Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 461 Huanghe: Type 001 aircraft carrier, hull number 16!

Eighth Route Army Headquarters, Taiyuan Arsenal.

In order to cooperate with the comrades on the covert front, a big play of "I catch myself" was performed for the bald man.

Huang He, who originally planned to fly back to the Weapon Experimental Research Bureau at the end of May, could only stay at the headquarters temporarily to ensure the full performance process is foolproof.

Fortunately, his current project does not have a rigid demand for instruments, related equipment and auxiliary teams, and staying in the arsenal will not delay any business.

Just when Huang finished his share of work today, an "unconventional guest" suddenly broke into the office.

Seeing this, he said unhappily:

"Old Dai, you are such a 'big idler'. Why do you come to my office all day long? There is no gold or oil here."

"If it doesn't work, I will write a letter of recommendation and ask Wang Dexing to take you to the training camp of the 1st Marine Brigade to practice parachuting. After all, both we and the other major participating countries have paratrooper units with clear numbers."

"It will be embarrassing if someone is missing. You don't want to be criticized by future generations that your Free France is not even as good as pasta."

Since the legendary French captain Philippe Auboyneau took thirteen colleagues from the Navy Advisory Group to Shandong Province to take up his post. Old Dai, who stayed alone in Shanxi Province, entered a selfless working state.

There is no way, their future opponents are the team left by the Japanese Army's Type A Division.

Facing a group of fierce enemies who can hold down Vichy and lead Britain and the United States to chase and attack fiercely, Old Dai, as the commander-in-chief of the campaign, must be nervous and go all out.

If the foreign troops with insufficient training and low fighting spirit were allowed to play freely, the first battle in Southeast Asia would most likely fail.

Fortunately, as the largest force in the world that has fought the Japanese army the most times and knows the Japanese the best, the Eighth Route Army has a huge amount of intelligence, which is enough to support him in formulating an ideal combat plan.

Of course, weapons and equipment also affect the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Adhering to the concept that the stronger the ally, the stronger I am, Lao Dai has been running to the production workshop of Taiyuan Arsenal during this period, just to get more gold coins from his friends.

"Huang, I'm not tired of going back and forth, isn't it for our great ideals? Why don't you think about it again and put the related work of improving the 41-type 40mm rocket launcher on the agenda?"

"There are also self-propelled artillery. When will the Eighth Route Army be equipped with new equipment with larger calibers? Next will be the turn of 155mm."

"The above two weapons are very important to us. With the firepower bonus of a large number of self-propelled artillery and large-caliber artillery, we can definitely open up the Southeast Asia-North Africa route at the lowest cost."

"And there are 50,000 old troops with wavering positions in the Central Vietnam region. If we can win them over, I will be more confident in the future battlefield in North Africa."

After saying this, Huang He accidentally couldn't help but rolled his eyes in front of his friend.

What era and version is this? How can there be people studying begging? He really regards himself and TG as a kind father and an inexhaustible treasure pot.

Moreover, the research and development of new equipment is not simple, otherwise the Eighth Route Army would have abandoned the confrontation between armor and shells and officially embarked on the road of integrated signal and fire.

After silently complaining, Huang He replied with a serious face:

"I can't make any clear guarantees to you about weapons. But your needs happen to overlap with our Eighth Route Army, and there is no chance for new rocket launchers and self-propelled artillery to jump the queue."

"Let's do this. After I return to Suiyuan, I will ask all departments in the bureau to speed up as much as possible and strive to produce a finished product in the second half of the year."

After comforting his allies, Huang He turned his eyes to the military map on the side, and then asked in a low voice:

"The old troops just mentioned are still under Vichy. It seems that you have secretly contacted the governor, otherwise you would not be sure to win them over."

Hearing this, a trace of surprise flashed across Lao Dai's face. He never expected that his friend who never left the house would see through his plan again.

But he was soon relieved. After all, this kind of thing is not the first time. It's not shameful to be seen through by the hexagonal warriors.

"Ah, as expected, nothing can be hidden from your eyes. I did have private contact with Catroux, and reached a certain degree of consensus with him, and even obtained the support of a reinforced regiment."

"As long as I can kill the Japanese entrenched in the Indochina Peninsula, he is willing to lead all his armed forces, openly join the ranks of Free France, and become one of the main vanguards of the counterattack on the mainland."

"Now you know why I always run to your office, those 50,000 people are too important to me!"

A year ago, in order to completely blockade the Republic of China and prevent Ah Chou from giving blood transfusion to Baldy through the Sino-Vietnamese Railway, the Japanese Army decisively invaded the Vichy-controlled territory in the name of joint defense.

Of course, the so-called joint defense of the Japanese was just a polite remark, and it was still for the sake of the ally De San.

I am not good at fighting, and surrender is the first.

After several small-scale conflicts, the devils successfully took over the local transportation hub and controlled all military airports.

Even today when the Pacific War is getting more and more intense, there are still 8,000 troops stationed in Indochina for a long time.

New hatreds and old grudges made the Vichy high-level officials represented by Catroux hate the Japanese.

With the idea that it is better to unite with his compatriots than to be oppressed by outsiders, he quickly reached a consensus with Lao Dai.

As for why they only gave 5,000 troops instead of uniting the inside and the outside to handle the Japanese?

French, please understand.

If you don’t invest in multiple lines of business, why would you still have the nerve to say that you are the authentic white flag of old Paris?

Seeing his friend reveal his true feelings, Huang He encouraged him while rubbing his chin:

"The quality is not enough, so we must make up the quantity. With the experienced Director Xiao personally doing the work, coupled with the two powerful generals Ding Wei and Cheng Shifa, the Viet Minh troops will definitely be able to form combat effectiveness within half a year."

"With tens of thousands of second-rate troops and five thousand regular troops, it will definitely not be a problem to drive away the Japanese in Indochina."

"When the air route is completely opened, the total strength of your camp will exceed 130,000, and it will be a complete combination of infantry and artillery and air force. If everything goes well, the first phase of the tiger's invasion of Africa is just around the corner!"

After the war ended, Vichy sent a large number of key officers and weapons and equipment to the three overseas provinces of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria to secretly organize armaments.

Not only did they establish brand-new military region agencies, they even established local military academies to cultivate grass-roots military talents.

According to Huang He's past life memories, before the start of the Allied Operation Torch, Vichy had eight divisions with a total strength of 125,000 in North Africa.

The French, who had suffered losses in armored combat, even formed several cavalry regiments using 107 Charles B1s, 58 Hotchkiss H35s and Renault R35s, and 168 armored vehicles of various types.

In addition, they also secretly developed the air force and spent their money to collect more than 500 various fighters, including hundreds of D520s that can compete with the BF109.

Logically speaking, with Lao Dai's current strength, even if he adds 50,000 new troops, it will be difficult to defeat his compatriots in North Africa.

After all, the French soldiers in Indochina couldn't even defeat the motley crew of preserved fruits, so how could they compete with Vichy, which had complete military services including sea, army and air force.


Given the urinary nature of the three provinces of North Africa, as long as freedom can flex its muscles a little and let Vichy see that there are financial backers other than Dai Ying behind his compatriots, the other side will naturally give up resistance.

This was Huang He's courage to pat his chest and ask his friends not to put too much pressure on him.

Sure enough, after hearing Mr. Huang's comfort and encouragement, Lao Dai swept away his previous decadence and regained his fighting spirit.

"Haha, Huang, you are right. Although I haven't seen Xiao, Ding and Cheng are both very good army commanders. Now I am not fighting alone, and it feels good to have allies."

"Besides, freedom is at the bottom of the valley, and no matter how you go from now on, you can only climb up!"

"Wait for my good news, I will definitely not betray your trust!"

Hearing this, Huang He nodded happily. This is a well-known figure in the original timeline who can change his destiny against the will of heaven. His spiritual will alone is absolutely incomparable to others.

After a while, in order to liven up the heavy atmosphere in the room, he pretended to be mysterious and said:

"By winning North Africa, the Lend-Lease Act between us can be officially activated. To tell you the truth, I have even prepared the hull numbers of aircraft carriers, battleships, cruisers and destroyers."

"I hope Jean Barr can come to Lu Province intact. I'm so greedy for those four big roots."

"Plan to hunt Yamato! Start!"

Huang He's extremely performative behavior made Lao Dai smack his lips involuntarily.

When he signed the Lend-Lease Act, he thought he had taken a huge advantage.

But who would have thought that in just a few months, it would be possible for them to counterattack North Africa on their own.

However, after careful calculation, they still made a profit overall.

After all, it is one thing to have a boat, but it is another thing to be able to sail the boat. It had no fuel, no dock, no air superiority, and even no supporting ammunition. It was so humble.

After thinking about it in his mind, Lao Dai's thoughts returned to reality, and then he said in a curious and complimentary tone:

"I heard a saying within the Eighth Route Army. Everyone said that you are a rare strategic genius in the world. Today, it seems that you are well-deserved."

"Speaking of which, after the aircraft carrier Béarn is put into service in the future, what hull number do you plan to use? Is it 1?"

Hearing this, the Yellow River looked to the east. Those eyes with complex emotions seemed to have the ability to travel through time and space, and could directly see a large warship seventy years in the future.

After a moment, he sighed, but a smile quickly appeared on his face.

"If I were to decide the hull number of the first big ship after Seven Towns and Eight Fars, I would definitely use the number 16." (End of Chapter)

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