Comprehensive Manga: Starting from the Soul Society and cutting through all the worlds

Chapter 97 Night City: Let me become the god of death stationed in this world!

"Captain, in fact, when I went to Ukiyo Town in the present world this time, I was not able to eliminate Killian who was the special individual in the intelligence..."

Hearing what Haiyan said, Ukitake was obviously stunned for a moment, and then said with a surprised look on his face: "The strength of that Kilian has reached a level that makes you feel troublesome!"

Ukitake, as his captain, is naturally aware of Haiyan's strength, otherwise Ukitake would not have personally invited him to join the team.

Looking at the current Gotei 13th Division, Ukitake even believed that Haiyan, who had always been a genius, was at the forefront of all the vice-captains.

But now Haiyan said that even he couldn't destroy the Kilian in Ukiyo Town, so how powerful should the opponent be?

Is Killian, who can't even be eliminated by a vice-captain of Haiyan's strength, really still Killian?

"'s not that I couldn't defeat that Kilian, but when I got there, that Kilian had already been defeated by Ye Cheng.

So the ones who need to report this time are Yashiro and the Shinigami stationed in Ukiyo Town. As for me, I’m just the one leading the way..."

In Yugan Hall, Ye Cheng explained in brief words how he was in trouble in the broken world, escaped to the real world, and eliminated the special individual Jillian.

During the report, Ye Cheng emphatically explained the process of fighting Killian. As for the crisis encountered in the world break, he lightly explained it.

Ukitake is one of the intellectual leaders in the 13th Division. If he talks too much, the other party will find out that something is wrong.

After the report at Night City, Asakusa Ichika, the Shinigami girl who is responsible for stationing in the living Ukiyo Town, also quickly reported the birth process of the Killian and the reason why the sixth seat was killed.

"I see. Thank you for your hard work this time. Just leave the rest to me. You can go back and rest.

Asakusa, the death of Rokuchi this time is not your responsibility, so you don’t need to take it to heart.

Also, you reported the situation in a timely manner this time, plus you have been stationed in the present world for many years, and you should have accumulated enough experience. You should return to the team this time.

As for the new garrisoned Death God, I will arrange for others to hand over to you soon. "

It is the duty of the "Purification Team" to garrison the living city, but for the members of the Thirteenth Division, not many are willing to do this job.

Because compared to staying in Jing Ling Ting, being a resident Shinigami in this world is basically equivalent to being sent to the frontier.

Not to mention the endless tedious work that you do every day, you occasionally encounter difficult situations, and you may even regret the world.

Just like Asakusa Ichika this time, if he hadn't been smart enough to contact Soul Society as soon as he realized that he was no match, and he was lucky enough, he might not have had enough grass on the grave now. 10 feet taller.

So when he heard that he could return to the Seireitei from the real world to work, Ichika Asakusa was naturally very happy.

On the side, Ye Cheng heard that Ukitake was planning to find someone to take over. At this moment, he had some thoughts in his mind and quickly answered: "Captain, why don't you let me take over?

I have also been to Ukiyo Town, and I usually have nothing to do in the team, so why not let me go to the living world and be a resident Shinigami. "

Ye Cheng's idea is very simple. For an ordinary god of death, although the task of stationing in the world is quite cumbersome and dangerous, for him, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

Because of the upgrade of plug-ins, as more and more bosses appear in the mysterious space, it is inevitable that their strength will skyrocket.

Although it is not impossible to hide one's own spiritual pressure, it is very inconvenient to do a lot of things. After all, there are too many big guys in Soul Society.

Not to mention Hairspray Hand Aizen, there is another big boss in the shadow of Jing Lingting.

"You want to go to the real world to garrison? Although this is not impossible, in the history of the Thirteenth Division, there is no precedent for a chief officer to go to the real world to garrison.

Generally, the Shinigami stationed in the present world are those who lack experience and training for the job.

Because the Hollows that appear in this world are not too strong, they are used to hone the Shinigami in the team.

You, a fifth-ranking official, and perhaps far superior in strength, are actually preparing to serve as a garrison death god in this world? "

Hearing Ye Cheng's request, Asakusa Ichika, who had just been able to return to work at the Seireitei because of her, looked even more speechless.

She found that her genius junior's various behaviors were really puzzling.

The Shinigami of the Thirteenth Division basically avoided the job, but this powerful fifth seat actually wanted to rush to work.

However, compared to Asakusa Ichika who looked puzzled, Ukitake quite understood Yojo's thoughts.

Ye Cheng has been in the team for a few years, and he found that the Thirteenth Division all have a very distinctive feature, that is, they are unusually salty.

Both he, the captain, and Haiyan, the vice-captain, are extremely good at being the hands-off shopkeeper.

Previously, Ukitake had recommended Yochiro to become the vice-captain of another division, but the other party refused because it was too troublesome.

From Ukitake's point of view, Ye Cheng now wants to escape the possibility of becoming the vice-captain by going to the real world to station there.

"Yecheng, actually, I have rejected your appointment as deputy captain in another division.

You have such a strong sense of belonging to the 13th Division. As the captain of the 13th Division, I am also quite happy, but it is really not to this extent. "

Ye Cheng: "(▽`), the captain is talking about something, why I don't understand it at all..."

Ichika Asakusa: (_; The fifth seat of Night City was actually recommended to other divisions as deputy captain! Doesn't that mean that he already has the spiritual pressure and strength of the deputy captain level!

No, the point is that this guy, in order to avoid becoming the vice-captain, actually plans to escape to the present world!

Shouldn't it be the dream of every Shinigami of the Gotei 13 to become captain and vice-captain?

Ukitake left, leaving behind Yorojo and Asakusa Ichika who looked at each other.

Ye Cheng himself didn't have much hope that he could be stationed in the real world. After all, the stronger the Shinigami, the greater the impact his spiritual pressure would have on the real world.

The spiritual pressure on Ye Cheng's face is already comparable to that of the deputy captain. With his level of strength, it is impossible to be sent to the real world.

That night, two different wine bureaus were going on in one of the busiest commercial streets in Jinglingting.

On one side was a bar where Kyōraku Shunsui called the guests and Captain Ukitake paid the bill. The people invited were also some captains.

On the other side, the bureau was organized by Shiba Haiyan, and he still paid the bill. The main purpose was to celebrate Ye Cheng's safe return from the world.

In addition to some members of the 13th Division, others such as Ikkaku, Yumichika, and Rangiku, the most heroic drinking partner in Night City, were also invited.

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