Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 111: God! Luo! day! Levy!


Seeing that a powerful repulsive force is coming, Noel enters the reincarnated Chakra mode, instantly covering the whole black Chakra, and the nine Qidaoyu also appear, floating quietly behind him.

If you remember correctly, when you enter this state, you should be shrouded in green Chakra.

But now he is actually enveloped in black Chakra.

However, if you think about it for a while, you won't be entangled in this matter.

In his view, 80% is due to his own dark power, and the Chakra converted from it becomes so, and it is not surprising.

What's more, there is no more time for surprise now, and it is time to start a counterattack.

Raising the repulsion force pressed down by the right hand, followed by four Qiudao jades rotating rapidly around the right wrist.

"The silver wheel is reborn!"

When Noel's words sounded, the four fast-moving Qiu Dao suddenly turned into a strong storm and swept toward the sky.

In a blink of an eye, the depressed repulsion met a strong storm, and the two collided fiercely.

The repulsion was resisted by the storm, but the storm failed to push the repulsion back, and no one could help anyone.

The two are like this, stalemate in mid-air.

However, even if the repulsion force did not really reach Muye Village, the shock wave formed by the repulsion force almost collapsed the buildings in Muye Village, which also caused very serious damage.

"How is it going?"

"With the protection of my avatar, there were no casualties. If the attack falls, I can't guarantee anything."

Hearing Noel’s question, the slug that had just been answered, but then reacted, and then continued.

"You're making trouble! How dare you get distracted at this time! You don't think you live long enough!"

"No one can help anyone now, and can only wait to see who can't hold it first, and there is no danger beyond that. It's okay to talk."

Speaking relaxed, but Noel's face did not see the relaxed look, but rather tired.

Of course, this is just superficial.

The truth is, a few things are not there, and they have not tried their best.

The reincarnation of the silver wheel is a power that gradually increases with the increase in the number of Qi Daoyu.

Today, only four jade beggars are used.

But this matter is also known to Noel himself, but others are not clear at all, so there is no need to worry about being seen through.

The reason for this is that you don’t want to be too powerful, which may cause adverse effects.

If you show strong strength, you will solve the heavenly path in almost one click.

Rescued easily, the people of Muye will not remember it, and will forget it in a few days.

After this incident, it will only make most people fear and fear, and bad ideas will also appear frequently, which is not the result that Noll wants. "Be attentive, even if you successfully block this attack, then you will continue to fight, don’t waste unnecessary energy."

Looking at the tired Noel, the slug reminded.

It knows very well that in order to protect all the people in Konoha, Noor has consumed a very alarming amount, not to mention to maintain the consumption of the spell.

Although it said that it could still receive Chakra's constant supply from Noel, it knew it was only temporary.

In its view, Noel's Chakra may soon bottom out, and then it can only be filled with vitality.

I don't want Noel to have an accident because it will hurt Tsunato again, so I can only reduce his consumption as much as possible, and don't do anything that doesn't make sense at all, so that there is a slim possibility of survival.

At this time, a long door hidden somewhere in the periphery of Konoha.

Through the eyes of Heavenly Dao, we can clearly see the scene of even competition.

"It seems that I wasn't lied to me, that the top-secret data recorded in Konoha is true, but it's a pity..."

Halfway through the words, suddenly Nagato's eyes were fierce, and then he continued.

"You can't use it for me, then I have to deal with you."

The moment the words fell, the sky on the other side above Konoha's sky was also ruthless at the same time.

"God! Luo! Tian! Zheng!"

Heaven's path was ruthless, and the balance between repulsion and storm was broken.

With the increased repulsion, the storm has begun to gradually press down, gradually approaching the Muye Village below.

Ben also wanted to maintain a state of stalemate, and then use a little force to crack the attack of Heavenly Dao.

Unexpectedly, it would be like this. Norr was quite surprised by this, and couldn't help thinking.

‘This is the rhythm of death. What was the excitement of that product? ’

It is already dangerous to use the super **** Luo Tianzheng in the state where Nagato is, but now that he has enhanced so much, it is certain that he is playing his life.

Without Jiuwei, there is nothing to hate.

I really don't understand why Nagato has achieved this degree, which is quite puzzling.

However, since Nagato wanted to play, Noel would accompany him to the end.

"Slug! Let everyone find a place to fix themselves immediately! I'm going to be cruel!"

During the speech, Noel had stopped the reincarnation attack of the silver wheel and let the repulsive force be depressed.

Unclear what Noel was going to do, but the slug did what he said.

Through the avatars in each area, the conversation was completed in an instant, and everyone received the message.

There was nothing wrong with the first reminder. For the news conveyed this time, everyone in Konoha didn't have any doubt at all, and immediately followed what Noel said and quickly found a place to fix themselves.

The immobilized wounded gathering place, Konoha can use the sheltered ninja to create a shelter, and then quickly reinforce it.



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