Great Sui, Cihang Jingzhai!

Cihang Jingzhai, located at Ditai Peak.

In the main hall of Cihang Hall, at this time, Shifei Xuan had already returned to Cihang Jingzhai, and was chatting with her master Fan Qinghui about major events in the world.

She also told Fan Qinghui the news she heard in the Drunken Immortal Tower.

Fan Qinghui is the master of Shifei Xuan, and he is the head of Cihang Jingzhai first.

He is highly skilled in martial arts, admired by the martial arts people in the Central Plains, and is the Taishan Beidou among the decent martial arts.

Although she is a nun, she is naturally beautiful and peerless, and she is righteous in people’s hearts, and she has extremely high martial arts, but she is peaceful for people.

At this time, Fan Qinghui frowned when he heard this, and his heart was also shocked.

These things on Xia Ke Island turned out to be so, which she never expected.

No one expected that this mysterious Xia Ke Island had such a secret, and the inheritance of the Sword Immortal Li Bai Tai Xuan Jing was actually here.

“This news, I am afraid that the world will be in chaos, and there will inevitably be a bloody storm in the rivers and lakes.” Shifei Xuan said.

“Master, this river and lake has long been a sudden change, and these people in the rivers and lakes are now unscrupulous for this method of immortality.” Fan Qinghui shook her head.

“This Xiaoyao faction reappeared in the world, but it was surrounded and suppressed by a martial arts person, in order to seize the Changchun Gong, and Yin Zhong of the Tong clan was also found, in order to obtain the Divine Dragon Gong, but was killed by Yin Zhong.”

“There is also the Great Song Immortal Elixir that has been exposed, triggering the war between Meng Yuan and the Great Song, and the rivers and lakes have long been unpeaceful.”

Fan Qinghui sighed.

Because this law of immortality was exposed, the rivers and lakes were already not peaceful at this time, and those evil people who did a lot of evil were also reappeared in the rivers and lakes at this time.

They Cihang Jingzhai, as a decent person in the martial arts, have the mission of supporting the world and acting as the chosen emperor.

Cihang Jingzhai is the leader of the White Way, the embodiment of justice, and some people feel that Cihang Jingzhai is in the name of the right way, and what he has done is spurned by the people of the Demon Way.

But in fact, this Cihang Jingzhai is really thinking about the loved ones under the world, and doing many righteous things in order to make the troubled times peaceful.

In the name of justice, they did not want to rule the world, but chose a monarch for the world according to their own judgment.

Let this monarch calm the chaos of the world.

Cihang Jingzhai focuses on the study of the way of heaven and man, and in order to avoid distraction, he has always strictly forbidden people to set foot in rivers and lakes and participate in national affairs.

Unless the world is in chaos, they will be forced to preside over the situation.

They should have maintained the peace of the martial arts in the world, but because Su Yan exposed this method of immortality, there was now a storm in the martial arts.

As decent people, they naturally need to come forward to solve these evil people.

This is tantamount to causing them a lot of trouble.

“Who would have thought that there were so many laws of immortality in this world.” Shifei Xuan said.

Originally, there were also news about the law of immortality circulating in the rivers and lakes, but all of them were proved to be false, all of them were fabricated by those people in order to win attention.

However, these methods of immortality described by Su Yan this time are all hidden places in the rivers and lakes.

If it weren’t for Su Yan’s exposure, everyone in the rivers and lakes would not be able to know these immortal methods for the rest of their lives, but after he exposed this immortal law.

Although everyone in the rivers and lakes says that they do not believe, there are always some people who want to verify the truth and falsehood, after all, people are greedy and have desires.

Who doesn’t want to live forever?

Although it was a rumor, they also wanted to gamble, but this time was different, they really found a clue according to what Su Yan said.

After finding the Royal Sword Villa where Yin Zhong was, the people of the world were excited and went to seize the Divine Dragon Gong.

At that time, the world will be in chaos, not only the various factions in the rivers and lakes, but also the major dynasties will be moved, and they will send people to compete for this law of immortality.

And because the Great Song was exposed to have an immortal golden pill, it was even more so that Meng Yuan attacked the Great Song with all his might.

“Now that this Xia Ke Island has the Tai Xuan Sutra left by the Sword Immortal, it is estimated that a large number of Jianghu Warriors will go to this Xia Ke Island.” Shifei Xuan said.

“The Tai Xuan Sutra left by this Sword Immortal must be extremely powerful, and I am afraid that those powerhouses in the realm of heaven and man covet it.” Fan Qinghui said.

“Master, it seems that if this Su Yan continues to expose the law of immortality in this world, I am afraid that this river and lake will be even more chaotic.” Shifei Xuan said analytically.

Now that Su Yan has exposed several methods of immortality, the world is already chaotic, if it continues, this is worth it?

“At this point, I have to take measures!” Fan Qinghui said.

The situation has developed into this, it is already irreparable, but it is absolutely impossible for the situation to continue to develop.

Fan Qinghui’s face suddenly turned cold, and she looked at Shifei Xuan and said, “You still continue to go to the Drunken Immortal Tower and pay close attention to Su Yan!” ”

Originally, Shifei Xuan was forbidden to go out of the mountain, mainly because Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Zen Buddhism had been fighting religious beliefs and Zen teachings with the largest sects in the north and south for hundreds of years.

The Great Tantric Vows that if someone steps into the rivers and lakes during Jingzhai, the Tibetan Tantra will never sit idly by.

From then on, Cihang Jingzhai strictly ordered everyone from the Static Sect to openly set foot in the rivers and lakes.

But because Su Yan exposed this method of immortality last time, it caused a tremor in the rivers and lakes.

That’s why she let Shifei Xuan come out, and the matter was far more serious than she thought, so she had to let Shifei Xuan go at this time.

Shifei Xuan nodded, naturally knowing what Fan Qinghui meant.

Then he looked at Fan Qinghui and said: “Master, this Su Yan already has the cultivation of a great master, and his strength is profound!” ”

“You also explore the details of Su Yan first, if necessary, I will personally take action!” Fan Qinghui said slowly.

He naturally knew that this Su Yan’s strength was profound, and Shifei Xuan would definitely not be an opponent, so he could only let Shifei Xuan probe first.

“Yes, follow the teacher’s name!” Concubine Shi said respectfully.

“You go first!” Fan Qinghui motioned for Shifei Xuan to go to the Flying Immortal City Drunken Immortal Tower.

Shifei Xuan didn’t stop at all and left directly.

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