Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 81: Go to the base of Da She Wan


Doing rebellion and forbearance can be at ease outside, and returning to Muye is completely equivalent to death.

No matter who is good, Sasuke cannot be guaranteed safely.

Even if you can really save Sasuke, it can only be a waste person without any threat, but it is no different from killing him, it is better to give him a happy heart.

A person who is so proud of Sasuke, will he be willing to become a waste in order to survive?

Obviously, that is simply impossible.

Give up and get back Sasuke?

Sakura is not willing to give up.

Not give up?

Sakura didn't want Sasuke to return to Konoha to die.

Contradiction, quite contradiction.

I tried my best to think of a feasible solution, but I couldn't think of the best solution of the best of both worlds, now Sakura can only smile bitterly except for bitter smiles.

Sakura was still reluctant to give up, and she couldn't think of a solution, so she could only ask others for help, so she turned to Noel.

"Mr. Noel, isn't there a way to achieve the best of both worlds?"

"Of course, as long as you have the ability to kill all the opponents, it will be fine."

"Please don't make jokes like this."

"It's no joke, you want Sasuke not to be killed or to be scrapped, but there is no other way."

Noel looked at Sakura seriously and said in a very positive tone.

With such a certain tone, Sakura knew that Noel was really kidding, and suddenly fell silent.

Bringing Sasuke back to Muye Village, in order to live in peace in the village in the future, I can only use Noel's method.

After thinking carefully, there is really no other way.

But even if she really has the ability to do so, Sakura believes that she can't do such a thing, and also doesn't allow herself to do such a thing.

Muye Village has her family and friends. If they are among those who oppose it, would you kill them all?

No matter how much I like Sasuke, I can't do that.

"Sakura, why is your face so bad, okay?"

Naruto, who had just returned from Yamato, happened to see Sakura who was battered with a pale face. He ran up and cared.

"Ah? I'm fine."

Naruto's words suddenly pulled Sakura back to his mind and waved his hand out his smile.

Sakura is smiling, but how could Naruto not see it.

Thinking that Sakura was injured by his own injury, but he didn't want to worry about it, he tried to be okay, which made him feel deeply guilty and blame.

That self-blame, Naruto's misunderstanding at a glance.

It's just that when Sakura opened her mouth slightly to explain, she gave up the idea of ​​explaining again the next second. The reason why he gave up the explanation is because he didn’t want Naruto to know the cruel reality, but also feared that he would not accept such a blow.

What's more, Naruto must know what Noel said just now, and he will definitely find him a good theory.

It's just rhetorical that the theory is okay, but Knorr's words are like a knife, and 100% will anger Naruto.

The end result is that they will definitely fight, and this is not what Sakura wants to see.

As a bystander, Yamato looked at everything in his eyes.

Although it was not clear what Noel had said to Sakura, it was definitely not what Naruto thought anyway.

Since Sakura didn't intend to explain it, he wouldn't be foolish to talk about it, as if nothing had happened.

"Sakura, if you are really okay, then let's go."

"set off?"

Speaking of words, Sakura still had some reactions but couldn't understand where Yamato said.

"Now don't worry about Naruto's problem, of course, go to the hidden base of Da She Wan together."

Yamato explained.

I understand, but Sakura is not as excited and anxious as she used to, but instead, she is worried and tangled.

As for Naruto, he instantly swept away his low emotions and was immediately full of energy.

"Well, Sasuke is probably in that place, and I must take him back this time!"

"I agree with you to follow, but this time I can't act without permission, understand?"

"Captain Yamato, I promise no chaos will come."

During the whole process, Yamato and Naruto were talking, and Sakura was absent during the whole process. At most, he nodded to express his understanding.

After that, of course, it was a departure.

Noel, who had promised to go together earlier, also left after leaving with them.

According to the information returned by Mu Dun's doppelganger, Yamato led the three people to quickly shuttle through the woods, rushing in the direction of Da She Wan's hidden stronghold.

On the way, Yamato, who was leading the way, glanced backwards, and then slowed down slightly to come to Noel.

"Mr. Noel, what did you just say to Sakura?"

"Just let her face reality."

Ben also wondered why Yamato was slowing down, and after hearing his quiet inquiry, Noel replied headlessly.

This may seem like a headless, but combined with Sakura's previous abnormal performance, Yamato had a rough guess.

Before taking away from Naruto, Sakura was very disappointed and frustrated when she learned that she could not follow Da She Wan's stronghold.

After dealing with Naruto's question, I came back to learn that I could follow Da She Wan together, and Sakura should be very excited and anxious, but these Yamato did not see it at all.

What I saw was that my abnormal frowns didn't spread and tangle.

It can be seen from this that Noel must have told Sakura about this matter, otherwise there would not be such a big contrast.

Yamato became more and more curious about the content of the conversation between the two.



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