Comprehensive Manga: Starting from the Soul Society and cutting through all the worlds

Chapter 2 Isn’t that big time traveler from the fourth team?

Ikkaku had also heard about Yashiro's "paranoia of persecution" (from Yumichika), so the expression he looked at Yashiro at this moment also revealed a look of regret.

Ikkaku has always regarded Yashiro as a strong opponent, and Yashiro's strength is indeed quite outstanding, but this character is really...

"I'll say it again! I don't have delusions of persecution. This is normal risk avoidance! You, a narcissist and a fighting maniac, know how to make a teapot.

Do you two know how many passers-by are killed in Jinglingting every year? Why do the graduates of the Shino Spiritual Arts Academy join the Gotei 13 every year, but the Gotei 13 has never been filled to capacity?

After all, you two are important supporting roles with names and surnames. I am just a supporting role. If I am not careful, how can I live in this cruel world? "

Seeing Ikkaku and Yumichika looking at him with regretful expressions, Yoroki naturally opened his mouth to retort. However, it was a pity that Ikkaku and Yumichika did not believe what he said, and just patted him comfortingly. shoulders, and showed a "we all understand" expression.

"Anyway, my goal is very clear. I have been planning to join the 11th Division as a combat division from the beginning. Where is Yumichika?"

With slightly ferocious eyes, he glanced at the recruitment points of the surrounding divisions. Ikkaku looked at the several muscular brothers gathered at the recruitment point of the eleventh division and suddenly showed a satisfied smile.

"Of course I also joined the 11th Division. If possible, I would naturally want to join the 6th Division. After all, it is more in line with my temperament.

But the Sixth Division is a noble division, and it would be difficult for guys from Rukongai to join without connections.

Excluding the 6th Division, the 11th Division that can appear frequently is naturally my first choice. Although I don’t love fighting as much as Ikkaku, but I can appear frequently and let other Shinigami know my beauty, which is also quite good. thing. "

As Yumichika spoke, he also held a mirror and a bottle of hair wax. He was extremely narcissistic and planned to get a bright hairstyle to increase the success rate of joining the company later.

When he saw Yumichika taking out the hair wax, Ye Cheng quietly stepped back. He was allergic to hair wax, especially after knowing that a certain big BOSS in this world also liked to use hair wax. .

"Yecheng, is it because my beauty has reached the point where you have to shy away from me?"

Everyone is so handsome..., at least Yumichika thinks that his beauty is unparalleled, so after noticing Yoshiro's little behavior, he was naturally a little dissatisfied.

Narcissists don't care about other people's feelings. Yumichika has always been extremely self-centered, but for his few friends, Youchi's little actions at the moment made Yumichika a little unhappy.

"No, I think he just hates your hair wax, because it's not just him, it's me too!"

Applying hair wax in front of a bald head, are you mocking his spotty eyes, or are you showing off your beautiful hair?

Every bald head has a great obsession with his or her pores and cannot allow others to desecrate them!

"My hair wax is a popular product of Jing Ling Ting. It is said that it also has a very significant effect on those without hair."

Ikkaku: "(_;Really! Make some quickly and let me try it too!"

After being separated from Ikkaku and Madarame, who were like living treasures, Yoroki also began to look for the division he wanted to join.

The Gotei 13 actually used to be an assassin organization. However, due to some reasons, it was successfully eliminated in the end. The killers changed their jobs and became security guards, so the current "Gotei 13" came into existence.

The Gotei 13 teams each perform their own duties. One of the teams is also called the "General Division" and is considered the leader of the Gotei 13 teams. Generally, Shinigami who want to join this team must have sufficient qualifications. It is impossible for a rookie like him who graduated from Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy.

The Second Division is a covert mobile team responsible for arrests, assassinations, and supervision of the "Worm's Nest". It is a special division within the Thirteenth Division and is also a division with great power.

The third team is the support team, the fourth team is the treatment team, and the fifth team is the rescue team. These three teams are also called support teams and are a good place for retirement.

The Sixth Division is a division led by nobles. It is said that Mr. Yamamoto set up a division specifically for nobles in order to attract sponsorship.

The seventh division is the inner court escort team, the eighth division is the intelligence team, the ninth division is the prison team, and the tenth division is the patrol guard team.

The 11th Division is a combat-specific division, the 12th Division is the Technology Development Bureau, and the last 13th Division is the purification team.

In addition to the first team and the noble team of the sixth team, students from the other teams of Zheno Spiritual Arts Academy are actually expected to join them.

And as long as you look around and see the people queuing up to sign up at the recruitment office, you can roughly tell the popularity of each division.

As a combat team, the 11th Division had the highest mortality rate in previous years, but since the arrival of a monster captain named Zaraki Kenpachi, the mortality rate of team members is now decreasing year by year.

The reason is also very simple. It is said that the new captain Kenpachi not only has incredible strength, but also likes to lead the way and rush to the front every time. Therefore, this not only boosts the morale of the gays in the 11th Division, but also It greatly reduced their casualties.

Because it is a division that is responsible for fighting and is extremely dangerous, the welfare of Division 11 is also the best. In the past, when the mortality rate was high, it was sought after by many graduates, but now it is naturally even more so.

The second division's covert force and the twelfth division's technology development bureau are in special situations. Although they are recruiting people, they only need specific talents.

The second team needs Shinigami who have excellent mastery of "Shunpo", while the twelfth team needs students with smart minds and good written records at the Mao Spiritual Arts Academy.

Obviously, due to hidden clumsiness, Ye Cheng has no connection with these two divisions.

However, he has no regrets about this, because he decided from the beginning which team he wanted to join.

The Fourth Division and the Thirteenth Division are the first choices. If both fail, then go to the Seventh Division, the Eighth Division, or the Tenth Division.

If that doesn't work, then he can show some shunpo skills or advanced spirit theory and join the criminal army or the technology development bureau of the second division.

All in all, except for the above divisions, Ye Cheng has never even considered other divisions.

As a member of the time traveler army, he knew that although the third team, the fifth team, and the fourth team seemed to be retirement teams, they would soon become one of the experimental targets of a certain hairspray boss.

As for why the Fourth Division and the Thirteenth Division were chosen first, the reason is equally simple. Counting the many senior travelers who have traveled through the Death World, which one joined the Fourth Division, which can both watch football and show off?

Looking at the entire Soul Society, Rangiku is the only one who is big-minded enough to compete with Sister Hana.

However, the captain of the 10th Division, Isshin Shiba, will soon be a third-rate quack doctor in the real world. The overall strength of the 10th Division is too weak, so Youchi feels that it is safer to join the 4th Division.

(Please collect the new book, read it, and vote for it ( ̄ ̄)

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