The next day

Conan yawned and slowly opened his eyes from the bed.

"Ah, what a nightmare~ I actually dreamed that I entered a secret passage and was attacked from behind."

- "It's all true, Conan. "


The sudden appearance of the voice made Conan's eyes widen and he sat up directly.

Only then did he realize that the three of them were standing by the bed at this time, looking at him with a smile.

Seeing that Conan finally came to his senses, Ayumi was pleasantly surprised: "You finally woke up!" You've been sleeping for a long time! If it weren't for Brother Tatsuno saying that you are okay, we all want to take you to the hospital~~~ Let's go eat, you should be hungry too, right?

Conan glanced at Ayumi suspiciously, and finally remembered what happened last night. It turns out that it is not a dream, but a reality!

Without waiting for Conan to think more, there was a drill-like pain in his head, and he immediately hugged his head and lay on the bed.

"Ah!! Why does it hurt so much!!


minutes later, Conan, supported by Ayumi and the three, grinned and walked towards the restaurant.

For the first time, he felt that walking was so painful. Not to mention, my head hurts, and my stomach is hungry.

Pain, hunger, powerlessness...

If it weren't for Mitsuhiko and the three of them supporting him, he wouldn't even feel like he would be able to walk to the restaurant.


Conan and several people walking in the restaurant, Tatsuno immediately beckoned: "You guys are finally here!" Hurry up and eat breakfast~~ Especially Conan, you didn't eat last night, you must eat more~~ When you finish eating, we will go! "

Okay, Brother Tatsuno!" Seeing that Tatsuno cared so much about himself, Conan couldn't help but feel a little warmth in his heart.

Although this kid Takeda has always had fun with him since he was a child, he is indeed a good guy!!


Soon after

the castle gates.

The nobleman of the palace glanced at Tatsuno gratefully: "It's really thanks to your help, I finally got a matter of heart." Next, I am ready to go abroad to continue my studies and continue my life!

Mamiya Man also touched his head and said with a smile: "Although I was indeed disappointed after knowing that this castle has no treasure. But like I said before, having lived here for so long, I did love the castle too.

Next, I was going to start renovating the castle and stone tower. I'll invite you again when it's done!

Tatsuno smiled and shook hands with the two, and then took Conan and the others to the car.

Conan in the car

covered his head while looking sideways at the scenery outside the window.

Through the conversation just now, he also roughly understood what happened after he was knocked unconscious.

Although there were still some doubts, he did not think much about it, and there was no problem with the results of Takeda's reasoning.

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help sighing.

What a shame! How nice would it be if this guy Takeda liked reasoning too?

If Takeda also likes reasoning ... Coupled with Hattori, the three of them can compete together in their reasoning ability!

——The scene of "Reasoning Koshien starring three detectives"

is exciting just thinking about it!!

But this guy Takeda is addicted to gentle township and does not want to be a great and honorable detective at all.

What is the meaning of being in love? That kind of family-like thing, how can there be the stimulation of reasoning?!

Hmph~ Takeda, you are still too young to know the joy of reasoning!

Wait a minute? Speaking of which, the child of the Takeda family named Haibara always gave him a strange feeling.

The child's knowledge and tone did not resemble a child at all, but rather like an adult ... My lord? It shouldn't be possible, right?


In a secluded bar at the same time


"Big brother, the person below has been investigating for a long time, but he still hasn't been able to find out the identity of that person. That guy seems to have appeared out of thin air..."

How can a person who appears out of thin air know our identity, or even know us so well?!

"But, big brother... We investigated a lot based on the person's appearance..." Without

waiting for Vodka to finish speaking, Gin Jiu spat out a puff of cigarette, and his tone was low: "What we saw in the abandoned building should not be his true appearance." Hearing

this, Vodka was stunned: "What do you mean big brother?" You mean...

"—"He means that the guy may be overly easy~"

Without waiting for Gin Jiu to answer, an elegant female voice reached the ears of the two.

"Belmode... What are you here for? The head of the gin wine did not reply, and directly questioned.

"Oh? If I don't come again, maybe I won't see you again~~ The news that you were attacked by that 'guy', the boss already knows. He asked me to come over and see if I could help you two losers find that mysterious guy~

" "Losers? Belmode, you are really getting bolder! Gin Jiu extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand and said coldly.

After hearing this tone of ginjiu, the vodka on the side immediately stood aside and stopped talking.

He knew that the eldest brother was really angry.

Thinking of this, Vodka quickly shook his head at Belmode, signaling her to stop provoking her eldest brother.

Belmode did not care about the tone of the gin wine at all, and sat directly and elegantly on the round stool in front of the bar.

"Daring? Let me do the math, you've already changed two cars, right? It seems that the same person did it~" Seeing

that Belmode actually dared to provoke the eldest brother, vodka's nervous sunglasses almost fell to the ground.

This scene was seen by Belmode, and she immediately laughed a few times: "Don't worry, although he is very angry, it's right, he won't make a move on me~"

Seeing that vodka didn't seem to understand, Belmode smiled: "Didn't I say, it's the boss who asked me to help you~~"

Hearing this, Vodka glanced at the ginjiu.

Gin Jiu didn't say anything, just snorted coldly, and seemed to acquiesce to Belmode's words.

"Okay, let's get down to business. In addition to his appearance, do you have any other information about that guy in your hands? "


A week later

Didan Elementary School.

Looking at Haibara who was packing his bag, Conan pretended to step forward inadvertently and said, "Haihara-san, have you been living in Tatsuno's brother's house?"

Haibara glanced at Conan, immediately understood his purpose, and pretended to be pitiful: "Yes, my parents have passed away." I was picked up by Brother Tatsuno and Sister Xiaolan..." Speaking

of this, Haibara sobbed softly.

After hearing Haihara's mournful cry, several people from Mitsuhiko on the side immediately walked over.

"Conan, what are you doing?!"

"Why bully Haihara-san?"

"Yes Conan, how can you do such a thing? Quickly apologize to Haibara-san. The

conversation between several people caught the attention of other students, and several students also came over.

Seeing this, Conan shed a few drops of cold sweat and immediately bowed to Haibara: "I'm sorry!!" "

It's okay, it's okay, I forgive you..." Haibara whispered.

After speaking, Haihara walked out of the classroom with his school bag.

Conan keenly saw that when he left the classroom, there was a hint of a smile on the corner of Haihara's mouth.

Seeing this scene, the expression on Conan's face became more and more serious.

"This guy... Is it really..."

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