Hearing his uncle's words, Gaoqiu Jingwen also showed a look of surprise on his face. He did not expect that travelers who traveled through time could actually meet fellow villagers in another world.

"So uncle, has your best friend named Nanye City returned to this world now?"

Takaqiu Jingwen, who had just watched a short episode of Alien Theater, was extremely curious about the existence of Night City.

As we all know, when we as third parties watch some movies, TV series or animations, we will always involuntarily put ourselves into the characters, and Takao Keifumi is no exception.

In the small alien theater that his uncle showed him, apart from himself, who appeared the most often, the other person who appeared the most was undoubtedly Ye Cheng, his uncle's best friend.

And when his uncle appeared with this night city, Takao Qiu Jingwen would always unconsciously put himself into his role.

Don't ask why, Gao Qiu Jingwen is still a young man after all, but the uncle in the different world theater seems conservatively estimated to be thirty years old...

And when watching anime or PV, who doesn’t like strong and handsome characters? The uncle in the picture is indeed very strong, but Ye Cheng is not only strong enough, but also handsome enough!

Looking at the elegant figure holding a long sword and killing various monsters with gorgeous swordsmanship, as well as the silver hair and handsome face like the bright moon, didn't this sense of substitution come up instantly?

"Ye Cheng has not returned to his original world. According to what he said, it seems that there is no need.

However, he did say that when he figured out how to create "Righteous Bones" or something, he would come to our place to have a look. "

The uncle who had been studying on the computer for a long time also raised his head at this moment. Through the modern knowledge he had just collected and learned, he was already thinking about what kind of job he would find to make money.

Because he learned magic, his uncle's mental power is now much stronger than that of ordinary people, and his learning ability is also stronger than before.

In just a few hours, he had roughly absorbed most of the knowledge that the world had been missing in the past seventeen years.

In today's society, it is obviously not acceptable to directly display magic in front of outsiders.

This is not a different world. If you really do this, there is a high probability that you will be taken away by some special agency and then inserted into various tubes for research.

Although in this world, my uncle felt that his strength was enough to dominate everyone.

But now that he has returned to his original world, his uncle is prepared to abide by the rules here and live well, otherwise he will only cause trouble for his family.

So after doing some research on the Internet, Yosuke Shima discovered that there is such a thing as online tubing.

In this place called You Tuan, everyone on it is talented and well-spoken. My uncle even found Sega fanatics like himself on it.

You must know that it is no longer 2017. Seventeen years have passed and Sega has long since declined. Therefore, if you can still maintain your original intention for Sega like yourself, your uncle will naturally regard these people as confidants.

And because he was having so much fun chatting with these people, when his uncle realized his original purpose, out of curiosity, he posted a post on it for questioning.

"If you just came back from another world and learned magic, what kind of job should you do to make money without causing trouble to your nephew and attracting official attention? 』

Those who can chat with "Sega fans" like my uncle are obviously otakus of a certain age.

When my uncle raised this "hypothetical" question, his friends on the Internet also suspected him, and a heated discussion began around this topic.

The home-school guys were really talented, and their brains were big enough. They quickly came up with a lot of plans, which made the uncle who was originally quite troubled by this look look like he suddenly realized something.

Out of curiosity and fear that his uncle, who had been out of touch with society for a long time, would be deceived, Gaoqiu Jingwen also put his head over to see the answers given by those on the Internet.

"Since you have learned magic, you must have the ability to fly, so why not deliver food or express delivery?

It's very fast and consumes no fuel. It's a net income every day. It's no problem to make tens of thousands of yen in one day. "

"Idiot, you have learned magic and you actually use it to deliver food. You really have no ambition.

And flying around in the sky all day long, does this count as hiding from others? Do you think you are Doraemon?

I think it's better to perform magic than deliver food. Other people's magic is just a show of skills, but you are a real magician. No matter how skilled you are, you can't find your loopholes. If you don't know how to do it, who will be popular? "

"The idea of ​​performing magic is good, but once the trick is revealed, it will be quite troublesome.

The best thing for me to watch is shooting online videos. There are so many Internet users now, so I don’t have to worry about income at all.

If possible, it would be great to take some videos of Sega game backgrounds, since we are all enthusiasts after all. "

"You know how to do magic, but you still have to work on a bubble teapot. Can you copy magic...

When he read the comments on the Internet, Takaqiu Jingwen was also stunned. I have to say that the minds of these talents on the Internet are indeed big enough.

Except for those illegal operations, Gaoqiu Jingwen really found many jobs suitable for his uncle.

"So uncle, have you found a job suitable for you among these people's suggestions?"

Regarding his uncle's job, Gaoqiu Jingwen originally thought that he would have to worry about it, but he didn't expect that his uncle would end the problem so quickly.

"That's right, I plan to become an online video uploader. As for the subject matter, just choose some clips of me in another world to edit.

Memory Wizard can do this, so don’t worry at all. If conditions permit, shooting some videos of Sega game background themes is also possible! "

To be honest, when the friend on the Internet posted a video of filming the background of Sega games, Shima Yosuke's eyes lit up and he was ready to do this work.

Although it is a good idea to use magic instead of magic performances, and it is not difficult to make money after it becomes popular.

But the point of the problem is that my uncle doesn't like to show his face, and if he performs live, there will always be some clues.

Who can guarantee that he is the only one in the world who can do magic?

But if you shoot online videos and post them online, the situation is different.

If you put something on an online video, even if it is magical, people will only think that your special effects production skills are excellent, and across the screen, even those who are really experts will not be able to feel your own magic.

You can make money steadily without exposing yourself. This is indeed the best job for you.

(Hey, I’ve been classified into the unpopular Zhutian category, but I still can’t advance through recommendations. I feel that my results are obviously passable. The current recommendation mechanism is really puzzling (~_~;)

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