Fortunately, the other party didn't seem to have any intention of exposing themselves. If it weren't for Yashiro touching Rangiku's butt and the aura hidden in the dark fluctuating slightly, it would have been difficult for Yashiro to notice that they were being followed.

The charm of G Cup was indeed unstoppable. Ye Cheng could even feel the gaze watching them in the dark, following them for several streets.

It wasn't until Yashiro finally sent Rangiku back to the team building and chose to leave alone that the feeling of being spied on finally disappeared.

After the Masked Army "defected" Soul Society with Urahara Kisuke and others, and returned to the present world, Soul Society also ushered in a relatively long period of stability.

Aizen excluded Hirako and others, on the one hand, for experiments, and on the other hand, because if he wanted to further complete the Honyu, a higher status was indispensable.

Previously, he was only the vice-captain of the fifth team, and Hirako Mako was the captain. If he wanted to become the captain, he could only find a way to get rid of Hirako Mako first.

Moreover, Hirako Mako usually seems to have a carefree personality, but in fact he is as meticulous as a hair. Aizen believes that if he keeps such a guy around, he will be in danger of being exposed sooner or later.

That's why he chose to make a non-stop plan to kill Hirako. As for Cha Kenxi and Fengqiao Rojuro, they were just the unlucky ones who stayed with Hirako.

As the number of experimental subjects increases, Aizen will not refuse, and this is a good thing for them who are engaged in scientific research.

With more experimental subjects, he can observe the differences in the changes caused by the "deformation of the god of death" in each individual, thereby collecting more data.

About fifty years have passed since the Masked Forces, Urahara Kisuke and the others left Soul Society.

Over the past fifty years, the staffing of the Gotei 13 has also undergone some changes.

I finally mastered the swastika on the A-Zaihou, and replaced Shifengin Yoruichi as the captain of the second team.

Ichimaru Gin was also recommended by Aizen and passed the assessment of the captains, becoming the captain of the third team.

The original Kuchiki Ginzu of the Sixth Division resigned, and Kuchiki Byakuya took over as captain.

In the same year, Kuchiki Byakuya, the heir to the Kuchiki family, one of the four nobles, defied all odds and married Kuchiki Hijin, who was born as an ordinary soul.

First he succeeded to the position of captain, and then he got married. That year, Byakuya Kuchiki could be said to be the real winner in life.

As one of the four great nobles, the heir to the Kuchiki family got married, so the ceremony was naturally very impressive.

Because he had just entered the workplace, Kuchiki Byakuya's qualifications as a Shinigami were not even as high as those of some of the vice-captains and chief officers of the Thirteenth Division.

Therefore, under the guidance of his grandfather, at the wedding of Byakuya Kuchiki, most of the Shinigami from the Gotei 13 were invited, including five seats from the unpopular 13th Division in Night City.

During the wedding, Ye Cheng also took a curious look at the legendary Kuchiki Hijin.

The other person didn't say that he looked like Kuchiki Rukia, he could only say that he was exactly the same.

The same nails, the same octopus hair style, and a pretty androgynous appearance, but apart from the first time, he has almost no characteristics.

Not to mention that Hana-san and Rangiku are so beautiful, even with her body shape that can be put into various poses, she is not less attractive than Kuchiki Hijin.

It stands to reason that Byakuya Kuchiki is the Shinigami captain, and he is also the heir to one of the four nobles. In terms of appearance, he is also one of the few beings in the entire Soul Society who can compete with Yojo. The top tall, rich and handsome man.

It can only be said that the tastes of rich people are probably a little different, or maybe the octopus hair style provides Feizhen with a lot of charm bonus?

Anyway, Ye Cheng is a pretty vulgar person, and he likes people who are tolerant...

"As expected of the Kuchiki family, even the wine served to us, the chief officer and the vice-captain, is the best Huadiao wine, and the food is also the top-notch sashimi cuisine.

This is the so-called wealth. I don’t know what the quality of the food the captain and the others eat is. "

The person sitting next to Ye Cheng is the former female god of death named Asakusa Ichika. In the past fifty years, she has also worked hard to reach the position of seven seats.

Originally, she was not qualified to attend Kuchiki Byakuya's grand wedding, but because Suzukawa Sanchi had a mission, Ukitake brought her along with him.

"The Kuchiki family is one of the four major nobles in Soul Society, and is even vaguely the head of the four major nobles. This level is nothing to them.

But what I didn't expect was that Byakuya Kuchiki, who had been known as a genius since he was a child and came from a very prestigious Kuchiki family, would actually marry an ordinary soul from Rukongai. "

Regarding noble matters, Shiba Haiyan was the one with the most say among all the chairs and vice-captains present.

Because the Soul Society in the past did not belong to the four major noble families, but to the five major noble families, and the one among them that is now in decline is the original Shiba family.

Haiyan originally had an identity no less than Byakuya Kuchiki. Even in terms of talent and hard work, Haiyan was not inferior to Byakuya.

However, as heirs of both great nobles, their fates were completely different.

When Haiyan inherited the family, Zhibo's family was nothing but chicken feathers. Haiyan not only had to find a way to revitalize the family, but also take care of her younger siblings.

As for Byakuya, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and received the best education. Before he became a Shinigami, his grandfather paved the way for him in life, and even became the captain before Haiyan.

The same background, the same great talent, but the fates of Haiyan and Byakuya are worlds apart.

Haiyan is a tragic character from the beginning to the end, while Byakuya is completely a cheater.

Although a wife died later, she was immediately assigned a sister-in-law who looked exactly the same.

Haiyan not only lost her wife, but even her own spirit body was taken away by Metastasia.

Ironically, Haiyan was Rukia's mentor, and the sister-in-law who killed Byakuya was the one who finally swallowed Haiyan.

Just when Haiyan was in a sad mood and Ye Cheng was about to open her mouth to comfort her, there was sudden movement in the main hall where the wedding was taking place.

"What happened? Did someone attack the Kuchiki family at this juncture?"

"Attacking the Kuchiki family? Do you think such a thing is possible? He could be one of the four nobles, but you thought he was a cat or a dog.

And the people in the main hall now are the captains of each division. Who would be so unimaginable to challenge the authority of the captains of the thirteenth division at this time. "

Soon, the cause of the commotion in the main hall spread, because Kuchiki Hijin, who was preparing for the wedding ceremony, fainted and fell to the ground under a violent cough!

As one of the protagonists of the wedding, the bride suddenly falls unconscious and falls to the ground, which is bound to cause a commotion.

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