Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 5 Chapter 111: Choose it!


"This is your Queen Kyle, she has completely lost to me, but I don't want to kill it, so I give you a chance to choose."

"As long as you all surrender to me, you will not only save your life, but also your queen."

"Choose it!"

Knoll lifted Kyle in his hand and said to the angels who were escorted to him, letting all of them make a choice.

After hearing that, the surrendering angels did not immediately respond. At this moment, they did not know what to do. They could only stand on the spot and stare at each other, waiting for whoever came out to choose first.

After waiting for a while, none of the angels were willing to choose first, and finally their eyes fell on Yan.

After all, Yan is Kyle’s left wing guard, and she has the right only after Kyle. Now unless she is the first person to choose, the other angels will not dare.

If Kyle died, then as the left-wing guard Yan, she could inherit Kyle's throne, and then let all the angels counterattack, there will be no scene of surrender.

Unfortunately, now that Kyle has not been killed, Yan does not want to cause Noel to kill Kyle directly because of his reckless choice.

Because Yan knew clearly that if he refused to submit to Noel, and then caused Noel to kill Kyle, then it would mean that he had killed Kyle indirectly.

By the time, even if Yan inherited Kyle's throne, it is estimated that many angels will be dissatisfied with this matter, and eventually lead to the overthrow of her with other angels.

Nowadays, Yan can say that he wants to cramp Noor, but this can only be considered. It is clear that this will not become a reality, nor does it have the ability to make it a reality.

"I...subscribe..." After repeated consideration, Yan finally knelt on one leg and gritted his teeth.

"How about you?" Seeing Yan, who was the most vociferous, had already chosen to surrender and knelt in front of her. Noel turned to look at the angels who surrendered and smiled.

As the left-wing guard Yan Yan chose, the angels who surrendered all knelt down and showed their choice with action.

"You made a wise decision."

"But what I said verbally doesn't seem to be credible, so we need to sign a contract."

"This is also to ensure that you did not lie to me to swindle, so that some people will not be ill-intentioned, and then all of you will be harmed." After finishing, Noel’s right hand flicked, and countless spots flew towards the angels, then immediately fell into their foreheads.

Because of the large number of angels, the prompt for successful contract signing kept ringing, but Noel did not find it very annoying.

After all, the angels in this city of angels are all beauties, and they are all elites who have gone through battles. Nowadays, it is simply a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. How could Noel feel annoying.

It didn't take long for the system to make detailed statistics, and Noel learned that except Yan had not signed the contract, the other angels had succeeded in the contract.

"It's you who made the choice first, but it's you who didn't sign the contract at the end. Are you teasing me to play?" Noel frowned slightly and said unpleasantly.

"No, I'm just a little distracted." Wen Yan, Yan Lima responded to Noel, and then signed the contract.

"It's about the same." Finally, I heard the system prompt, showing that Yan agreed to sign the contract, and Noel also smiled.

Noel just started to prepare the Legion of Beauty to lift the captivity of the surrendering angels. After all, they have now completely become themselves.

But the mouth opened slightly, and suddenly an ominous hunch struck. Noel closed his mouth instantly, and turned around at the fastest speed.

Just turning around, it was the head of a huge monster formed in the void, and this monster was still transparent. Before waiting for Noel to make any response, he swallowed him and Kyle in one bite.

After swallowing Knoll and Kyle, the suddenly formed void-formed monster disappeared, and even the two of them disappeared completely in the city of angels.

In a blink of an eye, Knoll and Kell, who was seriously injured, were teleported into the universe.

"Let's go!" Looking at the flaming planet, Noel directly cursed his mother and said: "Nima! This plot repair power is so strong!"

"Where is this?" Kyle woke up and slowly opened his eyes, but when he saw the planet in front of him, he said in surprise: "This...this...this is the emerald star that is about to die!!" But why did I come to this place?"

"Swallowed by a monster, and then teleported here." Wen Yan, glanced at Kyle, Noel thought for a moment, and analyzed: "Someone wants to detonate the planet, by destroying the two of us together, I Guess that's probably it."

"I...I...I...I didn' it...the way to breathe..." A feeling of suffocation struck, which made Kyle stunned, but quickly returned When God came, he said very hard and intermittently.

"Uh..." Seeing that Kyle was choking, Noel quickly recovered the black gas in her body, allowing her to restore her own divine power, explaining: "You have been turned into a mortal by me, and I almost forgot about it. "

When I sensed that the divine power was back, the suffocation disappeared instantly, but Kyle knew that he was limited. The divine power in his body was less than one percent, but it was no problem to maintain breathing in this universe.

After being a little more comfortable, Kyle just wanted to say something. Then a strong sense of crisis struck and he quickly looked in the direction of the sense of crisis.


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