Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 49: report


Put Lumaru on the sofa, and the guards retreated, not staying here.

When the door was closed and Lumaru was about to tell what happened in the kingdom of ghosts, Tsunato spoke first.

"Wait for me to stabilize your injury, and then tell me what happened."

"Things are..."

Lumaru, who was anxious to report, originally wanted to tell Tsunade that the matter was very serious, but she glared fiercely and immediately shut her mouth obediently.

Coming to Lu Maru's side, Tsunabu didn't talk any more nonsense, and went straight to the treatment.

The use of palm fairy technique first treats internal injuries, and then treats external injuries.

The Chakra released by the medical technique Palm Immortal can achieve an amazing recovery speed regardless of internal or external injuries, so the treatment process can be said to be quite fast.

It didn't take long for Tsunato to stabilize Lumaru's injury and then took his hand back.

"Okay, the injury has stabilized you, but fatigue can't help it."

"Master Naruto, can I report now?"

Knowing that the treatment was over, Lu Pill did not forget the business, and quickly asked Tsunato.

Seeing that Tsunade nodded, he sorted out his thoughts a little before he reported.

"Master Naruto, the mission of the kingdom of ghosts has failed."

It was clear that this was just the beginning, and Tsunade waited quietly for the following, without rushing to ask.

After a pause, Lumaru continued.

"The enemy is a 100-member team dominated by women, plus a man and a woman who lead the 100-person team, and they are in control of the secret technique of resurrection. This has been confirmed."


After hearing this, the mute couldn't calm down and exclaimed.

Although Tsunade didn't say anything, she could be seen from the look, and she was shocked by this.

"At that time, the enemy that Asma personally killed in front of us, then appeared again in front of us alive."

Without being interrupted again, Lu Maru explained what happened in the Kingdom of Ghosts carefully.

Among them, some of his findings are also wrapped.

After listening to Lumaru’s report, Tsuna had already known what was happening. His index finger tapped on the desk rhythmically, and he was seriously thinking.

It has been more than three days since I was engaged in hair development. If Asma and Ino can escape from the encirclement, then they should have returned to Muye Village.

However, they haven't seen the two of them yet, and they didn't even send any letters back to Muye to report their safety.

The two have not yet returned, so there are only two possibilities left.

Or, the two were caught by the enemy.

Or, the two were killed by the enemy.

Of the above two possibilities, Tsunabe prefers the former.

Part of the reason is that I sincerely hope that the two will live.

Another part of the reason is that the two people are likely to be taken hostage, so as to prevent the wooden leaves from crazy revenge, and can also be used as bargaining chips.

Unless you rescue or give up the two, you really can't send someone to fight.

Don't even think about giving up. Asma is the son of three generations of Huo Ying, and Gangshou is a disciple of three generations of Huo Ying. How could he give up rescue.

"I will send people to the ghost country to investigate, and then look at the situation to arrange rescue operations. You should go back to rest and recuperate."

"Master Naruto, please be sure to let me join the rescue team."

"I will think about it."

"Then I will retreat first, Master Naruto."

After talking, Lu Maru got up from the sofa and walked towards the office door.

After Lu Maru left the office, the door was closed by him.

"It's really a wave after another."

Leaning on the chair, Tsunade frowned tightly and sighed.

Originally, Xiao Xiao's affairs were enough to bother her, and now another organization emerged.

According to the information learned from Lu Maru, the strength of one man and one woman as the leader is in the shadow level, and the team of 100 people led by the two of them has the strength of not less than tolerance.

Although it is said that the female-based team of 100 people will not use ninjutsu, but each of them is proficient in very good physical skills, and they are wearing armed forces to increase combat effectiveness. Those armed forces have different amazing effects.

For example: clothes with hardened soil properties, shoes with accelerated wind properties, and weapons with fire and lightning properties, which can release fire and lightning strikes, etc.

With such an armament, and even mastering the secret technique of resurrection, there is no fear of death at all.

Generally, a hundred people are forbearing, and it is really impossible to be an opponent of that team of 100 people. Even if the shadow level meets their team, it is estimated that it will not be possible to withdraw from the whole body.

If they are using the way of life replacement, and then using the mystery technique to resurrect, fighting in a non-stop cycle, then no matter who encounters, they must kneel.

"Admiral Tsunade, if it is really like what Lu Marujun just said, then we would be very difficult to rescue."

"Whether the person is in the other's hands or not, we haven't determined this yet. Let's find out before we talk."

In the following time, Tsunato and Mute discussed who should be sent to the ghost country to inquire about intelligence.

The result of the final discussion was to let two groups of dragon suits pretend to be the caravan and sneak into the ghost country, asking them to probe the two people of Asma and Jingye without hitting the grass.

In addition to inquiring about the news of the two, we must also try our best to understand the strength of those who occupy the kingdom of ghosts.

Of course, it's not that you don't believe the information brought back by Lumaru, but you are better prepared for rescue.

At that time, if it is found that Asma and Ino are caught, then the rescue operation can be carried out better, and the success rate of rescued people will also increase greatly.


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