As the exploration operation continues to deepen, Alicia and the other three now have more and more trust in Ye Cheng and Shima Yosuke.

Although they were new adventurers, it was not like they had never seen other adventurers before.

They had never encountered experienced adventurers like Ye Cheng and Shima Yosuke who were so powerful, reliable, gentle and caring.

When the three of them first came here from the countryside to become adventurers, they also asked other senior adventurers for help, but generally the capable adventurers were very arrogant.

There are people like Mr. Makoto Ito and Mr. Kuroki who are so easy to talk to.

Mr. Ito is both handsome and powerful, but also gentle and considerate, with an almost perfect personality.

Although Mr. Kuroki looks a little weird, he is also a good man, strong, calm and reliable, and he is very admirable.

When they searched for the second secret room, as soon as they entered the room, they triggered the mechanism in the room, and a huge monster appeared in front of them with a roar.

Because he had just learned "Breathe Sense", when this monster appeared, Ye Cheng could clearly feel that the monster in this second room was much stronger than the first one.

"This is the Earth Dragon Lizard! According to the introduction of dangerous monsters in the adventurer's manual, this thing is an S-level dangerous monster!

Because he has some dragon blood, he is rough-skinned and thick-flesh, and is not something that ordinary adventurers can deal with! "

Compared to Ye Cheng and Shima Yosuke, who were calm, the three of them were frightened when they saw the giant monster appearing in front of them.

Because this thing is obviously not something that ordinary adventurers can deal with. It is not a bit stronger than the previous Thunder Eagle.

The Thunder Eagle's more advantage is its speed, but they can't hit this thing at all!

"Mr. Ito, why don't we leave first and wait until later..."

"Broken Path 4: White Thunder!"

Seeing the earth rock lizard that was roaring towards them with astonishing momentum, Alicia nervously held the staff in her hand. She turned around and was about to say something to Ye Cheng when she saw a white thunder coming from Ye Cheng's fingertips. Exploded out.

The white thunder was extremely conspicuous in the slightly dark room, so when the thunder burst out from Ye Cheng's fingertips, Alicia and the others could clearly see it.

The white thunderbolt, which was only as thick as a baby's forearm, penetrated directly through the Earth Rock Lizard's head and even left a deep hole in the rock wall behind it.


Along with the white thunder, it gradually became thinner in the air until it finally dissipated completely.

The earth dragon lizard, which was several meters tall and was known as an S-class super-dangerous monster with a trace of dragon blood, fell to the ground with a huge body and raised a lot of dust.

Alicia and the other three were stunned. Although along the way, they thought they had a certain understanding of the strength of Ye Cheng and Shima Yosuke.

But when they saw the scene in front of them, they found that their previous knowledge was still too shallow... no, it was even called ignorance!

This is an S-level dangerous monster, and it was killed with just one move!

And wasn't Mr. Ito a warrior who was good at swordsmanship before? His magic level is so incredible?

This earth dragon lizard's death was too painful. Its strength was obviously much stronger than the previous Thunder Eagle, but now it didn't even finish the appearance animation, so it was killed...

"The Earth Dragon Lizard has rock attributes and thick armor scales. It is highly resistant to both magic and physical attacks. It can be called a thick-skinned chariot.

However, this magical beast, which is famous for its defense, also has its weakness, and that is its eyes.

No matter what kind of powerful monster it is, as long as its weakness can be found, it will be much easier to deal with. "

Looking at the dull Alicia and the other three, Ye Cheng gave an explanation thoughtfully.

However, the three Alicias who thought it made sense at first quickly realized that even if they knew the weakness of the Earth Rock Lizard, it was too simple.

Frankly speaking, if it were the three of them, even if they knew the weakness of the Earth Rock Lizard, could the three of them defeat each other?

Obviously it can't be done? Not to mention it was a one-hit kill, it was more likely that they couldn't even touch the Earth Rock Lizard's eyes.

"I'm sure that Mr. Ito and Mr. Kuroki are not ordinary adventurers." Alicia said with a serious face, holding a staff in hand.

And with expressions that seemed to have discovered some secret, Laika and Edgar were greeted with speechless expressions.

This is why the cute Alicia has just realized it now. From the very beginning, the two of them felt that Yosuke and Shima Yosuke were not ordinary people.

When ordinary people explore a dangerous maze, they will maintain a relaxed mood like an outing in the wild.

Ordinary adventurers can kill S-class monsters as if they were trash, or treat such sophisticated equipment as useless garbage?

Originally they thought they were just experienced adventurer bosses they met, but how could they not be considered bosses? They were simply great gods!

The treasures found in the second room were some magic items and rare potions. Because they had some effect on both Ye Cheng and Shima Yosuke, they were separated by the two of them.

Yecheng also promised that the contents of the third room would be given to Alicia and the others first as compensation, and the three of them naturally had no objections to this.

The third room is also the last room in the maze.

Different from the previous two rooms, this last room is a huge hall, and in the middle stands a very awesome-looking staff.

As for the existence of the guarding staff, it is no longer a monster or beast, but a huge mechanical puppet.

The armor on this mechanical puppet seems to have "anti-demon" properties, so magic hitting it will not only have no effect, but will even reflect damage.

In the end, it was Ye Cheng who contributed. This mechanical puppet had good strength, but it was obviously too weak to face Ye Cheng, whose physique could suppress the dragon.

After Ye Cheng's continuous "Shunpo" play, he was finally stabbed in the core by Ye Cheng from behind, and he collapsed to the ground without any movement.

"It seems that this thing is the most valuable treasure in this maze. In the last room, except for this staff, there is nothing else.

"The Wand of Salvation", this name is a bit awesome, it seems to be no ordinary equipment.

But I don’t need a wand to use magic, so you can allocate this among yourself. "

Any fool can see that this so-called "Wand of Salvation" must be the most precious and awesome thing in the entire maze.

But as Ye Cheng himself said, he wasn't too keen on the wand, so he withdrew from the competition.

"I'm not used to using a wand either. I only need the help of elves to use magic, so I don't want one either.

Alicia didn't take anything before, and we said we would make it up to you in the last room, so just take this wand. "

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