And what makes them desperate the most is that the Saiyans seem to be going to be killed.

All their current spaceships and rockets have gone wrong, as if they are controlled by some high-tech civilization.

When it starts, it explodes, and the seat dies.

They think with their asses that this must be the means of the Saiyans, think about it, think about it, think in another way, if it is them, they will definitely not let the planet destroyed by themselves leave a tinder.

Cutting grass and rooting is not only applicable on Earth, but also in the universe.

The Saiyan ship flew towards Mercury.

At this time, a news also came from the Ministry of Science: a few minutes ago, Saiyan Vegeta had taken a spaceship and blasted through all defenses and rushed out of Earth.

Flew towards Mercury.

Hearing this news, everyone was sad and happy.


Next to the broken Mercury, a shrill flash of heat whistles through the universe.

The furious explosion pushed the shattered planetary nuclei and continents floating in the universe, on a hundred-mile-sized broken continent, on which Clark and Vegeta stood.

At this time, both were seriously injured, and all of Vegeta's upper body clothes disappeared, leaving only tight combat underwear, and not only retired from the Super Saiyan form.

The arrogance also became extremely thin, the face was full of burnt marks, and only a thread was left in one eye connected to the eye socket, if it were not for the strong self-healing ability, Vegeta would have been blind at this time.

Clark's breath was also low to the extreme, life was like the sun that had come to the end, the light on his body was extremely dim, only his eyes were still firm.


Clearly sensing Clark's firm and angry gaze on the other side, Vegeta evoked a cruel smile, dragged his severely injured body, and walked directly to the opposite side with bad intentions:

You're strong, you're really strong Clark, but what's the point of even if you do this?

Vegeta walked slowly to Clark, his eyes cold: Do you know that even if you defeat me now, it will not change any fate of the earth.

"Saiyans get out of the earth!"

Clark, who had been silent, suddenly looked up and faced Vegeta directly:

You want to buy and sell our home planet and enslave our race, and I will not allow it. "

"Vegeta, I don't understand why you have to buy and sell Earth and destroy humanity.

But, as long as I live one day, you can't succeed, and I will stop your Vegeta, both now and in the future.

Your greedy desires will never succeed, and your evil deeds will eventually bring evil consequences to your Saiyan planet.

Clark roared, his voice firm: If you treat other races with war, what you get must be war, and your strong live and the weak die.

One day it will also come to your planet.

Hahahaha! Courage is commendable! "

Vegeta did not move, in fact, the two of them now have no strength, and the exhausted body can stand up is already the determination of both parties.

"I will come to your planet with my companions in ten years, and although I hate to admit it, there are still many Saiyans who are stronger than me."

"Kakarot, Broly, and the legendary Gogeta, all three of them are Saiyans who are more powerful than me."

"I hope you also have such a firm will in the future, but don't despair, otherwise it will be meaningless."


Vegeta laughed wildly, "If you lose, I will enslave your race and break your bones." "

Hearing this bowl of demonic words, Clark's eyes immediately turned red and he stared at Vegeta with anger and madness

"I won't give you that chance, you'll die here today, Vegeta"

Clark squeezed the last trace of energy into his eyes, which slowly turned red.

The cells of the body wailing, every moment wanted to make it stop and lie down, but Clark firmly pressed everything down.


Clark gritted his teeth and roared, his hot gaze slowly but steadily condensed in his eyes.

"How is that possible? How do you still have energy! "

The shocked Vegeta slowly retreated, and the hot sight did not need to break his defenses, only to push it out of the continent.

Under the gravitational influence of the planetary explosion, the current body will definitely be torn to pieces.

Incredulous, angry, and daring eyes flashed in Vegeta's eyes, as if an animal trapped in a cage was slaughtered, full of despair.

But the next moment Vegeta grinned and looked to Clark's side, fool you, wait for my arrival in ten years.

Clark was startled, suddenly raised his head, his eyes froze, and he felt an extremely fast object flying from the side

Then in the universe I saw, a black flying machine fell straight down against the continent.

With a bang, a large hole was smashed on the mainland, and the smoke and dust just drifted upwards.

The black spaceship blinked against the surface and crashed into him.


A huge force poured in, and Clark rolled uncontrollably and flew out hundreds of meters, smashing into the mountain next to it.


A mouthful of blood spat out, Clark braced himself firmly, lay on the ground, and looked up, Vegeta was already sitting in the flying machine at this time and smiling playfully at him.


Clenched his fists in pain, remembering that hundreds of millions of deaths today were caused by this devil.

The anger in his heart burned wildly, and the source of all this, that demon Saiyan was unscrupulous.

Wait for me Clark, don't die unexpectedly in this decade.

If you didn't see your race enslaved by me, that's a great pity for me.

"Beast, beast!"

Clark roared lowly, his eyes full of despair.

But his injuries were too serious, and his blood-covered face was severely deformed by the huge impact, except for the little crystal in the corner of his eyes that spoke of abyss-like despair.

This steely man, under the blow of countless things today, also shed tears.

Finally, Clark moved his mouth weakly, but did not make any sound.

As if knowing that the battle was over, the cold of the limbs and bones struck, and the whole body seemed to be frozen.

The tide of pain is also getting farther and farther away, Clark's mind is stepping into the darkness little by little, he is too tired, he does not know how many times he has squeezed the cells of his whole body in today's battle.

At this time, the whole world faded into rich colors in his eyes, turned black and white, and then... It's endless darkness.

Clark lay on a continent drifting in the universe, and he didn't know how long he slept.


It is not until the body's cells have been rested enough to recover that they slowly wake up.

"I am?"

Clark opened his eyes and looked around, at this time the continent had already been dissipated by the cosmic pull. Clark's body slowly floated in the universe.

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