The sixth seat believes that Ichika Asakusa thinks Daxu is powerful simply because he is too weak.

But he himself is different. Unlike the miscellaneous fish who were sent to guard the pond, he will become a man at the level of deputy captain in the future!

And the final result was also obvious. The sixth seat in the Thirteenth Division, who had his eyes high above his head, jumped on the street, and even his soul was completely devoured by this big virtual Kilian!

Generally speaking, although this sixth seat has an arrogant tone, as the seat officer who masters the "First Interpretation", he is indeed capable of killing Daxu Jilian.

But the point of the problem is that the Kilian that appeared in Ukiyo Town is not an ordinary Kilian at all!

Kilian is a lower-level Daxu. Generally, the characteristics of this kind of Daxu are large size and low intelligence. Almost 99.9% of Kilian will not have independent consciousness.

Among these Kilians, there are some very few special individuals who have conscious instincts and will devour the Great Void Kilians of the same level until they evolve into a stronger Great Void - Yachukas.

The action pattern of this Daikyu that appeared in Ukiyo Town is obviously different from that of ordinary Daikyu with low intelligence. Not only does it have the ability to hide spiritual pressure before, but even the face of the Kyon on its face is slightly different from that of ordinary Daikyu. the difference.

Asakusa Ichika originally wanted to remind the sixth seat who came to support in this world, but the other party did not pay attention to her warning at all.

He even said that no matter how special the subordinate Daxu is, he is also Killian. He is an elite god of death who masters the "First Solution"...

It was also because of this carelessness and underestimation of the enemy that the sixth seat of the Thirteenth Division was suddenly attacked by Daxu who was approaching with hidden spiritual pressure even before the "initial solution" was carried out.

In the end, with a "false flash" in his body, this so-called elite god of death was swallowed by this Kilian without even being able to use the "First Solution".

After devouring the soul of a Shinigami whose spiritual pressure was not weak, this Killian's spiritual pressure also skyrocketed again, and his intelligence became higher, which directly led to the current situation that was out of control.

Although he is only a lower-level Daxu, in the current environment, Jillian is basically at the level of King Zha.

This Kilian is a special individual, and now it has swallowed up six members of the Gotei 13th Division. Its danger can be imagined.

After devouring the soul of a god of death, this Kilian could clearly feel the surge in his spiritual pressure. With his intelligence improved, he began to instinctively hunt the second god of death in the city, Asakusa Ichi. summer.

It can feel that if it eats one or two more Death Gods, it will undergo another transformation.

The essence of Death is also a soul, but compared to ordinary souls, Death's soul and spiritual pressure are more powerful.

Eating an ordinary god of death is even comparable to eating a hundred ordinary souls.

Originally, the God of Death was attacking the Hollows in this world, but in this Ukiyo town, a scene was now being staged in which the Great Hollows were chasing the God of Death.

Compared with the ordinary slow-moving Daxu, this special individual that appeared in Ukiyo Town had a special ability of "atomization" after devouring the sixth seat.

This special ability of "atomization" seems to be an evolved version of the Daxu's original ability to hide spiritual pressure.

After entering the "atomized" state, this Kilian's own spiritual pressure will completely disappear, and his body will also transform into mist, allowing him to move quickly.

The sixth seat of the Thirteenth Division was successfully attacked from behind because of this ability of the opponent.

Today, Ichika Asakusa uses "Shunpo" to run quickly in Ukiyo Town, but a thick black fog behind him is still chasing after him.

While running for his life, Asakusa Ichika kept greeting the sixth seat in the previous team.

Although she couldn't handle the previous Killian, his intelligence was not high enough. At first, he just wandered around the city and instinctively swallowed some souls.

But because of the arrogant sixth seat, not only did he not help at all, but he also used himself as an experience bag and gave it to the other party for nothing. This directly led to this Killian evolving such a high IQ. !

Even though Asakusa Ichika immediately contacted his 13th division when the sixth seat was swallowed up.

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Captain Ukitake also dispatched Vice Captain Shiba and Sanchi Suzukawa to the living world to support him.

But in the current situation, can he really hold on until Vice Captain Shiba and Suzuka Sanchi arrive?

As a burst of black mist enveloped Asakusa Ichika, the fogged Killian finally stopped Asakusa Ichika, and gradually recovered his body in front of him.


Accompanied by a howl of unknown meaning, this Kilian directly used its huge body to knock Asakusa Ichika away in front of him.

Killian has a huge body, but short limbs... Oh no, this thing seems to have no hands.

All in all, this thing not only has low intelligence, but also has very few attack methods due to its body shape.

In addition to using the huge body to crush directly, and biting with the mouth, the only other attack method is "false flash".

Asakusa Ichika's body was knocked away, and his body flew directly backwards. Not only did it break a telephone pole beside the road, but his body also sunk deeply into the wall nearby.

Seeing that the Daxu Jillian in front of him opened his mouth wide after knocking him away, and a red spiritual pressure began to condense and compress in his mouth, Asakusa Ichika also showed a look of despair. .

"Void Flash" is a unique attack method of Xu. It requires a certain amount of charging time, but is very powerful. However, it can only be used by Daxu level.

Not to mention that I am just an ordinary Shinigami who is assigned to be stationed in the real world, even those officers in the Thirteenth Division, without the "initial solution".

If he was hit head-on by Killian's "False Flash", he would probably be seriously injured.

So when a huge red beam of light burst out from in front of Killian's mouth and approached him at an alarming speed, Ichika Asakusa, whose body was embedded in the wall, even closed his eyes in despair at this moment.

"Yakami-ryu style——breaking waterfall!"

The sharp sword light flashed through the night, and the bright blue stream of light was like a sharp blade that split mountains and seas. In an instant, it split the red beam of light in front of it into two directly from the middle!


The virtual flash explosion was like a river being split in half, instantly turning the entire street into a devastated place.

At this moment, the girl Shinigami, who was stuck in the wall with her eyes closed tightly, heard the explosion sound next to her ears, but her body could not feel the unexpected pain, so she opened her eyes in confusion.

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