Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 52: I have no materials for now


No way, Daphne's ability with a pair of magic eyes can make the subject endlessly hungry, even hungry enough to eat his hands and feet without knowing it.

The most important thing is that as long as she takes a glance, she will be recruited.

Although her magic eye had no effect on Noel, it was the same for those who had contracted with him.

But in the ghost country, there are more people who have not contracted with Noel, but this is where he wants to make a harem, so Daphne cannot be messed up.

"Well, I promise not to remove the blindfold."

Jumping back in front of Noel, Daphne made a serious guarantee.

And at this time, she remembered that Noel had named herself to leave her business, as if to ask herself to do something, so she spoke again.

"Master Demon, you named me and left me alone. Is there anything I want to do?"

"Yes, yes! I almost forgot to forget it if you didn't say it."

When Daphne asked, Noel finally remembered the business.

"This is the case. I want you to create three major Warcraft, that is, beluga whale, rabbit, black snake.

"Is there a shortage of food in this world?"

"No shortage, my dear just want to make this world more interesting."

Without Knorr, Esther answered the questions raised by Daphne.

Daphne still didn't understand it, but it didn't matter to her at all, as long as she could help Noel.

What's more, there has been one experience in creating the three major Warcrafts, which is easy to complete.

"It's no problem to create three major Warcraft, as long as there are materials."

"Still need materials!?"

"Of course, the beluga, the big rabbit, and the black snake are all made of ordinary Warcraft, and then combined with my ability to transform."

"Any other requirements?"

Slightly frowned, Noel always thought that Daphne could be made without any need, and I really didn't expect that the main materials needed for the three major Warcraft.

"It's best to be a species of Warcraft with beluga whales, big rabbits, and black snakes. After all, it has already had a transformation experience."

After thinking about it, Daphne felt that she was not sure about transforming other Warcraft.

Noel immediately thought of a psychic beast that can be used as the main material for the transformation of the black snake, that is, the large snake.

Using Wan Snake as the main material, after being transformed into a black snake, it is definitely stronger than the black snake in another world.

But the question came, he didn't know where the group of Da She Wan was, and he didn't know who had the Snake Necromancer besides Da She Wan. The only thing I remember vaguely is that after the rescue of Ai Luo.

The seventh class, disguised as a scorpion, went to Tiandiqiao for an appointment, when Da She Wan appeared.

But when is this uncertain?

"Well, I have no material for the time being, you are free."

"Master Demon, do you mean I can go outside and play?"

"Well, but you have to take this thing with you, and when I find the materials for the three major Warcrafts, I will inform you to come back from the outside."

After finishing talking, seeing that Daphne was still in the hundred-footed coffin, Noel had to put the necklace on her personally, and by the way loosened the restraints on her.

Freed from the Hundred Foot Coffin, Daphne reached out and touched the necklace.

"Master Demon, how to use this necklace?"

As long as you wear it, no matter how far you are from me, I will be able to contact you.

"Master Devil, I will always wear it, you can rest assured."

In his mind, Daphne heard Noel's words and responded quickly.

Rubbing Daphne's little head, Noel put a teleport crystal on her palm.

"Bring the teleport crystal and play in this world."

"Uh um, then I'm gone, Lord Demon."

"Go, go, after you leave this country, you can take off your blindfold."

Daphne said nothing more, and waved away.

Watching her back walk out of the hall, Noel turned to prepare to return to the throne, but just kicked something before taking two steps, and almost tripped to the ground.

When I looked down, I realized that there was a girl with her head squatting and defending.

"Camilla, why didn't you go shopping like them?"

"I...I'm sorry...sorry..."

With his eyes down, the trembling Camila, apologizing constantly, did not say why he was still there.

If she didn’t know her character, Noel might really wonder if she was scary, so she would be so afraid of herself.

"You should know that the power of your Sinister Witch has no effect on me, right."

Hearing this, Camilla nodded in coordination.

"Then trust me, I really think you are cute. This is not your power, so be confident."

Crouching down, Noel reached out to hold Camilla's face and smiled to her.

Looking at the smiling face in the distance, and the incomparable sincerity in the eyes, I did not know what Camilla thought, and my face instantly turned red.

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