Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 3 Chapter 292: Tan Beng

"It doesn't matter whether it's temptation or not, it doesn't matter." Noel was too lazy to think about it so much, looking at the calm Klockdal, wondering if he was pretending to be calm or not afraid at all. Ask yourself with a smile: "Don't you understand now, am I here to kill you?"

"You have made it very clear just now, and of course I know you are here to kill us." Krokdal nodded and continued to pretend to be calm, laughing: "But we also have the possibility of cooperation, and you will not be there by then. Interest kills us."

Hearing this, Noel was stunned for a moment. It didn’t matter how he thought about it, and he didn’t understand Krokdal. There was nothing he could do with himself, but looking at his self-confidence, he seemed to be cooperating .

Even the girls behind Knoll were stunned by Klockdal's words, and he could not think of anything else that he could cooperate with his man.

Wei Wei, on the side, was quite puzzled, but a little bit worried. Especially when she saw the confident appearance of Klockdal, she was a little afraid of what Noel would cooperate with him. Finished.

At this time, Wei Wei did not know what to do, just wanted to say something to Noel, but was caught by the girls behind him, and shook her head at her, beckoning her not to say anything to Noel.

"Weiwei, no matter how good the cooperation conditions are, Noel will not necessarily agree, after all, she has already taken a fancy to you, and will not violate the things that promised you, so you have 10,000 hearts." Hug Wei Esdes said softly in her ear on Wei's shoulder, knowing that she would not give up Wei Wei.

Hearing, the words from his ears finally let Wei Wei let go of her heart, and her face flushed, and secretly glanced at Noel who was standing in front of her, and she lowered her head and wondered what she was thinking.

"Seriously, I can't think of anything. If you have any good cooperation with you, you can just say it." Unexpectedly, Noel was too lazy to continue thinking, and asked directly: "Don't waste my precious time, otherwise You died terribly!"

"I know, where is the stone that records the whereabouts of the ancient weapons, and you have the personnel to interpret the historical text, we happen to be able to cooperate without the need for swords, I think you came for Pluto." Klockdal thought carefully The reason why Noel came to Alabstan was only the stones that recorded the whereabouts of Pluto.

"It turns out that you want to cooperate with me to find the ancient weapon Pluto." After hearing the content of the cooperation, Noel finally understood it and smiled: "That may disappoint you. Pluto already knows where it is, and you don't need to talk to it. What are you working on."

"What?!" After hearing the words, Klockdal suddenly stood up and could no longer remain calm. He looked incredulously at Noel with a smile on his eyebrows and asked: "In rumor, you found an ancient weapon. , In an attempt to use it to destroy the world, are you looking for Pluto?"

"Since you want to know, I will tell you with compassion." Seeing Krokdal is no longer calm, and knowing that he was just pretending, Noel said with a smile: "Three ancient weapons, I have already I found two thirds, Pluto and Neptune."

Hearing Noel’s words, Krokdal’s eyes widened, and seeing Noel said so confidently, he had already believed his words in 80%.

At the same time, Klockdal also began to worry, and carefully began to guard against Noel, after all, there is no possibility of cooperation, and now Noel may at any time start his own hands.

The senior spies present at the scene, after listening to the dialogue between the two sides, were completely stunned.

Looking at Noel on the ladder incredulously, the terrorists who couldn't believe the one-billion-dollar reward, actually stood in front of themselves and others, and can't believe this is true until now.

Even Krokdal, who is the Seven Wuhai, did not dare to act rashly at this time, so that the senior agents on the scene confirmed the authenticity of Noel's identity.

"It seems that we are now talking about collapse, then there is nothing to say." After careful thinking, Klockdal became serious, turned his head to the senior agents, and ordered: "Go! Kill them all!"

"This..." The high-ranking secret agents who heard the order from Klockdal didn't immediately attack, but stood a little hesitantly and didn't dare to take a step forward go with.

"Although he is a terrorist with a reward of one billion, it is most likely that he was rewarded by the world government for a billion bailey because he mastered ancient weapons."

"This does not mean how strong his personal force is, but it illustrates the danger of ancient weapons, so he is just an ordinary person with a high reward."

"As long as he is killed, he can take his head and go to the navy to receive half of the reward, which is a full 500 million Bailey. This is a good opportunity."

Knowing the ideas of the senior agents, Klockdal also knew that Noel’s force was strong. At that time, one man was alone in the three of the navy’s highest combat power, and then the men who retreated without any damage to the body, but this will not be honestly said.

Krokdal needed a high-level agent to take advantage of the powerful presence of Noel and escaped from this place, so he could only open his eyes and talk nonsense to deceive the high-level agents to attack Noel and use Noel's high reward as a bait.


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