Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 126: Letter from Wuyin Village

The next day, during the lunch break, the people of Muye stopped their busy reconstruction work.

Rest rest, meal meal.

"In the morning, did you hear what the fifth-generation Naruto announced?"

"I heard it. It's hard to hear such a loud broadcast."

"I heard that too, but I didn't expect this relationship between the two adults, which is quite surprising."

"In that attack, Lord Noor gave up his life to save the people in the village. Perhaps this matter made Lord Naruto make up his mind and did not want to continue to hide each other's relationship, and did not want to have any accidents on one day, which eventually led to each other staying in the future. Sorry."

"Yeah, who can guarantee future things."

"Who said no."

"In any case, I support the two adults together."

"Hmm, I also support it."

After the beginning of the rest of the people, many of them joined.

What everyone was discussing was the fact that Tsunade announced that he would marry Noel in the morning, and even the marriage date was announced.

The marriage of the two is scheduled to take place on the day when Konoha is completely rebuilt.

This happy event has now become the talk of everyone in Konoha's spare time. No matter where you go, you can hear someone discussing this happy event.

Incredibly, no one in Muye Village objected to the matter, and everyone unanimously supported it.

It is not difficult to understand if you think about it carefully.

One is Konoha's hero, and the other is Konoha's princess.

It can be said that it is the right thing to do, plus the two are still your choice, as if there is nothing to oppose, even if it is like a thorn.

Even Muye's elder group, this time it was rare that he did not fight against Tsunade, but rather supported her decision.

When the matter was first obtained, the two elders went to Tsuna.

Shortly after this was announced, the two elders took the initiative to come to the door, and how could Tsunade know why.

I understand that this scene will appear early, so I thought about the countermeasures before the announcement and the reasons for dealing with the elders can completely make them fail.

But what Tsunade did not expect was that the two elders came up with a sentence "You did a good job, and we support your decision."

These words suddenly made Tsuna hand dumbfounded, and the countermeasures and all kinds of reasons for her to think hard had nowhere to use.

To put it simply, it's a fuss.

The thing that made Tsunade feel speechless was what the two elders said next.

What did you say?

For example, to praise how wise she did this, so that Noel could be firmly tied to Muye’s chariot, and finally told her not to mess up this matter.

wait wait wait

How could Tsunade think about these messy things, but she wasn't stupid enough to speak out to the two.

The elders did not object, but on the contrary, they tried hard to promote it.

In this regard, Tsunade of course was full of promises, which only sent the two away.

In the new Huo Ying office building...

At this moment, I just decided to take a short break, and finally put down my pen.

"What happened this morning really feels a little unrealistic."

"Admiral Tsunade, this morning you are sure to announce to the whole village that you are going to marry Lord Noor. The wedding date is still set to the day when the reconstruction of Muye is completed. Everything is true."

Hearing the words, Mute looked at Tsuna, who was resting on the chair, and said with certainty.

Blushing shyly, Tsunade gave a blank look at the silence.

"I'm talking about the elders. Usually they came to sing back against me, but today the sun came out of the west and even unanimously supported my decision. This made me feel very surprised and a little uncomfortable."

Yes, the actions of the elder group are too abnormal, and so far Tsunade still feels unbelievable, and even suspects any conspiracy.

Suddenly knowing that he had misunderstood, Mute smiled awkwardly.

"Admiral Tsunade, although the elders always sing back against you, but their final starting point is also for the village, and this matter is clearly beneficial to the village, how can they not support you."

Tsunade thought for a while, and felt that the mute said was justified. This thing was indeed beneficial without harm.

Even if there is really a conspiracy, as long as there are a few signs of emergence, it is good to pinch the signs off immediately, and then there is a reason to clean them up.

As long as she dared to move Noor's hair, she dared to abolish all the elders immediately.

When thinking of this, the office door was knocked.

"Boom boom!"

"Come in."

When he came back to God, Tsunade straightened up first, and then he was called in.

With permission, the office door was opened.

"Report, letters from Wuyin Village."

The newcomer didn't talk too much nonsense, and reported directly to Tsunade when he entered.

Hearing the letter from Wuyin Village, Gangshou quickly signaled to the other party to take it, and wanted to know the content of the letter immediately.

When the letter was delivered, the ninja who came to report voluntarily retreated.

The door was closed again, and when Mute turned around, he saw Tsuneo opened the letter to view the content, but he was curious but did not bother.

Before long, Tsuneo frowned slightly, and placed the letter on the table, wondering what to think about.

"Master Gangshou, does Shuiying disagree with the joint plan?"

Jian Gang frowned, silently guessing.

The next second, she saw that Tsunade shook her head, and she knew she was wrong.

But this made her wonder. Since Shuiying all agreed to the joint plan, why would Tsuneo still frown.

Before waiting for the mute to ask questions, Tsunato spoke first.

"Agree is yes, but she made a request."



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