Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 136: Let's go straight to the topic


Once Xiao Nan was confirmed again, Knowle knew what to do.

Next, before the others did not wake up, the two had a good discussion.

When everything was discussed, the two men got up to dress and wash.

Then, walked out of the room one after the other.

When I came to the door next door, I reached out and knocked.

"Boom boom!"

"Who! Knock what to knock early in the morning!"

A dissatisfied word came out of the house.

It was relatively early, and Noel could understand the discomfort of being disturbed by sleep, so he didn't care much.

"Open the door quickly, I have something to discuss with you."

Noel's words came into play, and soon he heard a footstep.

There was no waiting, and the closed door was opened.

What catches your eyes is...

"Good morning, Xiyan beauty."

"Who is she?"

Facing Noel's greetings, Xi Yan, who came to open the door, ignored it, staring at Xiao Nan behind him, and had no intention of letting anyone in.

"One of the Xiao organizations."

With a slight smile, Noel revealed Xiaonan's identity directly, without concealing it.

Hearing the words, Xi Yan held the carrying ninja sword and immediately entered a state of battle, not daring to carelessly.

"Don't be nervous, there is no one but her here, and she is here to trust me."

Before Xi Yan had the next move, Noel explained to her immediately.

However, the explanation seems useless.

Xi Yan didn't relax because of Noel's explanation, still silently staring at Xiao Nan.

This shows that Payne's six attacks on Konoha made a very deep impression on her, and even Noel's explanation could not make her relax her vigilance.

Suddenly understood that now it is difficult for her to believe.


"Tsunade, I brought a member of the Xiao organization to come over, and the beauty of Xi Yan would not let us in."

Hearing Noel’s words outside the house, Tsuna, who was wearing inside, was stunned.

Just froze for a moment, and soon recovered.

As far as Noel's strength is concerned, it is simply impossible to capture him without making a big move.

Nor could not be the person of Xiao organization, otherwise he would not save Muye in vain.

The only possibility is that Xiao organization took the initiative to find Noel.

Now Noel brought people over, which shows that Xiao Xiao has something to talk to himself.

At the same time, I firmly believe that Noel will never harm myself, so there is nothing to worry about.

Think clearly, and then continue to dress the clothes neatly, this is the beginning. "Xiyan, let them come in."

The Xi Yan blocked in front of the door, only to hear the words of Tsunade, let the two enter the house.

Letting go is letting in, but not relaxing because of it.

Her eyes seemed to stick to Xiao Nan's body, and she didn't move away for a moment.

When she was about to reach the front, she suddenly speeded up the pace of more than two people, and quickly went to the side of Tsunade, and then fixed her eyes on Xiaonan again.

When the two arrived in front of them, Tsuna immediately recognized Xiao Nan.

"You were one of the three imps in Yuyin Village!!"

"Long time no see, Master Tsunade."

Xiao Nan didn't deny it and said lightly.

After Xiao Nan finished speaking, she and Tsuneo no longer said one more word, and looked at each other so quietly.

Seeing that the two women had been silent for a long time, Noel had to speak out to break the silence.

"Since you all know, then I won't introduce more, let's go straight to the topic."

After a pause, he continued.

"Xiao Nan came to seek refuge with me, and she is willing to tell all the information about Xiao organization."

"Do you believe her?"

Tsunade frowned slightly, and asked Noor.

"She took the initiative to ask me to cast the mantra. Now I control her life and death."

The sound of Noel's words just fell, and Xiao Nan beside him moved accordingly.

Seeing Xiao Nan take action, Xi Yan immediately stepped forward to protect Tsunade behind her, and the sheathed ninja was tightly held in her hand, ready to resist the other's attack at any time.

If it weren't for protecting her hands, she might have rushed up and desperately.

Xiao Nan ignored the hostile evening, she stood on the spot to continue to do things.

With your right hand reaching the collar, immediately pull your finger down on the collar and pull it down slightly to reveal the imprint of the right collarbone.

And at this time, Noel spoke again.

"This is the mark of my spell."

There are many types of mantras, and the appearance of the marks varies.

I can't see which kind of curse mark, but Tsunato still chose to believe in Noel, not even asking.

Reaching on Xi Yan's shoulder, she signaled that she didn't need to be alert.

"Since she is yours, then tell me about the intelligence of the members of Xiao organization, and what is the purpose of collecting tail beasts."

"The two leaders of Akatsuki are Yahiko and Uzumaki Nagato. They were originally established to bring peace to their country. Later, under the conspiracy of Uchiha, Yahiko died and Nagato fell. A few days ago, Nagato was also The killing of Ning Zhibo's spot took the eyes of reincarnation..."

Not even a little bit concealed, Xiaonan told everything about Xiao organization.

Except for Noel, Tsuneo and Yu Yan both squeezed their brows tightly, not knowing what they were thinking.

"How are you sure, that person is Ning Zhibo?"

"I'm not sure, but..."

Hearing Tsunade's question, Xiao Nan continued after a pause.

"Except for Ning Zhibo's spot during that period, it seemed that Muye had never been out of Ning Zhibo's betrayal, let alone had a kaleidoscope writing chakra."



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