closer.

After knowing that the location of the Tatsuno family was not far from Kudo's new family, Xiaoran invited him home every day.

A few people formed a small group.

Sonoko also wanted to walk home with them. But because her home is so far away, she can only walk a short distance with a few people, and every day a driver picks her up at a fixed location.

Tatsuno felt that in addition to being far away from home, the daily pick-up and drop-off must also be to protect the garden.

After all, Yuanzi is a big lady, and the competition between consortiums must not be too clean.


After bidding farewell to the garden, Tatsuno walked side by side with the two on the street.

Tatsuno looked around as he walked, trying to find something he could "interfere with."

Finally, at the traffic light, an old grandmother with not very sharp legs appeared in his field of vision.

Tatsuno immediately spoke, "Kudo, Mori, you wait for me a little, I'll help that grandmother." Without

waiting for Shinichi and Xiaolan to react, he ran directly forward.

Xiaolan looked at Tatsuno's back and ran over.

Shinichi on the side looked at the backs of the two little friends, sighed, and followed.

In the end, Tatsuno and Shinichi held the grandmother's package, Xiaoran led the grandmother's hand, and the three of them sent the grandmother across the road together.

The three smiled and said goodbye to the grandmother who kept thanking them, and continued to walk in the direction of home.

After sending the grandmother away, Tatsuno found that the system had not moved, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

It seems that helping the grandmother cross the street is not considered interference with others ...

It has been days since the system was activated, and apart from checking your personal panel at any time, the system never creaked again, as if it didn't exist.

Just as Tatsuno was pondering, he suddenly heard Xiaoran whisper: "Tatsuno, Shinichi, have you heard?" "

I heard from the garden that a ghost will appear in our school's library on the night of the full moon!

Takeda, are you coming?" After

listening to the conversation between the two, Tatsuno thought thoughtfully: "The ghost in the library?

Xiaolan looked at the two who were enthusiastic, and suddenly regretted telling them about it.

The thought that the two of them might be eaten by ghosts....

"That... Then I'll go too!" Although Xiaolan's voice trembled slightly, she could hear the determination in her words.

Looking at the scared look on Xiaolan's face, Long Ye couldn't help but sigh.

"Even though I was afraid in my heart, I still plucked up the courage to propose to go together, what a kind and courageous child. This kind of kindness from the heart is worthy of being an angel in Sister Bei's heart. Thinking

of this, Tatsuno spoke: "Don't worry, there will be no accident." With me, even if there is any danger, I will protect you. Hearing

Tatsuno's confident assurance, Xiaolan's originally worried expression also disappeared, and she returned to her previous smile, "Hmm.

At this time, Shinichiya on the side said: "Who uses you to protect Takeda!?

In the evening, when Tatsuno returned home, he lazed on the sofa, staring at the ceiling above his head, and continued to think about the specific meaning of "interference".

In the past few days, Tatsuno has tried various methods, but none of them have triggered the so-called "interference" of the system.

It seems that he may be right in his guess, this interference is probably not a serious interference....

Now, we need to think differently.

Tomorrow is the weekend, so you can try out new ideas at the nearby karate dojo.

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