Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 98: The situation of the Temple of Fire


"if that is the case....."

Hearing the message sent back again, Tsunato's anger could no longer be suppressed, and he said angrily after a pause.

"Why haven't you found it yet!"

This scared Mute and the other two.

The atmosphere didn't dare to take a breath, the three lives were afraid to attract Tsunato's attention, and then burned his head with anger.

"The Kakashi squad heading to the Temple of Fire, have they ever sent a message back there?"

After taking a few deep breaths, Tsunade slightly controlled his emotions and turned to look at the mute surrounding him, but his tone was not much better.

But for mute, the tone is now much better than that of the annoyed and violent Tsunade.

"That...there is still no report..."

After listening, Tsunade clenched his teeth and forbeared not to get angry.

Time goes by one minute and one second...

In the afternoon, Tsunade listened to the reports from the landing one after another, but there was no good news in the report, and they were all those who did not find Xiao organization.

However, there was still no report from the team led by Kakashi.

Under such circumstances, the unfavorable hunch that Tsunade raised in his heart became stronger and stronger, and he always felt that something bad was about to happen.

Because of this, she became very irritable and very irritable.

In the evening, the sunset glowed the sky.

At this moment, Tsunade, who was supposed to come home early from get off work, is still in the office to this day, and he has no intention of going back at all.

He walked into the office with hot tea. When he came in silently, he saw tired Tien-shou closed his eyes and leaned on the seat.

Mute came to Tsunade's side and put the hot tea on the table.

But at this time, the door was suddenly opened from the outside, and hurriedly ran into a person.

"Report! There is information from the independent team!"

The movement of opening the door, and the words that came into his ears, suddenly caused Tsunade to wake up.

The independent team, which is led by Kakashi.

Hearing the news from Kakashi finally, Tsunade immediately motioned to the person who came to report to continue.

"At noon, the independent squad arrived at the Temple of Fire, but it happened to catch up with the attack of the grave robbers, so the news was not returned in time..."

"No, it won't take so long to fight the enemy."

The reporter hasn't finished talking yet, and the mute found something wrong.

Just less than a second after speaking, Tsuneo glared fiercely.

This suddenly let Mute know that I was just too anxious and people haven't finished reporting yet.

"Sorry, you continue, continue."

"The two sides engaged in battle, and a trainee ninja monk called the Temple of Fire was empty because of Nine-tailed Chakra, and Nine-tailed Chakra resonated with Renzhu Naruto. ...."

In the absence of interruption, the report staff detailed the content of the information returned.

The story of the Temple of Fire has deviated from the original track.

Originally it was Naruto who awakened the runaway air, but now it is him who runs along with him, and then the two of them are dying against each other.

What's more, Kakashi, Yamato and others have to deal with the grave robbers without a shot, how can there be two people who have no time to stop the runaway.

After Kakashi and others solved the grave robbers, it took a lot of time to cooperate with Yamato to control the naruto.

Why does Naruto only control the runaway?

That's because when Kakashi, Yamato and others arrived to solve the grave robbers, the runaway space had been killed by the runaway Naruto.

Yes, it's so deadly, I can't live without being saved.

The naruto who ran away in a uniform made the Ninja Monks and Kakashi of the Temple of Fire enough to choke, and some people almost died.

If the runaway space has not been killed, it is not as simple as trying to stop him and Naruto from hurting a few people, and half of them will be lucky.

It took a lot of time to solve the tomb robbers, plus Naruto to suppress the riot, so it was so late to send the message back.

This is probably what happened.

After learning everything, Tsunade slammed the desk with a slam, almost breaking it.

This hammer shocked the other two people in the office.

"Why are there pillars in the Temple of Fire! Why do we not know at all!!"

Angrily, Tsunade said this with a roar.

Although the emptiness of the Temple of Fire is the residual column force caused by the remnant of Nine Tail Chakra, this is also the column force.

But in the leaf of Muye, there is no record of this matter.

Secretly tricking out the personal column force and hiding it in the Temple of Fire for such a long time, if nothing happened, Muye may never know.

And when Tsunato became more and more angry, the person who reported remembered something forgot and took out a seal scroll.

"Five generations of Naruto, this is the seal scroll mentioned in the report of the independent squad. It is said that the Abbot of the Temple of Fire let them pass it back to you."

"Is the land of one of the "Twelve Ninjas" once a land of fire..."

With a small whisper, Tsunade remembered the identity of the Abbot of the Temple of Fire as soon as possible, and then continued.

"Bring it over."


There was a response, and the report staff hurried forward and presented the seal scroll.

As a result, the scroll was sealed, spread out on the desk, and then the seal was lifted.

A burst of white mist emerged, and words appeared on the scroll.



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