Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 121: Accepted


After a little thought, Hinata found out that it was really the same thing.

Even she almost forgot that Noel is indeed not a Ninja who is logged in by Konoha, at most it is a resident.

Of course, Huo Ying is going to summon a wooden leaf resident, it's no problem.

However, this set is not suitable for Noel.

This is also impossible. The strong always always have some privileges, and the treatment cannot be the same as ordinary people.

After Hinata thought about these things clearly, he understood why Tsunate had to visit him in person.

At the same time, I realized that Tsunato's personal visit this time might not be a trivial matter.

Soon, the three came to the living room.

"Admiral Tsunade, sit down for a while, I'll call him over."

Entertain the two to sit down before Hinata goes to Noel.

Watching Hinata leave, Tsunato and Mute sat quietly in the living room, waiting for her to bring Noel.

While the two were waiting, it was not long before Hinata came to the bedroom door.

Pushing the door to enter, Ben thought that Noel should have gotten up.

I can't bear to wake him up, but I can't keep the guests waiting.

What's more, the guests who came this time were still Naruto, which is not to let people wait too long.

Unbearable, I can only wake him up now.

"Husband, Gang..."

Hinata has not yet finished speaking.

Suddenly, Noor, who was lying, opened his eyes and pulled Hina into his arms.

This really scared Hina, except that when she exclaimed, Noel shut up her mouth and quickly softened in his arms.

It didn't take long for the two to separate.

"Nasty, you scared me."

The little hand thumped Noel gently, and Hinata said in a coquettish tone.

Seeing Hinata's lifeless, Noel wanted to join her and kiss her again.

But, Hina reached out and covered Noel's mouth, not letting him succeed.

"Don't make a fuss, our family is here and we are waiting for you in the living room."


"It's Lord Tsunade, and I'm talking to you to discuss something."

"What to discuss?"

When Tsunade arrives, Noel still knows this, but asks for knowing it.

What is the purpose of her coming, then I really don't know.

"Neither do I...."

Shaking his head slightly, when Hinata wanted to say that she didn't know, she suddenly thought of something, and then changed her tongue.

"Possibly, Lord Tsunade is here to implement the promise."

"If it really comes to fulfillment..."

"Come on, as long as I can stay with you, don't drive me away."

"Relax, I will never chase you away, and I won't let you leave me."

Holding Hinata's face with both hands, Noel said softly, and finally kissed her on the forehead.

Hearing the words, Hinata showed a sweet smile.

"Hurry up, don't let Master Tsunade wait for a long time."

Get out of your arms and don't give Noel a chance to continue the chaos, otherwise it will never end.

Hurry up to the door of the bedroom and remind again before leaving.

"I'm going to entertain them first, and come to the living room as soon as you finish washing, don't lie down again."

"Well, I know."

Hinata saw that Noel agreed, and then let go of his mind to leave the bedroom.

When Hinata walked out of the bedroom, Noel immediately got up and ran to wash, without continuing to rely on him.

Washing and changing clothes, this would not take much time.

So, while Hinata was making tea and entertainment and silent, Noel had walked slowly into the living room.

"It's really strange. You have been hiding from me for the first two days, but you came to the door today."

When he came to sit next to Hinata and looked at Tsuna, who was sitting directly opposite him, Noel spoke directly.

Then the card was not played according to the routine, which really made Tsunato a little caught off guard.

‘This bad guy’s courage is too fat, he said so in front of Hinata. ’

Thinking of these, he secretly glanced at Hinata.

It was found that Hinata was still giving tea to everyone with a smile, as if he didn't hear it.

With a sigh of relief, it's just that Tsunade is in the next second.

'its not right! What am I nervous about here! He should be nervous! ’

When I remembered the business, I quickly left these messes behind.

"Cough, today is for..."


Noun waited to finish his speech, Noel interrupted, and then continued.

"I helped you last time, but you did not implement the promise, and I desperately repulsed the enemy, but the promise you made again, there is still no plan to implement."

Tsunae frowned slightly, but he couldn't hear what it meant.

It is nothing more than telling yourself to stop asking for help until you have implemented the promised things.

Even if it is raised, it will be regarded as not heard.

"Are you sure you want to discuss this matter here?"

"Everything is neglected before the promise is made."

No retreat at all, Noel's attitude was firm.

If you don’t want to go to the Three Treasure Halls, he sees that Tsunade must have come for help again.

Otherwise, she thought that the previous commitments did not need to be carried out, and she did not need to pay anything at all.

If you do this for a long time, that is really not a good thing.

Gang Shou stared at Noel, and soon determined that he was not kidding.

I thought it would be the same as before, as long as I promised Noel something, then he would agree to his request.

But now the situation is completely different from the result she originally expected.



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