After hearing the order of the police department, several police officers immediately ran out of the sushi restaurant.

At the same moment

, Zero walked into an alley.

He took out the cell phone in his pocket and dialed a number casually.

Soon after, a surprised voice came from the mobile phone: "Mr. Sinkingya, you have finally contacted me." I haven't been able to contact you just now! What happened?

"After the details, you help me investigate someone first!" Instead of answering Yuya Kazami's question, Zero ordered solemnly.

"Who do you say?"

"A teenager, he seems to be called..."

"Okay, I'll get back to you as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Zero gritted his teeth, looked into the distance, and muttered in a low voice: "Hawaii? I'd rather see what kind of character you are!" "


After the investigation and evidence collection in the sushi restaurant

, the police department prepared to lead the team back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

According to what they know so far, there are still many unsolved mysteries about this hostage.

- What is the purpose of this gang? Who tied them up? How exactly do they relate to previous cases?

Thinking of this, the head of the Twilight Police Department grew bigger.

He turned his head to look at Long Ye, and his spirit moved: "Brother Long Ye, do you want to go back with us and take notes?"

"There are still many things that have not been clarified about this incident, don't you want to discuss it with us back to the bureau?"

In the helpless gaze of the Twilight Police Department, Tatsuno quickly shook his head.

"Alas~ your mind is obviously very good, but why do you just don't like reasoning?"

"If it were Shinichi, he would definitely happily accept the invitation and go back with us immediately..."

Without waiting for Tatsuno to reply, several people on the side immediately raised their hands: "Officer Twilight!" Can we go?

"yes! We can definitely help!

"That's right, that's right! We are a juvenile detective team! Seeing

Mitsuhiko and the others looking so positive, Conan also raised his hand: "Yes, Officer Twilight!" We know the whole process! At

this moment, he very much wants to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to learn more intelligence and information.

There are too many doubts about this inexplicable hostage case.

Why did everyone suddenly lose consciousness?

Why are the prisoners all tied up? Who tied them?

Who was the man you saw in the bathroom? And why did he run away?

What's more, he also vaguely heard some conversations between police officers and several people.

Tetrodotoxin? Previous cases? What the hell are they talking about?

In addition to these, there is a more important problem.

Thinking of this, Conan raised his hand again and touched the five large bags on his head.

Why were he and Mitsuhiko hit on the head?

Who hit them? And what is the purpose?

So many and messy puzzles lingered in Conan's mind, like a cat stick, tightly grasping his heart.

He was desperate to know the answers to these questions.

After seeing the positive looks of Conan, the Twilight Police Department thought for a while, then looked at Dr. Agasa and nodded, "Of course, please come with Dr. Agasa." "


Xiaolan in Longye's family

instructed while packing her bag for Haihara Mourning: "Don't be afraid, Xiao Wei is so smart, there must be no problem!"

"However, if you have any problems at school, or if someone is bullying you, be sure to let us know!"

"Hmm..." After

meeting Xiaolan's doting gaze, Haibara couldn't help but lower his head and replied softly.

After packing her bag, Xiaolan glanced at Tatsuno, and then gave Haibara a look.

"Xiao Wei, are you interested in fighting skills?"

"If you are interested in these things, you can always ask me

and Tatsuno Oh~" After speaking, Xiaolan put a finger to her mouth and recalled: "So, Tatsuno was very good in elementary school~

" "The reason why I like karate is also because I saw him..." As

soon as he was halfway through the words, Xiaolan suddenly realized that he seemed to have said something incredible, and immediately covered his mouth, his face was slightly red.

Seeing this, both Haihara and Long Ye's gazes stared straight at Xiaolan.

Xiao Lan was finally defeated in the bright gaze of the two, and turned her head shyly.

"I didn't say anything just now!"

Hearing this, Tatsuno smiled meaningfully: "Oh? The

corners of Haihara's mouth also pulled out an arc.


At the same time,

after the Metropolitan Police Department searched a small conference room and

listened to the information given by Officer Takagi, Conan's brain raced to work.

Karate convention a year ago?

That's not the Takeda guy....

Thinking of this, Conan looked at Officer Takagi with a blank eye: "Officer Takagi, a year ago, did you catch the real criminal?"

Looking at Conan's eyes that seemed to be flashing with little stars, Officer Takagi covered his eyes with his hand and gritted his teeth: "I didn't catch it, and the case has been closed."

After hearing the news, Conan asked curiously again: "Is it over?" Why?

Officer Takagi was silent for a moment and spoke, "Conan, just spare me!" I don't want to lose my job yet..."

In general, a case can never be closed without catching a real prisoner.

During the effective prosecution period of the case, the police officer in charge of the case at that time will keep the case in mind and will not easily give up arresting the prisoner.

But now, without the prisoner being caught, the case has actually been closed?

Moreover, judging from Officer Takagi's words, this must involve the police high-level.

After all, even the Twilight Police Department did not have the right to directly order the closure of the case.

There must be a big article in this!

Just as Conan was excited to find a way to dig up the hidden mystery of this incident, the door of the small conference room was opened.

Officer Shiratori walked in with a report.

After entering the door, he swept Conan with his gaze and spoke, "The prisoner who hit your head has been found, it is the red-haired man in the gang."

"According to the analysis of the forensics department, there are three different scalp tissue cells on the butt of his pistol."

"Judging by the current situation, he hit you."

After listening to Officer Shiratori's explanation, Dr. Agasa frowned: "But why did that man beat a few of them?" Hearing

this, Officer Shiratori spread his hands: "I don't know." After all, all of you lost consciousness at the time, and no one knew what was going on.

After speaking, Officer Shiratori looked at Officer Takagi: "The bomb they were carrying was dismantled." Combined with Tatsuno's intelligence, it should be the mysterious man whose whereabouts are unknown that defused the bomb. Is he really a policeman? Hearing

this, Officer Takagi shook his head, and Conan also showed a thoughtful look.

According to Conan's description, the painter of the search lesson had drawn the man's appearance.

They had already asked everyone with the portrait, and none of them had seen the man.

The room suddenly fell silent.


A moment later, the Twilight Police Department walked in.

He looked at Conan and the others, and spoke: "It's not early, you guys go home quickly, and the next thing will be left to us!"

After speaking, he gave Officer Shiratori a wink.

Officer Shiratori immediately sent Dr. Agasa and the others out.

Everyone didn't notice that before leaving, Conan glued a piece of chewing gum under the table.

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