A few days later, the Champion Hou Mansion, which was only a wall away from Ningyuan Hou Mansion, had been repaired.

The four characters “Champion Houfu” on the plaque were personally inscribed by Emperor Jingshun and framed and sent by the messenger.

Such an honor, after the succession of the Jingshun Emperor, Gu Tingye was the first.

At the suggestion of the Xiao Qin family, the people of the Gu family’s four rooms and five rooms all came to visit the Champion Hou Mansion today.

“Erlang’s mansion is really exquisite and spacious, which is several times larger than Ningyuanhou’s mansion.”

After walking around the mansion, Xiao Qin looked at those exotic flowers and plants, exquisite pavilions and pavilions, and liked it very much.

“This is the mansion of a prince of the previous dynasty, can it not be big?” Gu Yanping, the fourth room of the Gu family, sighed.

The people from the fifth room followed closely, “The circle we just walked is estimated to be less than one-third of the Hou Mansion, if you want to finish shopping, it will take at least an hour.” ”

“This Hou Mansion is big, but this maid is also less, Erlang, you are not married now, these things are better left to me, who is a mother.”

Xiao Qin’s tone is kind, if she is a bystander, she may really think that she is a good stepmother with a kind heart and cares about her stepson.

But Gu Tingye knew that Xiao Qin just wanted to put eyeliner around him.

If this matter is really let Xiao Qin Clan handle it, I am afraid that it will not be long before he can even know what he says every day.

“These things don’t have to bother my mother, there are still a lot of things waiting for my mother to handle up and down Ningyuanhou’s mansion.”

Gu Tingye said lightly, he was actually very reluctant to call Xiao Qin his mother, but there was no way, as long as he was still a member of the Gu family, Xiao Qin was his righteous mother.

“This… Erlang you… Did you say this because you didn’t plan to take us into the Hou Mansion with you?” Gu Yanping looked at Gu Tingye incredulously.

He originally thought that after the repair of this Champion Hou Mansion was completed, Gu Tingye would move in with them.

The fifth room Gu Yantong also thought so, today after the repair of the Hou Mansion, he also specially brought Gu Tingdi with him, ready to let him pick a better yard first.

The Gu family’s generation has a total of five rooms, and the second and third rooms were separated and moved out of the Hou Mansion after marriage.

The four-room Gu Yanping and the five-room Gu Yantong are Gu Yankai’s own brothers.

As the son of Gu’s father, Yan Kai inherited the title of Marquis of Ningyuan, but because he led troops at the border pass all year round, he left Gu Yanping and Gu Yan in the palace to take care of household chores.

After Gu Yankai was transferred back to Shenjing City from the border pass, it was logical that the fourth and fifth rooms should be moved from the Hou Mansion.

But the two of them did not want to move out, and they had been living in the Hou Mansion with a dead face, and they wantonly squandered the Gu family’s property.

In the original work, the Bai family married into Ningyuanhou’s mansion and brought millions of taels of silver, and when Gu Tingye got the Bai dowry, there were only more than 100,000 taels left.

“Fourth Uncle, I never said I would take you to live in the Champion Hou Mansion together!” Gu Tingye was also quite shocked when Gu Tingping said such words.

How is the Gu family a group of faceless and skinless people!

“This house was given to Erlang by His Majesty, and it is reasonable that he is not willing to take us to live together, no wonder Erlang.” Xiao Qin’s surface looked like he was talking to Gu Tingye.

In fact, it was Xiao Qin who wanted to move into the Champion Hou Mansion.

Gu Yanping and Gu Yantong were just used by the Xiao Qin clan to test Gu Tingye.

If Gu Tingye agrees, then she can live in the Champion Hou Mansion as she wishes, and if she does not agree, it will not affect her reputation.

I have to say that the Gu family is all killed by the Xiao Qin family, and they let them do bad things, and they can’t make mistakes by acting on their own, and they have also gained a good reputation as a loving mother.

“Erlang, this champion Hou Mansion is so big, it is inevitable that you will be a little too lonely to live alone.”

“If you don’t want us to move over, how about taking your two cousins with you?” Gu Yantong said carefully, trying to get Gu Tingye to agree.

As long as Gu Tingbing and Gu Tingdi can live in it, and then have a good relationship with Gu Tingye, they will definitely enjoy endless wealth in the future.

Xiao Qin was very much looking forward to what Gu Tingye would answer, and if he agreed, of course she would not hesitate to let Gu Tingwei live in it.

“Fourth Uncle and Fifth Uncle, what you blamed me in the past, and you still have to do those chicken and dog theft behind my back, I know it clearly.

“You can continue to live in Ningyuanhou’s mansion, but your father is too kind to you, and I hope that the fourth uncle and fifth uncle can be content.”

As Gu Tingye spoke, his expression was cold, the reason why his reputation in the past was so bad was that in addition to the killing of the Xiao Qin family, there was also the planting of the Gu family’s four rooms and five rooms.

Gu Tingbing and Gu Tingdi are both prodigals who are arrogant and lascivious, eating, drinking and gambling.

In the past, they had played in the Qin Lou Chu Pavilion and owed silver taels, and all they left behind was Gu Tingye’s name.

As long as it is a bad thing, there is nothing that is not done in his name.

“Erlang, you this…” Gu Yanping knew Gu Tingye’s current identity, and knew that he had to speak more restrained.

If it was in the past, Gu Yanping would have scolded long ago.

“Could it be that the fourth uncle and fifth uncle feel that Ning Yuanhou’s mansion is uncomfortable? Want to change places? As Gu Tingye spoke, his eyes were full of coldness.

Gu Yanping shook his head repeatedly, they were used to eating soft rice in Ningyuanhou’s mansion.

If you leave, it is not impossible to starve to death.

“Erlang, your fourth uncle just said it casually, don’t take it to heart, if you don’t agree, you can live alone in the Champion Hou Mansion.”

Xiao Qin came out to play a round, if the four rooms and five rooms were driven away now, she would have one less person who could help her deal with Gu Tingye.


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips, ask for evaluation, kneel for all support Hehehehe

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