"Miss Sonja, please help me. I need money very much now. If I just rely on E-level collection tasks, I may not even have enough money to stay in a hotel tonight."

The request was rejected by the other party, so Ye Cheng could only try to get the young lady's help by resorting to misfortune.

However, what Ye Cheng didn't expect was that the way the young lady helped him was not to help him seek personal gain with power, but to warmly invite Ye Cheng to stay at her home!

"Miss Sonja, this is not good. Although we just chatted very well, we only met today, so you invited me to stay at your home..."

Ye Cheng didn't expect that a girl from another world could be so bold. Although his face should be a lot better, the girl he met on the first day was so proactive that even Ye Cheng began to doubt whether he was Arrived in a different world that is not too serious!

As we all know, even if it is an anime series, there is a difference between the outside and the inside. If it is a superficial series, the general fantasy background world will be either passionate or funny.

But if it's a story... then the plot that happens next when Ye Cheng goes home with the other party is probably the so-called paid content.

To be fair, the proportion of handsome men and beautiful women in this world is so large, even if it is really a different world, it is not completely impossible.

As for the girl's kind invitation, Ye Cheng finally rejected it after struggling for a long time.

If it was before, Ye Cheng wouldn't mind communicating with him.

However, as an adventurer, he still doesn't know how long he will stay in this city. Yecheng will not refuse him a friendly gesture, but if he needs to be responsible, that is another matter.

"Seriously, what are you thinking about? I'm a staff member of the Adventurer's Guild, so I usually live here with the guild.

But I have a vacant house in this town, and I mean you can live there temporarily.

As for the rent, you don’t have to worry about it. You can just pay it back to me when you have more money in the future. "

"Well, that's what I meant before. Miss Sonya and I have only known each other for less than a day, and you just lent me your house like this. Is this really okay?"

As a gentleman, Ye Cheng naturally couldn't admit that he had just imagined something wrong, so he said this without blushing and without a beating heart, which made Sonya feel embarrassed because of his wild imagination just now.

"That's no problem, my house is big, and besides you, there is another tenant.

Although she is very beautiful, she is quite strong. You must not provoke her. "

After handing the magic key to his house to Ye City and informing him of the location, Sonya said again: "Actually, if you want to quickly increase your adventurer level and take on higher-level missions, there is another one. method.

That is to form a team with high-level adventurers. In this way, you can receive high mission rewards, your safety can be guaranteed, and you can also learn a lot of experience.

Generally speaking, senior adventurers are not willing to take care of novices, but my sister has been working in the guild for some time, and I still have some popularity. "

Sonja couldn't explain why she would provide so much help to an adventurer she just met, but apart from the other person's good looks, Sonja thought she also saw great potential in him.

As the guild's receptionist, she comes into contact with various adventurers the most every day, and Yecheng is the first new adventurer to give her this feeling.

"Then I'll trouble you, Miss Sonja. When I have enough money, I will pay back double the rent I owe you."

The other party not only provided him with a place to live, but also found a way for him to take on high-level tasks. Ye Cheng was certainly not an unscrupulous person.

Although he was not used to teaming up with others to act together, since this was the other party's good intention and there was no other way at the moment, Ye Cheng had no choice but to agree.

"Miss Sonja, we are here, what do you want us to do?

And if I can really help you this time, is it true that you are willing to have dinner with me? "

Without letting Ye City wait for long, a few high-level adventurers that Sonja called who could guide Ye City walked into the Adventurer's Guild. There were three people who came, and the leader was a handsome blond guy.

The other party seems to be Son Ya's crazy suitor. This time, Son Ya also got the other party's help by accompanying him to dinner as a reward.

"Rex, this is my brother who lives in the country. He just registered as an adventurer today because he wants to experience the life of a high-level adventurer, but I am a little worried, so I asked you to come here for help."

Hearing what Son Ya said, the handsome blond boy named Rex suddenly beat his chest. His pursuit of Son Ya was not a matter of a day or two. With this kind of opportunity to perform in front of the goddess, he naturally Can't miss it.

And since the other party is Miss Sonja's younger brother, as long as you show your strength in front of the other party and let the other party become your little fan, wouldn't the progress of conquering Miss Sonja be much faster?

What kind of knowledge can a mere young man from the countryside have? As long as he shows off his skills this time, the other party might even say a few more good words for him in front of Miss Sonya.

"Miss Sonja, don't worry. I will definitely take good care of your brother and let him see the strength of a high-level adventurer. By the way, where is your brother?"

Following Sonya's gaze, Rex also looked at the location of Ye City. At the same time, Ye City's eyes also fell on the Rex trio.

"Miss Sonja, he is what you said, your...brother from the country?"

When they saw Ye City, Rex and the other three were really dumbfounded, because they really didn't expect that this town was so big, that they would actually meet Ye City again, and that the other person was actually the younger brother of the person they admired?

That's right, it's not the first time that Ye City has met the so-called high-level adventurers called Rex by Sonja. To be precise, they have only been separated not long ago.

The trio in front of them, by coincidence, were the same trio of adventurers who had planned to sell Shima Yosuke as a rare orc in the forest.

After being beaten by Ye Cheng, he brought Ye City and Yosuke to this town, and finally Ye City let them leave.

"What's wrong? Do you know each other?" Seeing the surprised expressions of Ye Cheng, Rex and others, Sonya looked at Ye Cheng doubtfully and asked.

"We know each other, I got lost in the forest before, and they took me to this town.

Well, they also gave me a large bag of copper coins, indicating that it was all their property..."

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