Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 4 Chapter 38: Miwako Sato Line

After Takagi Shi introduced himself, Mr. Mumu pointed at the lesson and introduced him one by one. It didn’t take long to introduce all the people here.

After looking at the time, Mumu thirteen saw nothing, and said to the people present: "Now it's time for lunch break, I will not waste everyone's rest time. Let's dissolve and have lunch."

"Sergeant Takagi, you were just transferred here today, then I will take you around and have lunch by the way." The old man Chiba walked up to the front of Takagi, smiling Said to him.

"Ah? Officer Chiba, I was a little distracted just now. I'm really sorry that I didn't hear what you said." Takagi, who came back to God, voluntarily admitted that he was distracted and apologized to Officer Chiba.

"It's okay, when everyone is distracted, not to mention that you are distracted when you see the flowers in our Metropolitan Police Department, which is completely understandable." I saw Takagi She just now, staring at Sato Miwako, Chiba. Knowing what's going on, Takagi isn't the first one like this.

"I...I...I just..." Seeing the other party knowing why he was distracted, Takagi immediately panicked and wanted to explain what Chiba had said, but he hadn't said everything yet.

"You don't need to explain anything to me. You are not the first person fascinated by Officer Sato. There are many people in the Metropolitan Police Department who want to pursue Officer Sato. We will go out together now and you will understand." Seeing Noel and Sato Miwako After leaving, Chiba hurriedly pulled Takagi to follow him, and felt that it would be easier for Takagi to see it with his own eyes, which was much easier than explaining.

In this way, the two followed behind Noel and Sato Miwako, but they didn't follow that kind tightly, but kept a full distance.

Although Takagi She didn't want to follow it that way, she wanted to know what Chiba wanted to see, so she was so full of contradictions.

It didn't take Takagi to wait too long. After the two went to the traffic police department to merge with Miyamoto Yumi, the three left the police station as a sports car.

The sports car has just begun the Metropolitan Police Department. Shirato Renshiro led a group of police officers who have changed their casual clothes. They rushed to the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department at the fastest speed and successively boarded the vehicles used for tracking and surveillance.

Under the command of Shiratori Renshiro, the driver responsible for driving slammed on the accelerator, quickly left the parking lot of the Metropolitan Police Department, and quickly chased towards Noel's sports car.

"Sergeant Takagi, those who just got on three vans just now are all people who want to pursue Officer Sato. This group of people, led by Shiratori Police Department, formed an organization called Sato Miwako."

"And they have been very successful in scaring away. Many of the people who used to date police officer Sato, and the suitors outside the police station have also scared away a lot."

"But this time they met their opponent, that is, Officer Noll in our lesson. Every time they tried to destroy the date of the two, they were unsuccessful. Instead, the two became more and more glued together."

"Just in our office in that lesson, you also saw how close the two are now, there is no room for anyone to intervene."

"So, you are as hopeless as they are. Don't follow them to do those stupid things. It's better to change individual goals early."

"This is my personal reminder to you, of course, you can also treat me as if I didn't say it, and then join the team of the White Bird Police Department to follow them to do boring silly things."

Watching the van for surveillance leave, Chiba persuades Takagi around him, hoping that he can change the target sooner, without wasting time with Sato Miwako.

Because Takagi Shibu no matter how hard he tried, it was completely impossible in Chiba's opinion. Before adding, Sato Miwako took the initiative to kiss Noel, making Chiba more convinced that those people and Takagi Shibu had no hope.

Seeing that Sato Miwako has so many suitors, Takagi Shiwa was very surprised, but after hearing the words that Chiba said beside him, and recalling the scene where the two kissed just now, the feeling of loss and unwillingness was full Heart.

"Sergeant Chiba, don't you really have any hope?" Takagi, who was full of losses, turned to look at Chiba and asked.

"If the Sorrow case is not resolved, you and those people still have a little hope. After all, Officer Sato said that she would meet any request made by this person."

"But the case was thoroughly detected by Officer Noel more than a week ago, and the prisoner was captured by him personally, and he was injured because of this case."

"According to intelligence, Officer Noel did not make any request to Officer Sato, which made Officer Sato's good impression on him directly."

"The most important thing is that in the first two days, I overheard the conversation between the two. Officer Sato sent an invitation to Officer Noel to come home. This is exactly the rhythm of seeing the parents."

"All of the above shows that neither you nor those guys are hopeful, even if there is so little hope, Kuhaiwuya, hurry back to shore, Officer Takagi."

As soon as I finished speaking, seeing Takagi Shibu was even more lost, Chiba patted him on the shoulder, comforting him in this way, hoping he could look away a little, and don’t waste his time.

"Don't think about these things, I will take you to a very good restaurant nearby. Now is the time to turn grief and anger into strength." Seeing Takagi no longer talking, Chiba hugged him by the shoulder and smiled Take Takagi to Shibuya to the restaurant.


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